Chapter 9

September, 19, 2045

The Plaisaint's Residence

Location Oregon, US

This isn't real, this isn't real, this can't be happening not them not them!

Numbness that's all I feel right now as I still hold the colt detective revolver in my hand. I look to Oberon who is the same as me only holding a Glock 19. Then we both turn our heads to see the black blood on the faces of the kindest couple on the planet Mr. Hawk Plaisaint and Mrs. Leta Plaisaint. A single shot to the head prevented them from becoming monsters. I need to explain how this happened it all started at the hospital.

8 hours earlier...

The five of us went to Oregon State Hospital for me to get my three month ultrasound. Gideon drove us then left because of a union meeting and would pick us up after. While at the hospital we discovered some things about the triplets. One all of them are trizygotic which basically means that they each have their own baby sack, two turns out were having two males and a female, three one of the boys has spina bifida so he might be bond to a wheelchair, and lastly the female might have autism because one of the signs is that she grows way faster than her brothers. It happened while leaving the hospital when we were entering the truck. Three patients with neropoxs had escaped and grabbed the five of us. Jezebel shot two of them and Mr. Hawk club the last one after checking to see if we got infected at the time we thought we were good, boy were we wrong.

30 minutes earlier….

During dinner we (excluding Jezebel) were eating when out of nowhere Miss Leta and Mr. Hawk started snarling then frothing at the mouth it only lasted a minute. Then we looked into there eyes no irises which can only mean one thing neropoxs. A victim of neropoxs can be treated but after six hours it's too late and only a matter of time before the disease takes over completely. Turns out when checking for bites and scratches we weren't as through as we thought. There was a scratch on Mr. Hawk's right elbow we must have not notice because it was only a half centimeter big. Miss Leta on the other hand had no scratches or bites, so how'd she get infected? Then I remembered that neropoxs can be transferred through saliva so when Miss Leta and Mr. Hawk kiss she got infected. So it's only a matter of time before this wonderful couple become monsters.

The two of them talked in there bedroom then asked me and Oberon too come in. When we walked in we saw Miss Leta and Mr. Hawk on the bed holding hands while handcuffed to the bed. "We talked it out and came to an agreement" Miss Leta said while holding back her tears "In our dresser your gonna find a revolver and a glock 19 along with there ammo, we would like you two too put us down." Mr. Hawk said before crying. At this point I'm wondering whether this is a huge nightmare so I pinched myself unfortunately I'm awake. "Why us?" Oberon said breaking the silence "Because we know we are gonna turn no matter what. We rather be put down by the hands of family than complete strangers and as great as Gideon is he's a terrible shot. You two on the other hand have great aim so we know you won't miss, but if you can't do it we won't force you." Miss Leta said. After about a minute I went too the dresser and grabbed the revolver. It's funny the last time I held this gun was when Mr. Hawk took me and Oberon to the shooting range to teach us how to defend ourselves. Jezebel hated the idea of the two of us knowing how to fight back so we went in secret. At the time Mr. Hawk said I have the aim of a sniper now I hope he wasn't lying. "What are you doing?" Oberon said while I was loading the revolver "They gave us something fertiles don't get freedom and family now it's time to give them something in return." I said while loading the last chamber. "I can do this on my own you don't have too if you don't want too." I told Oberon but then he grabbed the glock and loaded the magazine "We do this together" he said then kissed me. "Thank you" Mr. Hawk said "Is there anything we can do to make you more comfortable?" I asked Miss Leta paused then said "Maybe put on some music?" "Sure thing" Oberon said then putted on a C.D. then we took aim.

He Lives in You

Lebo M.

Ingonyama nengw' enamabala

Ingonyama nengw' enamabala

Ingonyama nengw' enamabala

Ingonyama nengw' enamabala


And the spirit of life


(Oh, oh, iyo)


(Oh, oh, iyo)

Ubukhosi bo khokho

We ndodana ye sizwe sonke


There's no mountain too great

Hear these words and have faith

(Oh, oh, iyo)


(Oh, oh, iyo)

Have faith

He lives in you

He lives in me

He watches over

Everything we see

Into the water

Into the truth

In your reflection

He lives in you

Ingonyama nengw' enamabala

Ingonyama nengw' enamabala

He lives in you

He lives in you

He lives in me

