Most disgusting couple in the world

"So, Miss Yang. What makes you think I'll become your manager?" She still asked in a cold and distant tone.

"I never expected you to become my manager, I just asked you to become my manager. If you don't want to become my manager than I'm not going to beg you. I'm not that desperate" her voice was calm.

Feng Lee was surprised, nobody has ever talked to her like that. She suddenly started to like this girl. Her temperate was calm. There was no fear in her eyes and Feng Lee could tell that Yang Jia was not a simple girl. Her background cannot be ordinary, but she never heard of the surname Yang.

Of course she wouldn't. The Yang family is even more prestigious than the Zhang family and at the same level or even more than the Liang family, but of course Zhang Wei and Liang Guozhi didn't know that because the Yang family never show their faces before. Only a few people knew about them

If people heard about the surname Yang, they would think that they're a middle class family or lower because nobody has ever heard that surname before.

Before Feng Lee could say anything, Yang Jia took her portfolio about all her achievements and information.

Feng Lee looked at the portfolio and closed it in the next second. Yang Jia was surprised, she thought Feng Lee would've read her information, but instead closed it.

Feng Lee placed the portfolio on the table and looked at Yang Jia who had a puzzled, but still calm look. "Tell me. Why did you decided on becoming an actress?"

Yang Jia was surprise, but there was no change in expression "I love performing. I love that I can act many different characters with different personalities. I want citizens to enjoy my performances.

I didn't enter this industry just to become famous or for the money. Thrust me, money is not problem for me" though right now Yang Jia didn't have a single cent on her right now and she only had the money she borrowed from Liang Guozhi to pay for the restaurant. She could earn a lot of money with just snapping her fingers.

Yang Jia has many talents that will lead her into getting money within a second, but she wanted to be an actress just for the reason to act. Acting has been her dream, not only does she want to act, she also wants to voice act.

She would be willing to film a movie, TV shows, animated movies, and animated shows as well. It doesn't matter if is only a small role, as long as her character is interesting and she's satisfied with it, she'll do it. She'll film different genres like romance, sci-fi,action, animation, and sometimes even horror.

Feng Lee looked directly into her eyes. She could tell that Yang Jia was saying the truth. There was something in her aura that made want to accept her. There was no arrogance, haughtiness, or disdain. Instead there was nobility, and was serene, and there was determination in her eyes.

Feng Lee smiled and extended her hand "Congratulations, I'm your manager for this day forward, I'm looking forward on working together"

Yang Jia was really happy when she heard her words. She returned her a smile and shook her hands "I promise you won't regret it"

"Let's meet at Starlet Media Entertainment tomorrow in the afternoon to sign the contract. Is that okay with you?"

"Yes, no problem" Yang Jia answered

Both women discussed about their work and at the end they both talked to each other. They might've start with the wrong foot, but now they were walking at the same pace. Now that work matters were done, they talked about themselves and instantly became friends. Well not friends actually, it was more like siblings. Feng Lee saw Yang Jia as a little sister she never had. And to Yang Jia was as a big sister. Yang Jia never had siblings and Feng Lee only had a brother, and Feng Lee was seven years older than Yang Jia.

Now that they knew more about each other, they now felt comfortable with each other's presence.

An hour has passed and Yang Jia bid farewell to Manager Lee.

Yang Jia was waiting outside, when a familiar white Porche parked a few feet afar from her. Of course the ones who came out was non other than Zhang Wei and Hu Lie, the most disgusting couple in the world.

Yang Jia turned around hoping for them not to notice her. She was lucky because as soon as they got out of the car a crowd of reporters surrounded the couple.

A few days ago Zhang Wei announced his relationship with Hu Lie.

When she heard the news, she wasn't surprised. But even so, there was anger in her eyes. Not because they were together, but because she still hadn't told anything to her grandfather. How disappointed he will be. He always trusted Zhang Wei, and what did he do? He slept with another woman behind her back. Yang Jia was scared that something would've happened to him if he heard this piece of news.

She immediately called her grandfather. She heaved a sigh of relief when she heard that he still hadn't found out because he was abroad and will be back in two months.

She promised to herself that she will tell him as soon as he came back.

Back to the present, Zhang Wei's arm circled around Hu Lie. They were very intimate in public.

"Mr. Wei, is it true that you're in a relationship with the Goddess Lie?" A reporter asked

"You two seemed to be really in love. Are you two getting married sometime in the future?" Another reporter asked

The last question made Hu Lie blush, but she didn't answer. Instead she moved her arm around Zhang Wei's waist and hid her face on his chest as if too shy to answer and waited for him to answer.

When the reporters saw their intimate action, they smiled. They were match made in heaven. It was really cute watching them being intimate.

Zhang Wei's eyes soften when he saw her cute act and then looked at the reporters, who asked the questions "Yes, we're in a relationship and we're definitely in love. As for getting married" he paused for a second "We'll have to wait and see"

He didn't agree or denied it, but most people could tell that they will get married sooner or later.

When Zhang Wei finished answering the questions. Hu Lie and him walked toward the restaurant

Yang Jia sighed of relief when the couple entered the restaurant, not aware of her presence. A few minutes later, Liang Guozhi came and picked her up.

Liang Guozhi was driving when he asked "How was your meeting?"

"At first, things didn't start well, but it all ended smoothly. The most renowned manager, Feng Lee, is now my manager" she said in a proud tone. She looked at him as if waiting for a compliment

He chuckled"Congratulations"


"I heard is really hard to convince her. How did you succeed?"

"Easy, I was being honest"

"I'm sure because of that, she found a lot of potential in you. I mean I see a lot of potential in you. Even though you don't care about fame. I can tell that even if you don't try, you'll become very famous."

"Really?" Her eyes sparkled. There was sudden warmth flowing into her heart.

"Really" he assured