Do I Know You?

"Lei Ai go to sleep already" Lei Xi said as he couldn't provide an answer for his daughter. Lei Ai didn't ask any further she just closed her eyes and immediately fell asleep. Lei Xi nodded her on her forehead before leaving her room. Lei Xi walked into his room and took his phone and sent a text to Ling Qin asking him to continue the search for Lei Ai 's mother.

He was really stressed out looking for his ex wife. He wondered where she was and what she was doing but what he could not understand was how she managed to hide so well that he could not even find her.

The next day, Lin Xiu and Li Jing were very busy finalizing last minutes details for the gala.

"Madam.... everything is ready for tomorrow" Li Jing said as she swiped her phone. "

"Contact our office in London..... I want to see the designs for the fashion show" Lin Xiu said as she looked at her phone intensely. The news about Lei Xi and Shi Meng was already flying fast.

She bit her lips as she looked at her phone. She gazed into the air as she though about her daughter. She wondered how and what she was doing?.

" everything alright?" Li Jing asked. This was the first time she had seen her boss distracted.

"Yes....I'm fine...." Lin Xiu answered as she dropped her phone. Soon, the sun went down. Li Jing went home early to make sure that everything was still in order for tomorrow.

Lin Xiu walked into the garage and took one of the cars and drove off. She remembered that there was a bar nearby so she went there. She walked into the bar and all eyes were on her. Every step she took made a statement, it was as if they were in the presence of goddess. She sat down on the bar stool and ordered a bottle of Tequila Ley. Some of the men who wanted to approach thier lost their confidence while some who still had their confidence intact were busy planning on how to approach her. Girls like Lin Xiu weren't desperate at all. If she can order a bottle of Tequila Ley without batting an eye it means that she is very wealthy so they had to be very careful when speaking to her. While the young men were busy practicing, an old man, about 58 years or so approached Li Xiu who was busy with her phone as she held a glass of tequila.

"Hello there beautiful" Chen Hong greeted with a smile on his face.

"My name is Chen Hong". He brought out his business card and placed it on the table for her to see. It said 'Chen Enterprise'. Chen enterprise is one of the most famous enterprise in the city so it was impossible for her not to recognize him. She raised her head and looked at him.

"Do I know you?"