Learning from zero

(Here's the promised chapter, and also, what did you think of the cover ?, I want comments there on.)


While running Sant thought about a lot and recalled why many players become what they are, traits, something that will become common among players, but until it becomes those like Veronica has an advantage.

'Damn, I completely forgot. I focused so much on my own ideas and plans that I ended up forgetting the biggest reason Veronica and the others ever got where is.'

He looked away and saw Veronica touching her own ears and feeling them as if they were not hers.

'Half elf, that's your current race. It gives a very high affinity buff with the bow and a status bonus when she fights in forests, and this is only the first level of the trace, as long as she's leveling up, her trace will become stronger.'

"Okay, let's stop for a while, I need to give you some items."

They stopped near a tree and Sant put his back against a tree and started panting for air, sweat ran down his back, Silver and Warrior seeing this got question marks over their heads.

"Are you all right?"

"arf, arf, yes, here use this."

And then a wide wooden shield appeared on Warrior's left arm, then Sant passed him a short, heavy looking hammer.

"here Silver take"

To her he passed a bow and a quiver full of arrows, and a pair of pants.

"but what about his equipment?"

Silver seeing him giving them so many items wondered why he was wearing the initial linen suit.

"don't worry about me, I've got everything I need"

Sant branched the staff he received from his quest.

"All right, now accept that"

[Sant wishes to share the Quest: Wolf hunt]

[Sant wishes to share the Quest: Extermination]

[Sant wishes to share the Quest: Kill the wolf king]

[Sant wishes to share the Quest: invasion of the wolf's cave]


"What's all this?"

Robert asks him when he realizes that there were more than seven Quests just about killing wolves.

"we're going to a peculiar place, and it's totally inhabited by wolves, it's a great chance to leveling up... just relax."

Silver with the new bow asks, "Where are we going?"

"we will go through the cave of the wolf king"

After passing them the necessary equipment, which was a basic helmet to Warrior, and a pair of boots and a concentration necklace to Silver, they made their way to the cave of the wolf king.

[You killed a grey wolf, Exp +30]

"wow, you're good at that, Zach"

"please call me by the Id of the game Warrior"

While walking they killed some lone wolves and every time Sant acted as the leader and formed a basic formation for them, Warrior will go ahead and take care of leaving the wolf motionless with his hammer and shield, then Silver must shoot and withdraw as much Hp as he can and with a Sant magic will give the final blow.

This is the basic and balanced formation of the beginning of the game, the magicians are glass cannons that abandon mobility and defense and focus only on the attack, while the warrior abandons the attack and focuses on protecting the magician and finally the archer focuses on mobility and speed to weaken the enemy.

"Silver deactivates the system's targeting function, Warrior deactivates the super-reflex mode that the system automatically activates, we must learn to play without these basic functions."

"because ?, I never picked up a bow so I won't know how to use it"

"if I deactivate I will not manage to keep up with the speed of the wolves, out that we have three levels of difference, they are 05 and we are only on 02"

"Look at me. System activate the casting assist function"

"ball of fire, wind cut, ice spear"

Three spells came out at exactly the same time and beat in the same place, without any margin of error.

"You think I'm a warlock?, I've learned to unleash magic on my own and it takes me five seconds in every casting, if I've learned to use you can also do it".

He looked into both their eyes and went on with his demonstration.

"Now look at this, system deactivates help."

Then he closed his eyes and began to sing his magic.

"I am the one who will be the arcane king, and therefore I will be his king, oh magic that overflows upon me fall like rain upon my enemies, let the ball of hellish ice fall!"

A red and blue miasma began to surround Sant and began to rise to the sky, little by little took the form of a ball where the outside is fire and the inside of ice the two entered in harmony and soon after fell in the direction pointed by Sant.

[You killed ...]

[you killed...]

[you killed...]

[you killed...]

[You successfully killed the grey alpha of red teeth exp +50]

[You have successfully created the flaming ice ball magic]

[because of an incredible achievement you've earned 5 free points to allocate to your attributes]

[You've successfully eliminated the blood tooth pack, +10 reputation points in Deep Lake]

"you've seen it, I've just created a magic just with the ones I had, the system won't teach it, at some point we'll need to use our imagination and make us stronger on our own, so it's better to start now."


Both Silver and Warrior stayed there for a while remembering that giant fireball falling from the sky and the powerful impact that followed, the warm, icy air being thrown against his face.

"you're amazing, Zach"

"without the system it's harder, but it's more rewarding, now you're level 03 and you have nothing to complain about, let's move on."

The next hour they spent just adapting their weapons. Silver Moon was the first to get used to it, she felt surprised when she realized the weight of the bow and the difficulty that was to make the arrow hit its target, but as soon as she managed to hit the first, the second came and then the third, and when she less noticed she didn't even miss anymore.

Warrior found it hard to keep an eye on the wolf, but every time he remembered that as soon as this wolf passed him his best friend would be torn apart, he corrected his posture and tightened his hammer and wielded the shield more willingly, sharpened his attention to the max and held on until the magic came.

And it was only when they got used to their own difficulties that they noticed how incredible Sant was by keeping calm and trusting them totally to save his life, he just closed his eyes and cast his immovable power without any defense, he just trusted his friends.

"we finally got to the center of the cave, watch out here"