Sudden departure

Although Linhou wanted nothing more than to pretend he didn't hear the phone ring, he knew better than to blow off Han Xichen. That was a death wish and he still wanted to remain alive, at least long enough to explore his brand-new relationship with Yue.

So, although it pained him to do it, he forced himself out of the pool and grabbed a towel. He took a quick shower in the changing room's bathroom and walked out just as Yue stepped out of the women's room.

"Ready to face your dad?" he asked with a mischievous grin, making her laugh.

"You make it sound like my dad is a monster of some sort."

Well, he wasn't, but that didn't mean he was not going to go ballistic. Linhou winced when he remembered how the man had looked at him.

However, Han Xichen had let him take his daughter out after all. That had to count for something.