Night Cap

"I don't know anything," said Allen my most loyal pawn. His face is clearly unrecognizable and he's wheezing in pain. There's nothing I can do for him and even if there was...I wouldn't want to.

He's no soldier of mine if he gets captured so easily. I have better soldiers of chaos who slip well into the shadows. That's why they're not pawns.

I have Bishops, Rooks, Knights, Kings, and Queens. My strongest players are still on my chess board.

I frown as Ayla hits him again in the face. "Fine, don't tell us anything. We'll just keep you as our punching bag." She gestures to Agent Dagger who stands off to the side. "It doesn't matter what happens to you, really. My partner and I are so tight that you'll never see your fellow terrorists in Gitmo."

Conroy shrugs as he adds, "True that. We can just kill you and leave you in an unmarked grave."

"Then I die a martyr."

"Mmmm.....more like you die as our bitch," replies Conroy. "Besides, Allen Shellbeck. You never converted to Islam. So you don't get to be a martyr like your terrorist buddies in Gitmo wish they were. You're just trash and not even recyclable at that."

"Ooooh, burn," I reply as I eat some popcorn. Ayla smirks at her partner.

"So. We'll give you a week, Allen. One week before you die. Lucky you, you get forward notice," replies Agent Cloak.

Allen takes a deep breath as he says, "I won't tell you anything. I made an oath and I will not break it." I'll admit, I was a bit touched by that. Still, many things can change in a week including Allen's loyalties.

Good thing he wasn't really in the know. They'll only get the surface version and that's fine with me. Let the story of my organization spread. Fear will make us stronger and like phoenixes we will rise from the ashes to make a world of chaos.

Allen screams as Agent Dagger does stuff to him that I thought was outlawed. Over the course of a week, I watch my pawn slowly drown, have knives sticking out of his hands and feet, and lastly I see every blow. I'm there watching captivated by what Agents Cloak and Dagger are capable of until Allen draws his last breath.

As he does, Agent Dagger kicks Allen's chair so forcefully that a limp Allen in the chair falls sideways. "DAMMIT!"

"Calm down, Conroy," replies Agent Cloak as she feels for Allen's pulse. "He's dead so yelling cuss words is useless. He was so loyal to his cause. Whoever he answered to was somebody a person would cut their heart out for."

"Next time, we do things MY way!" he yells at Ayla. "I should've never trusted you. This was all a huge fuck up and we're no closer to our answers."

"You know what, Conroy" Agent Cloak says in a deathly lethal voice. "For someone who claims to be a man, you sure like to bitch." Even though Ayla is shorter than Conroy, her stare makes her look taller. "Stop pointing fingers away from your own shortcomings. You were supposed to hang back to be my back up in Central Park but nooo. You had to steal the show and be the big hero."

"Shut up."

"Big Mr. Conroy I don't need anyone Dagger to the rescue. I suppose I was supposed to be the damsel in distress, but I was thinking we were teammates instead of one person wanting to play the hero while the other playing the victim."

"Victim? You were the one acting like the damsel anyway."

"For our cover because you got out of your position, Conroy!"

Both if them were yelling at each other and so red with anger, they didn't realize how close they were standing to each other. There was barely enough room for the holy spirit.

The interrogation room opened, and both of them whipped their heads to who came in. Director Tremaine sighs as she sees the clearly dead body on the floor. "What a mess," she replies as she stands within inches of Allen's dead body.

"Results came back on Allen. He was living the American dream running his own start up that was supposed to become bigger than snapchat. He was born and raised in the United States to parents and grandparents who were also all born in the United States." Director Tremaine looked at what she hoped wasn't going to be known as her failed experiment. "Your terrorist here was home grown. Why we'll never know because he's DEAD!"

As Director Tremaine shrieked, Ayla and Conroy looked at each other with reproach. "Get back to work Agents and stop bickering. This is a major setback."

With those words, Director Tremaine leaves Agents Cloak and Dagger in the interrogation room. Where Agent Dagger leaves first in silence while Agent Cloak goes to the body of Allen Shellbeck and closes his lifeless eyes with her two fingers.

She's about to leave too, when something stops her. Suddenly, she grabs Allen's wrist again before taking out her knife and cutting into it. I didn't know what she was doing...until, she took out a small glass tube with a rolled up paper inside of it. "I knew I felt something other than a lack of pulse!" she exclaims. "Eat this, Conroy Dagger."

I frown as I didn't anticipate the degree of Allen's desire to be more than just a pawn. Since those small glass vials usually contains very important coded information... information my bishops work hard to protect.