The Burnt boy

(I finally have time, God be praised.

I'm two weeks away posting only 1 chapter and I have a reason for that. They were respectively my week of trials and recoveries, so I ran out of time, but it finally came to an end today.

I didn't write much chapters so I'm short on stock, I'll try to write as much as I can to get back to posting 3 a week, I hope you'll forgive me.

Ps: will not have a special yet because of the low amount of chapters written.)


Warrior and Silver were cured thanks to the potions that Sant bought before they came, but now are the three around the black boy with red hair, the young man remains disagreed because Sant is against helping him.

"Come on, Sant, what does it cost to help the boy?"

"That's right Zach, I'm sure it costs less than my XRM 2000 car."

"you have an XRM?, I prefer the XRT 177 version. I find it more comfortable."

"what are you talking about?, the XRM is often better than an XRT, six thrusters,

and four more antigravity poles, if you're on the right track you fly woman."

Sant who saw the two clowns arguing about the most expensive car line of today as if they were ducks and really pissed him off, since unlike them Zach really knows the importance of money.

"Shut up, both of you, and pay attention here."

Sant walked over to the boy's side and took a handful of his hair.

"What do you think of that color?"

As soon as they saw the purity of the color they wondered if it was real.

"Is he a Burnt?"

"How many redheaded blacks do you think there are in the world, I'm sure he dyed red".

"but and his eyebrows?, I'm sure no one would dye the color of his eyebrows."

Again Sant took the clarification to the doubts of the comic duo.

"Silver, the biometric system of Gods Battle is absolute, even if he dyes his hair is impossible for the game to take that into account, he's definitely a Burnt."

Warrior took two steps back before he spoke.

"Zach, my father always said that messing with a Burnt is bad news. Not even my father, one of the richest men in the world, can talk to this guy's likely father.

"Seriously, are they that incredible?"

The woman who looked half aerial still had doubts about the veracity of her words.

"Listen Veronica, in past wars thousands died because of the radiation of atomic weapons, but had those who not only adapted but also somehow evolved".

"Around the world there are only four such families in the world, the Burnt, Drown, Ashes, and the Golden."

Even listening to what he said Silver didn't believe and insisted on what she saw.

"but isn't it just his hair color that's different?"

On hearing this Sant held on not to shake his wife's head to see if her neoronies would wake up.

"I thought you were high-class too... Color is just a by-product of the kind of radiation. These four families survived there and stole a unique type of gas and ore and so they not only control the market but also the major industries."

"that's right Warrior, they're incredibly powerful and rich, with this boy by my side maybe I'm closer to meeting..."

"cof, cof, cof"

The boy tied to a piece of ice finally woke up, and to the frustration of Warrior and Silver, Sant just turned and walked to the front of the nameless boy and raised him by the ropes that held him and spoke in an authoritative way.

"Tell me your name!"

The boy barely opened his magma eyes and has already been interrogated. He looked Sant in the eyes and a tear came down his eye.

"You stole my destiny. I'm the one who should be the arcane king."

Sant had no idea how he knew this, but being the arcane king is something he decided a long time ago because of the future.

"yes I did, funny isn't it. Me stealing a Burnt"

"ha, you don't even know the beginning... I have that name, but I refuse to assume the weight behind it!"

"Is that so? Do you know what my surname is?"

The boy shrugged his shoulders, after which Sant approached his ear and said something. Warrior knew, but Silver who saw the boy's expression change drastically began to wonder what Zachery's last name was.

"Because of that I was thrown out of the house like a mouse that was discovered in a kitchen, my mother worked hard and put me into college, but you... not only have wealth, you have the world in the palm of your hand, so..."


"and you think I don't know what it's like ?, what do you think happened when they discovered a bastard living in a room hidden in the back, you think I wasn't the rare animal that would be exploited ?"


"hahahahaha, the adult world is cruel, a week after I went to college my mother was found in her room with a rope around her neck."

When Sant finished speaking, the Burnt boy had a somewhat disturbed expression, Silver had one hand covering his mouth, tears appearing in the corner of his eyes.

"She did what she could to give me a future, and after she got it, she tried to end hers."

The boy was quiet and his head was lowered, he could no longer look into Sant's eyes with the confidence of before, Sant thought a little and soon remembered several interviews of the arcane king of his past life and his greatest dream too.

"I can make you a warlock..."

The boy immediately looked into Sant's eyes again, anxiety and nervousness crossed the boy at that moment.

Sant was taking everything very calmly, he took a potion and poured it over the boy's head, then he untied it and walked away to Warrior's side and near his ear spoke.

"If something strange happens when I make him my apprentice and the holy son of Arcania, kill him without hesitation".


"Hey boy add me as a friend, my Id is Sant"

[you wish to become Merlin's friend]




"first come here"

Sant called him to the pedestal that was previously protected by the hut and placed his hand on the shiny and circular purple stone. The pedestal restored its silver color and had two dragons drawn on it and on one of them was a man holding a grimoire.

[Do you want to turn the player Merlin into an arcane?]



Immediately the young Merlin felt a change in his body, his sword became dozens of times heavier when he checked his status screen noticed the drastic change in his points.

"you are now an Arcanum and if you want to become a magician you must sign a contract with me with Aia as a witness."

"I accept."

"In my name, Sant, the arcane king, I beseech Aia to witness our contract and apply punishment to those who break it."

Immediately a milky white circle surrounded the two of them and a figure appeared out of nowhere. Was small and had a pair of white wings and held a long golden scroll in his arms.

His physical appearance is that of an angel in the infancy phase using a kind of white curtain on his body.

"I am an envoy of Aia, and I will judge by her. If you both sign on this scroll and make a verbal confirmation the deal is done."

Sant was not very impressed with this low-level divine servant, but the others were delighted with his angelic appearance.

"I swear to make Merlin an mage if he swears allegiance to me as his king."

He opened the scroll and put it in front of Sant and Merlin. Sant was the first to write his signature and a little hesitant then came Merlin and as soon as the two wrote and confirmed a thin line formed between the two and soon after it all disappeared.

"now let's go to the easy part Merlin."