Chapter 11

October, 1, 2045

Delivery Truck

Location Somewhere on the Oregon Trail

I'm just gonna say it this plan sucks I mean whos idea was it to stuff the six of us ,I'm counting my unborn babies, in a crate to Nebraska! Oh wait it was mine sorry got a little hangray there. I should probably explain what me, my true love Oberon, and my frenemy Jezebel are doing in a wooden crate big enough to fit a couch. In order to explain we gotta go back about eleven days ago to the Queen of Peace Catholic church.

We had slept in the church and the next morning Gideon arrived. After a brief reunion we got down to business there are only a few places in the world where the Fertility Act is not active. There part of the People's Republic, if we can get to one of the territories we be untouchable according to the Free Fertile Act which states "If a fertile leaves Western Democratic Republic/Eastern Totalitarian Democracy territory to seek asylum in a state of the People's Republic that individual will be safe.". We had to choose which way was the best going on plane was out of the question because 80% of stowaways on planes die due to oxygen deprivation and hypothermia. We couldn't go by boat because harbor security in the pacific had been tight for the past ten years due to fertiles trying to escape to Hawaii. After hours of planning we decided the best option was to take a route to Maine. We can't take a straight shot to maine because of the radioactive and neropoxs zones so we have to be careful here's the plan.

First me, Oberon, and Jezebel along with a weeks worth of rations would get in a crate. You see Sister Deborah sometimes ships supplies to the churches bordering wasteland states so after making some calls the six of us (yes I'm counting my yet to be born babies again) are going to stow away with other supplies. Second after arriving at St. Joseph's we are gonna get some fake ids and new clothes (for me loose ones to hide my baby bump) to blend in. Third sign up for the CDC army to get to New York. For those of you who don't know after WW3 the CDC established their own military to counteract the neropoxs crisis no training is required and it's all volunteer the only requirement is to know how to use a weapon. Finally after arriving in New York we find some wheels and book it to Maine. This plan should go smoothly right? Right?

If I'm being completely honest I wish I can go back a few days and give myself a back of the head smack let me paint the picture. Imagine a wooden crate big enough to fit the average couch with three half inch holes on each side for air and waste. Still with me? Good now imagine a 205 lb 6ft tall female(me), a 200 lb 5ft 10in male(Oberon), and a 150 lb 5ft 6in female(Jezebel) along with 15 lbs of rations all fitting in that box. If you guesses pretty crowded then your correct!

The being crowded part isn't even the bad part! First of all since we are on the road if the driver hits a bump we get bumped on the head because we're not wearing seatbelts. Secondly we have to go number one in bottles and number two in a bucket which wouldn't be so bad if we didn't have to sneak to get rid of it! Don't even get me started on the smell! Thirdly since it's such a small space we have to be careful moving around. I know what your thinking why not just stay still? If we stay still too long without moving our bodies would form blood clots and we could die. I can get pass all of that if it wasn't for the arguing. Jezebel and Oberon argue non stop seriously if I wasn't pregnant I'd jump off this truck, that's how bad it is! I just hope we get to St. Joseph's soon because if I have to put up with this bullcrap for five more days Imma flip out.