They were bribed

The atmosphere around the room began to turn grave.

Mu Huiling looked at her daughter and then at Yang Jia. Both girls nodded in understanding and retreated outside the room.

"Wait, can you both ladies partake in this meeting since you were also involved" The police officer said.

Yang Jia and Tang Xiu Ying looked at each other before they nodded in agreement.

The women took their seats and the police officers took out his notepad to write things down.

"Ms.Mu, what led you to be imprisoned? Did you offend someone?"

Mu Huiling shook her "Tang Dingxiang was my ex-husband… I remember that we got into an intense argument, but the scenario after that is a blur to me…

The next thing I knew is that I was at a bed chained, surrounded by so many people who were being experimented as if they were objects that they could use whenever they pleased" Mu Huiling's voice quivered as recounted the horrible memories that she made during that torturing chamber

Yang Jia clenched her hands into a fist and the unsightly image of all of those people appeared in her mind. So many innocent people suffered, adults, teenagers, children, and even infants were treated awfully. Whoever was behind this had no right to just take someone's life and treat it as a guinea pig.

The hospital room was awfully quiet and the only thing that could be heard was the pen scribbling the sheet of a notepad.

"Ms.Mu may I know the reason for your argument with the suspect?" The man asked.

Mu Huiling nodded "The argument started due to my profession. I work as a scientist and as a doctor

Since all of my work was confidential I decided to build a laboratory in the middle of nowhere where people would not be affected by any virus or experiment that would suddenly occur.

Of course I'm a professional and I knew that a problem of that caliber would never occur, but it was best to take precautions-"

"I'm sorry for the interruption, but are you saying that the laboratory where you were kept is yours?" The police officer asked skeptically

Mu Huiling nodded with no intention of hiding anything "I dedicated myself making medicine and finding cures for incurable diseases. Every experiment I did was safely and legally performed. There was nothing to worry about…

One day Tang Dingxiang walked up to me and told me that he needed to "borrow" my laboratory for an important issue. I immediately disagreed, sensing something off with Tang Dingxiang…

Because of my refusal, he became more violent and in the end he-" She paused and looked at her daughter who already had tears in her eyes. Her body was tense and her hands were shaking. Mu Huiling took hold of her daughter's hand and held it tightly. After she sensed that Tang Xiu Ying relaxed, she continued

"He took hold of my neck and choked me until I passed out" 

"I was told that you were comatose for the past decade is that true?"

"No, is not true" Mu Huiling looked at Tang Xiu Ying who seemed extremely puzzled.

For the past two years she had thought that her mother was in a coma. It was only natural for her to be confused. If she wasn't in a coma this entire time then how did she survive?

"I remember injecting a liquid in my body before I was captured" Mu Huiling said slowly. Her eyes were dazed as if she wasn't really present. Her mind was somewhere else, trapped in a volt, preventing the contents inside from spilling out. 

"What kind of liquid?" The police officer asked.

Mu Huiling lowered her head "I-I don't r-remember"

"Was it dangerous?" He asked again

"Not that I know of" She answered again. Her expression was rigid, her eyes were looking for something that nobody else could see. A blur was all she could see, nothing else surfaced.

A sigh was released from the police officer, knowing that that was all of the information he was going to get. He stood up and politely excused himself.

Tang Xiu Ying let out a sigh of relief and leaned forward and gave her mother a tight hug. 

Mu Huiling returned her daughter's hug and they both stood there in each other's arms.

Yang Jia let the mother and daughter be. In the short amount of time that she knew Tang Xiu Ying, she understood how much Tang Xiu Ying craved for her mother's presence. And now that they were both together Yang Jia couldn't be even more happier for then.

A nostalgic feeling rose in her heart. It would be a lie if she said she wasn't a little envious. The truth was that she missed her parents too. She wondered how it would be like to be in her mother's arms when she looked for comfort. To cry in her embrace and let out her troubles.

She wished she would have spent more time with them together, she wished that both of her parents could be here with her, but she knew that was next to impossible.

At least they were at a better place now. In some way, it brought a sense of relief to Yang Jia. 

Mu Huiling glanced at Yang Jia and gestured to her to come over

Yang Jia smiled and gladly followed.

The moment left as it came and the three women were laughing wholeheartedly.

Not long after, Yang Jia had to leave because she was going to meet Feng Lee. She gave them one last hug to each woman and left.

Outside the hospital, the chauffeur was already parked at the entrance waiting for Yang Jia. Liang Guozhi couldn't pick her up since he had a meeting to attend with the shareholders.

The ride to Starlet Media didn't take long. Yang Jia went inside and was kindly greeted by the receptionist who gave her, her ID card.

Yang Jia smiled and walked toward Feng Lee's office.

"Good afternoon, Sister Lee" Yang Jia greeted Manager Lee with a hug, who seemed to be troubled.

"What's wrong, Sister Lee?" She said as she took a seat on the couch.

Feng Lee sighed, and took a seat on the sofa opposite of Yang Jia.

"Glamm Magazine called only to cancel the interview for next week" Feng Lee said.

Yang Jia stood there, not shocked about the announcement.

"That's so unlike Glamm Magazine, they would never do such thing" Feng Lee pondered

"Don't worry Sister Lee, situations like these are bound to happen" Yang Jia comforted her.

"I know" Feng Lee said and glanced at Yang Jia "You know, I'm the one who is suppose to comfort you…

But still, why would they cancel on a Starlet Media actress?... Unless"

Starlet Media is the most influential intertainment industry in China, why would they dare cancel on them after it was already a done deal?

"They were bribed" Yang Jia answered her sentence without missing a beat.