Happy moment

Serena barely came to work but is was okay. I on the other hand took care of Fiona, she would play around the garden while I made some clothes for her. "Fiona, come here darling" I said,while she came Noah came to her before she could get to me. I was pouting, I wanted her to come to me first. He apologized with great effort, "Noah can you get Jin and Ten" I whispered.

Then I saw Fiona snoring, her little sleeping face is so cute, but Noah had to put her in the crib before she woke up. I had to help Noah get Fiona to the crib, we were in the garden. My plan was to go through the garden and to the door. When we got to the door the maids and butlers had to stay quiet, but it was the day they get to relax. It might not be that hard, right?

I lied it was hard when we got to the door, it creaked so loud she almost woke up. And when we stepped in the door, we saw the maids putting on makeup. Why in all the time in the world it had to be in the morning. "Madam, why are you-ohh," she said. They all went quiet and made a path to get to the room.

When we got to the room Noah lightly put her down. We took a step back and then lays on the bed. We both stared at each other and laughed, that was crazy. We tiptoed our way out of the room. We got out and went to go look for the others. We looked everywhere but still couldn't find them.

Then we went to the garden, "Giggle, " I heard it from the bush. I ran and checked. Then...

To Be Continued........