Too careless

"What are you doing here?" Xiehan was flabbergasted when he saw Luna. He had not gone home the previous night and had thought that Lanni would be worried despite his reassurance to check on him, but Luna was definitely not one of the people he was expecting to see. Besides, "Don't you have a meeting to attend?"

"Oh, I do. My meeting with Feng Ji International's CEO, which should have started five minutes ago. Do you happen to know where he is?" She taunted.

He couldn't figure out what she was up to, but he made a guess. He led her into his office and let her sit on the chair opposite his, before asking his secretary to bring her a cup of warm milk.

He sat with his elbows on the desk, as his hands frantically rolled a pen. "You know that Xingyu will kill me if he knows you are here, in the middle of a storm that's waiting to happen." He reprimanded her.