A beautiful sign

The alarm went off, making Cheng Yu raise her brows. "What's that for?"

They never set alarms because she didn't need them to wake up, while he couldn't wake up no matter how many times it rang.

He recalled something with a start. "We need to start packing. I set an alarm to remind us so we don't end up forgetting important things again."

She chuckled at the thought. The last time they had packed to go mountain hiking in a rush, they had forgotten to pack flashlights and matches. They'd had to use their phones' flashlights which ended up draining the batteries faster, then they had attempted to rub sticks and rocks to make a fire in vain. In the end, they were lucky to find another camping group so they swallowed the bullet and borrowed matches from them. Even then, it took ages for the group to understand what they needed since the couple's French was a disaster.