D*mn reality

Liang Guozhi went toward his room and took a nice shower. He laid on his bed, he only wore soft pants and his chest was exposed. His strong biceps and well refined packs were striking. He laid his hand behind his head and looked up at the ceiling. He couldn't stop his lips from going upward. Tranquility and contentment surge into his heart. 'Hopefully soon, we can be together' he thought.


There was a lady around her late 20s with a small girl who called her mom. That girl run up to her mom and hugged her. The lady immediately carried the little girl and gave her many kisses on her chubby cheeks. The little girl looked up to her mom and her shiny eyes soon started to get teary.

"You're leaving already?" The little girl asked, reluctantly to part with her mother.

"Sadly yes, my darling" the mother answered and let out a hopeless sigh.

"Why can't I come with with you?" the little girl asked

"I wish you could come with me, but you have to stay here with you dad okay?"

The girl slowly nodded. She looked up planning to say something else, but her mom's face started to fade. Suddenly, the entire scenery changed.

The girl appeared in front of a tomb. She looked at it and right on top of it laid a frame with a picture of the person who no longer existed in this world, her mother. Tears flowed down her eyes. She got closer to the tomb, but the scenery changed immediately.

She didn't have time to recover before she saw her father introducing her a woman. The woman looked around her mother's age, but there was something that felt off about her. Those eyes and the way she smiled sent shivers down the little girl"s spine.

Behind the lady, a little girl was hiding. The girl looked at the lady and the little girl behind her. The little girl's heart started to beat fast and her hand started to sweat out of fear. Both of them had the same look, a look that scared her.

The little girl looked at her father with pleading eyes, but the man seemed to ignore her and just kept talking.

"Darling, this is your new mother and that's..." he pointed at the girl behind the lady, who was one year younger than her "... your younger sister"

The little girl's eyes widened and her heartbeat beated erratically. She just saw her mom's tomb and now she has a step-mother and a half-sister, it was too much to take.

She touched her heart and her breathing was uneven. One after the other, scenes of the torture she has lived through her whole life appeared right before her. It kept going and going until it stopped in one particular scene.

A lady laid in a hospital bed. She was alive, but was kept asleep. The little girl was a full grown lady now. She looked around and right next to the lady that laid on the bed was her father. He told her while having a gun pointed at lady who laid emotionless.

"You will listen to your sister's every word, if not..." he looked at the lady in the bed "She would pay for the consequences"

That lady on the bed was the same lady that she hugged when she was scared, told her stories before bedtime, and kissed her before bidding goodbye. That lady was her mother and she was alive, but she lived all these years dead alive.

"No, no, no, Noooooo!" Tang Xiu Ying woke up screaming. She looked around and saw the familiar basement that is her room. Tears were in her eyes and pulled her knees toward her. "I wish it was a nightmare, but is just the... D*mn reality" she whispered to herself

The door of her basement room was slammed opened. Tang Jue entered the basement with a disgusted face not caring about the fact that her sister was just crying. She wanted to get out of this dump as soon as possible.

Tang Jue looked at Tang Xiu Ying and smirked 'Cry, keep crying because today I'm going to make you loose your chastity'

Tang Xiu Ying just glared at her with her red swollen eyes. Seeing that smirk on her face just made her want to give her a slap that made her not so pretty face disfigured.

"Since when do I have to come up here and get you?... If there is a next time, it won't be you who would suffer the consequences" Tang Jue threatened

Panic surged into Tang Xiu Ying like a tsunami, but forced herself to calm down "There is nothing on your schedule for today" Tang Xiu Ying replied calmly

"Who allowed you to talk back to me?!"

Tang Xiu Ying just looked at her and didn't dare say anything

"My schedule changed... I have an important meeting with a an important figure from Global Studios Entertainment at 5-Star Vision Resort in four hours understood?"

Tang Xiu Ying slowly nodded

Tang Jue walked out of the room, but before she could completely leave. She turned around and said "You better get dressed nice. I dont want you to embarrass me in public. Have you looked at yourself in mirror recently? As the days pass you look more and more haggard"

With that Tang Jue left leaving Tang Xiu Ying alone in her basement room.


Yang Jia woke up early morning. She took a shower and wore a ocean blue long-sleeve round neck t-shirt, with black soft winter leggins, black ankle boots, and a white trench coat (All designed by LY, herself)

After she was done, Yang Jia went downstairs where she saw Aunt Mei cooking, Duke stuffing down his well done stake down his throat in one whole bite, and Laing Guozhi sitting on the dining table eating breakfast.

When she saw him, she couldn't stop her heart from accelerating. He looked as if he came out of a painting. So handsome, so elegant when he moved the spoon of porridge toward his mouth.

She couldn't help, but stop and admire for a few seconds.

Liang Guozhi felt someone was staring at him, so he looked up. That's when he noticed Yang Jia looking at him in a daze. Unknowingly, his lips curved into smile.

Yang Jia's breath hitched. 'So charming' Liang Guozhi always wore an expressionless face, so the fact that he just smiled is rare. His smile made him ten times more alluring

Liang Guozhi looked at Yang Jia "What?" he asked

"Nothing, I was thinking that you should smile more often. It makes you more handsome than what you already are" She replied subconsciously

Liang Guozhi chuckled "Thanks for the compliment"

His words made Yang Jia snap out of her thought and come back reality. Her face turned tomato red after. 'Stupid me. Why would you say that to Liang Guozhi' she chided herself

Yang Jia walked towards the table and sat across of Liang Guozhi where her porridge was already served.

It's been awhile since the kiss incident, and she's been ignoring him the last few weeks hoping that both of them could forget that scene. But somehow, she felt she made it even more awkward between them.

Yang Jia sighed internally. She couldn't ignore him forever, that image will forever be marked on their minds and she couldn't erase that.