Unbelievable and Diane’s background story

Previously on I reincarnated into the Mother of the cutest child, I asked questions, how did I get in this situation or how did this happen. I didn't really know, I thought and thought then it came to me I am in the novel. Ahhhhhhhhh I screamed, what happened when I fell, did I die or did i not. Questions started coming into my head. My eyes started closing then I fell on the ground, I fainted.

When I woke up it was already night, I got up and I was in a bedroom. How did I get here I questioned myself, but I got up and walked to the window. I looked out the window and thought how is my little brother and Aunt. I started crying, I really missed them. How I was already a mother of a child scared me, I didn't now how to take care of a child.

I only knew the basic because I always took care of my little brother while my mother and father were busy. I always thought what it was like to have a child but I never knew it was gonna be right know. My worries shrugged off while I went to the bed. There was two years until Noah was gonna bring Wendy to the Castle. In the novel Diane was known as the villainess, when he brought Wendy to the castle she was extremely jealous.

She then plotted things to make Wendy miserable. Diane was then executed for her misery. What's even sadder is that Diane tried things to make Noah like her. But failed because he didn't feel anything from her after Wendy took him in. She tried to search for him but her stepmother locked her in her room for trying.

She then stayed in there for a year, they gave her food and always dressed her but she never got out the room. Her tutors always came to her room, her story to me was like Rapunzel stuck in her mother tower. But no one could save her because guards always guarded the door. It was kinda heartbreaking she was known as the villainess but no one knew her past expect for the readers, her stepmothers and everyone in the castle.

She never knew what the world was like, she always looked through her window and saw birds,trees and castles. But she never saw people she only saw big long green trees and birds. The life she had was hard she was executed at the age of 18. Everyone around her addressed her as the cold-hearted princess. Then Noah came back she fell in love again and was rejected several times, but never gave up.

She had the most heartbreaking story in the novel ever. I always cried, Diane was like a cold rosy thorn bush while Wendy was a bright cheerful sunflower field. They both didn't have a lot in common the only thing they had in common was that they both loved Noah. Noah picked Wendy, but didn't know that the one who saved him from a fire was Diane. She always saved him from various things but he didn't know because he was still a child. She had a lot of scars on her body that made her look like she was a ferocious beast.

Diane was caring but never showed it because her stepmother lectured her to be smart but mean because she was known next heir for the throne. I hated how her stepmother lectured her for not being what she wanted. It took a year to reread, but I reread it and I hated it. My eyes started closing, I went to sleep and dreamed a sweet dream.