I will help you

Now that Yang Jia thought about it, the name Liang Guozhi sounded familiar. She heard the name somewhere, but couldn't pin point where.

Yang Jia had her head lowered and contemplated until her head jerked up and exclaimed"I know you!... You're CEO Liang Guozhi from Liang Empire!"

When Yang Jia was abroad filming 'The Beginning of Summer' she heard some actresses gossiping about him. That he was their dream husband and to be able to become the young Madam Liang will be a dream come true. Yang Jia just ignored them and went back into filming her parts.

Liang Guozhi shook his head "You don't know me as CEO Liang, you know me as handsome big brother" said in a straightforward manner

Yang Jia's lips twitched

Liang Guozhi continued "We've met six years ago. We were really close back then, but you didn't even said goodbye. You left me a letter and asked me to take care of Duke while you were away. Since you left, I came here once a month to check on Duke and cleaned the 'Tiger's Den'"

Liang Guozhi suddenly pulled Yang Jia onto his embrace and added "I've been waiting every day, every minute, every second for you to come back to me. You don't know how happy I am to have you right here in my arms" there was a trace of longing in his voice

Yang Jia, who was in a daze because of the sudden hug came back to her senses. She could tell that his words were sincere. She sighed "I wish I could say the same thing, but I don't have any memories of you"

Hearing that sentence made his heart ache, but he wasn't going to give up, not right now "then don't worry about it. I'll make sure that you'll regain your memories, but all I want you to do is to put your trust in me because I wouldn't do anything to hurt you" he slowly let go of her figure

"Now tell me, How did all of the sudden did you appear in this forest after so many years?" He needed to know the entire details of the story in order to understand the entire story

Yang Jia looked away "I don't know if I should tell you" she didn't trusted him

Liang Guozhi hold her soft chin and turned her head to make her see directly into his eyes "please, put trust in me. I will help you"

Yang Jia finally gave in and told him the entire story

As soon as he heard that Yang Jia was engaged to Zhang Wei, he had a feeling that he never felt before. It made him want to raze Zhang Wei's existence from the whole universe. And at same time he was jealous because every single day he waited for her to return, but she was already with another man.

The image of Yang Jia and that son of a b*tch kissing made him go insane.

Just as he was planning on going to that scumbag's house to tear him to pieces he heard...

"Achoo!" Yang Jia sneezed

Duke quickly moved toward Yang Jia checking if she was alright

Liang Guozhi came back to his senses and lowered his forehead to touch hers. He frowned "Yo have a fever, you shouldn't stay here, come with me, I'll take care of you"

Yang Jia hesitated "But I cant leave Duke here, I already left him once, I don't want to make the same mistake"

"Don't worry we'll take Duke with us" he assured

"Then what about Zhang Wei's man...a.a.achooo" she sneezed

"Don't worry, I know a way where nobody can notice us"

Liang Guozhi leaned down and put an arm under her knees and the other one behind her back. He shifted back up and carried her princess style

Everything happened so fast that she didn't had time to react. Her first reaction was to hook her arms around his neck to keep herself in balance

"Uh, What are you doing?" She struggled for a bit, but his arms were to strong

"Don't move, you're are sick so I'm carrying you." Liang Guozhi said and started walking toward small tunnel that he built a few years ago, after Yang Jia left.

It was a secret passage that took him to an unground garage full of luxurious cars.

"A underground garage inside a forest, never heard of that before" Yang Jia said, still holding onto Liang Guozhi's neck

"I've built this after you left, so it could be easy for me to come and go from the 'Tiger's Den'" Liang Guozhi said

There were many different types of vehicles, from cars to trucks and to motorcycles. Liang Guozhi placed Yang Jia on the passenger seat of a Mercedes-Benz sprinter cargo van. He buckled her seatbelt and opened the back doors to let Duke in.

He went to driver seat and started the car. He drove straight into an elevator that went upward to private parking lot owned by Liang Guozhi, nobody could see the cargo van driving out of an elevator that was desguised as a giant rock and blended in to the forest in the background.

Liang Guozhi left the parking lot and drove toward the Zhi Villa which was Liang Guozhi's mansion. And truth to be told, Zhang Wei's man did not notice anything out of the ordinary and stayed there standing, thinking that Yang Jia was still suffering in the forest.