Chatper 2.3: Shifting Sands

(Tatooine Orbit)


Vette watched as space returned to normal and they appeared above a planet she personally hated coming back to. 'God I hope I don't have to leave the ship, the sand always gets everywhere.' Vette began to steer the ship down, tracking the signal that was in the top left of her vision.

Seeing that they were getting close to their target she leaned forwards and flicked 2 switches activating the cloaking device that was newly installed. With some of the most advanced technology in the empire it had just been installed just weeks before the accident occurred.

Knowing that no scanners or eyes would be able to detect them she laid in a course. Pressing one of the buttons on the consol in front of her, the intercom activated and she heard the ruffle of sheets in the background.

"He love birds, we've arrived." The shuffling stopped on the other side of the mic as Vette stifled a giggle; it was always funny every time she interrupted him at times like this. It was only a few seconds later that she got her reply.

"We'll be up in a minute, inform everyone but Vaylin that we will be having a meeting in 10 minutes." Vette couldn't help the laugh that came out as she heard the slight annoyance in his voice. "You sure? We could give you guys another half an hour."

There was some shuffling on the other side, before Ashara's voice spoke up, tired and a bit sultry. "Yes we'll take that time." The other side of the intercom cut off as Vette broke out I laughter. Laughing for the next few minutes, she wiped a small tear from her eye as she landed the ship a good distance away from the tracker.

Standing up from the seat Vette made her way past the bedroom to gather everyone else. She would take her time though.



(Phantom, Meeting Room, 42 minutes later)

Mace and Ashara walked into the meeting room not saying a word to the looks everyone else was giving them. They were already used to such looks; Jaesa herself had a suggestive smile on her face. Mace gave her one glance before getting to business.

"This won't be a long meeting." Mace's eyes drifted to Nadia who was looking better than the last time he saw her, the Kolto had done wonders to the starting bruises, though the damage could still slightly be seen.

"We'll be waiting here until Ayillh gets in contact with us. While we wait Vette will try and hack into any holonet that is in range to gather information." Motioning to Vette for a second he continued. "I'm sure some of you would have felt it already, there is a dark presence closing in on the planet. A rival sith is after the queen for some reason. We will leave him alone for now. If he tries anything Ayillh can handle it."

The other around the table nodded their head at the words, even though some were sad they couldn't face a sith from a different era. Mace gave a small smile as he saw the looks of disappointment on their faces.

"However you might have also felt the other force presences on the planet. 2 other Jedi are here and they are close. I think we should test the new Jedi order, see if they are worthy of their titles." Jaesa, Xalek and Ashara gave smiles of confidence as they heard the words.

Not able to contain the battle lust building within her Jaesa spoke up first, her hand brushing against her lightsaber. "Love, Let me test the Jedi, I will see if they are strong or weak." Xalek wasn't far behind. "My Lord, I would appreciate crossing blades with Jedi from this Era." Nadia spoke last. "Master, let me redeem myself for my earlier failings!"

Ashara was the only one that didn't say anything; she sat quietly in her seat. Mace looked at the 3 people ready to battle and shook his head. "You've already had your fun back on Naboo, I will send Vette and Ashara to confront them." Turning to look at the 2 woman, Ashara gave a nod while Vette cringed.

"Do I have to?" Vette's voice whined out as she thought of the amount of sand that was going to clog up her gear. Mace as if reading her mind gave a brilliant smile back. "Yes." Vette slumped to the table as if all the energy was drained out of her.

The others in the room let out sighs of disappointment but didn't question the decision. Seeing that everything was settled mace finished the meeting. "That will be all. Prepare your gear just in case, but don't expect any combat on this mission."

Jaesa let out a sigh as she helped Nadia leave the room, While Xalek, Vette and Ashara went to do their own thing. Mace was about to follow them when Blizz walked up to him. He hadn't said anything throughout the briefing.

"Blizz want to talk to you." Mace raised an eyebrow, before he sat back down. "I'm all ears." Blizz sat up on his own chair which almost looked funny because of his small stature. With a serious expression that Mace didn't usually see, Blizz spoke up.

"Blizz want to go speak with his people, see how world has changed. Blizz want to know history. Blizz want information." A light of understanding passed through Mace's eyes for a second, he didn't mind at all that Blizz wanted to go talk with other Jawas; Tatooine was a perfect place for him to do such a thing.

It would also help him come to terms with what happened and relax. Giving a small smile to the Jawa Mace nodded. "Of course Blizz, you can head out with Ashara and Vette when they leave." Blizz nodded as he got down from his chair. "Blizz thank big sith. Blizz won't take long. Blizz promise."

Saying that he scurried out of the meeting room, Mace watching slightly amused.


(Mos Eisley)

Jinn's group walked into town after covering a few kilometers of sand. Padme had just asked him a question about why there were so many different species in one settlement. Jinn gave the naive Queen a sidelong look before he explained. "Spaceports like these ones are havens for those who don't want to be found." Padme nodded in understanding. "Like us." She said it in a whisper, starting to understand what she was about to walk into.

Ayillh trailed behind the group, begrudgingly tolerating the presence of Jar Jar next to her. As he stepped in a pile of some animals' excrement next to her, she could only roll her eyes and continue to scan the area for threats.

Unlike Padme who was curious about everything around her, Ayillh had been to many places similar and worse than this, Mos Eisley Spaceport. She was keeping an eye out for any unwanted attention, with the added bonus of it distracting her from the buffoon besides her.

Stopping for a few seconds Jinn felt the force around him and scanned the area he was in, nodding towards a certain direction he spoke to the group. "Let's try one of the smaller depots." But before the group got going Ayillh had to speak up. "Wait a minute there Jedi, do you have any credits to pay for the stuff?"

Ayillh was generally curios, it was a well-known fact that hutts only cared about credits, Tatooine being directly controlled by them was the same. For the mission Ayillh had left any spare credits she had back on the Phantom and had no way to get to them. She couldn't bail them out if they didn't have enough.

'But the Jedi wouldn't be so ignorant as to not know this?' Or that's what Ayillh hoped. Jinn turned back to look at the bounty hunter as he considered her words, of course he brought money. "I've got republic credits." As soon as the words came out of his mouth, Ayillh had her hand to her mask. The sheer tiredness that overcame her at that moment was something she didn't come across a lot.

In a tone that somehow managed to get through her voice synthesizer as exasperated, she asked directly as if talking to an idiot. "You know they don't take those credits on a planet like this…Right?" Jinn stopped for a second as that piece of information hadn't actually passed his mind, with everything that was going on he hadn't thought about the difference.

His mind raced for a few seconds as he thought over his options. In the end he figured that either way one of the traders would be willing to take republic credits, or he could use some more…unsavory methods. Though he never liked using a mind trick to coerce people, at an urgent time like this it was necessary.

"Don't worry I have a backup plan." Ayillh just rolled her eyes as the group moved off again. Under her breath she couldn't help her sarcasm. "Riiiight."

It didn't take them long before they were at their first shop. The sign, written in galactic basic, told all who owned the shop. "Watto" Walking into the shop, parts and droids littered the area as a blue alien with large wings, a short neck and ragged teeth sat at the counter

Ayillh stayed at the back of the group as Jinn started to talk to the Toydarian. One race that Ayillh had met before, they had one of the rare physiologies that could naturally resist a force persuasion. Some of the most powerful Jedi and Sith had tried but it didn't work on them, something that Ayillh had found interest in many years ago.

She watched as Jinn led the Toydarian outside and hoped that the master knew such a basic fact. Was she hoping for too much?

Just as the two walked out the door a young boy ran into the room and hopped up onto the front desk, Jar Jar was doing something in the other room that Ayillh couldn't be bothered noticing. Stopping everything that she was doing Ayillh starred at the boy.

He was young, maybe about 9-10 years old. With short cut brown hair, blue eyes and chubby cheeks, he looked like any other kid you could find on multiple planets.

But something drew her attention towards the boy, something in the back of her head made her stare at the boy as he sat there cleaning something in his hands. Anakin looked up from what he was doing as he felt the penetrating gaze being sent his way.

Looking at the masked individual staring right at him, he could feel a slight shiver crawl down his spine. There was something about the mask she wore that set him on edge. Having lived on Tatooine all his life he was no stranger to Bounty hunters, pirates and traders. But there was something different about the person before him, something that told Anakin she was dangerous.

They stared at each other for a short while before Anakin's attention was taken away by Padme. His eyes couldn't help but travel to the beautiful woman that was standing in his shop also looking at him. He could feel his cheeks turn slightly red from her gaze.

He shook his head for a second as he got back to cleaning and fixing the small rotor in his hands. But his mind wouldn't leave the person so close by, he hadn't even realized that by that point he was blatantly staring at her. He couldn't help himself as he looked up at her.

"Are you an angle?" Padme looked at the small boy in surprise, checking to make sure she had heard right. "What?" The small sound of Ayillh covering a snort could just be heard behind the two. Not even registering the noise Anakin's eyes only held Padme. "An angle. I heard that deep space pirates talk about them. They are the most beautiful creatures in the universe. They live on the moons of Iago I think"

Ayillh shook her head at the boys words he was clearly infatuated with Padme. Padme herself felt flattered by his words as she moved a bit closer, a smile clearly on her face. "You're a funny little boy. How do you know so much."

Anakin felt happy as she moved in closer and couldn't help but brag a bit. "I listen to all the traders and star pilots that come through here. I'm a pilot you know. And some day I'm going to fly away from this rock." He tried not to show off too much though and got back to his cleaning. "You're a pilot?" Padme was generally surprised from his words.

'How could he be a pilot at such a young age?' She didn't say it out loud but she was impressed. Ayillh who was still watching the two shook her head. She had been to too many places in the galaxy, she knew a slave when she saw one, and that was clearly what Anakin was.

If he was an actual pilot he wouldn't be working in such a rundown shop, especially not with that Toydarian that looked like a banthas ass. Hell every second person you see on Tatooine was likely to be a slave, bounty hunter or slimo schutta.

"MMmhhmm. All my life" Anakin replied tersely. "How long have you been here?" Anakin had to think about the question for a few seconds before he responded. "Since I was very little. 3 I think? My mom and I were sold to Gardola the Hutt. But she lost us betting on the pod races." Ayillh felt a sense of disgust rise up as she heard a hutts name but kept down her hatred.

Padme was shocked by the new piece of information. "You're a slave?" Anakin looked at her for a second, the words his most hated nightmare. Gritting his teeth in anger he replied abruptly. "I'm a person and my name is Anakin."

Padme was taken aback for a second at the harshness with which Anakin replied, but realized that she had maybe said the rudest and most hurtful thing she could have said to the boy. "I'm sorry. I don't fully understand. This is a strange place to me." Padme could just hear the small mutter that came from Ayillh behind her. "What a pampered princess. She knows nothing of the real world."

Padme clenched her fists in regret and anger but didn't say anything. 'Ayillh is right' She had been on her home world of Naboo for so long that she didn't know much general knowledge, or how to interact with even the boy in front of her, someone not from the republic.

Before she could dwell on the matter though, a loud crash came from the side. *Bang* Everyone in the room turned their attention towards an activated droid and an annoying Gungan that was trying to stop it.

"Urgh* Ayillh's groan was drown out by the noise the two created. With help from Anakin it wasn't long before the droid was once again deactivated and Jinn walked through the door, a frown on his face. "We're leaving."

Saying nothing else he went right for the door and left. Ayillh and Jar Jar followed him out as Padme held back for but a second. "I was glad to have met you Anakin." Sad to see her leave Anakin shouted to her departing back. "I was glad to meet you to."


(Mos Eisley)


"I'm sure another solution will present itself." Closing the link to his holocomm Jinn turned to Ayillh. "Do you have any credits that you could spare?" Ayillh shook her head. "No I traveled light for my contract all my credits were on my ship. I would need access to one of my security caches, I don't have any close by at the minute, you'll have to figure something else out."

Jinn shook his head in disappointment but said nothing else, the force would guide him. As they walked down the street looking for another place to find their parts Jar Jar lagged behind the group. Ayillh walked up besides Jinn as he gave her a side long glance.

Ayillh could feel herself smiling as she spoke to the Jedi Master. "You didn't try and mind trick the Toydarian did you?" Jinn stopped for a moment in shock before he continued forwards. *Cough* Coughing in his hand for a second he looked at the bounty hunter beside him and could feel the smile beneath the mask.

"I may have tried once or twice. It didn't work." Ayillh gave a laugh as they continued. "I can't believe you tried to mind trick a Toydarian, all Jedi should know that they are immune." Padme quietly listened to their conversation as Jinn's eyebrows furrowed.

This was the first time that he had heard this fact. He was annoyed, as well as surprised that Watto had been able to resist his mind trick. But Ayillh had been acting like it should have been common knowledge, knowledge that he should have known.

Looking at the still laughing Ayillh he asked with a quirked eyebrow. "How did you know that a mind trick wouldn't work? I have never heard of Toydarians having an immunity." It was time for Ayillh to stop at the words. She realized her blunder as she looked at the Jedi next to her.

She had been using the old Jedi as a comparison for knowledge and skill to the master beside her. 'It seems that the Jedi no longer know about this fact' Her eye cast down for a second as she began walking again. She would have to cover up this mistake.

"A Jedi told me the last time I met one." Jinn's interest was piqued. "A Jedi told you. When did you meet them?" Ayillh kept her cool. "I ran into them 8 months back on Quesh. No I won't tell you about the details, and no I didn't catch his name. We helped each other for a short while and got to talking."

Jinn held the question he was about to ask and began to think over this new information. He had no information of a Jedi going to Quesh in a long time. Though it could have been one of the Jedi undercover missions that were performed every now and then.

When he returned to the temple he would have to look into it further. If she had met a Jedi before he would be able to glean more information about this mysterious bounty hunter that had helped them. As he was lost in thought he was brought back to reality as a commotion started behind them.

Ayillh hid a smile as she watched Jar Jar get forced to the ground and couldn't help the sad sigh that came out as he was saved by a young Anakin. Shaking her head in disappointment the group moved over to the young boy and Gungan.

What, Ayillh or as a matter of fact anyone else in the group, didn't realize was that 30 meters from them on the other side of a street, right next to an alleyway, there were two figures starring at them.

Both cloaked in brown cloaks covering their faces and parts of their body, they stared intently at the group. One was a man and the other was a woman. It was the man that was staring intently at the group while the Woman was only copying her master.

From under the hood it could just be seen the brown eyes and shaggy black hair that it hid. Across the man's face could be seen a yellow tattoo that went from one cheek to the other, going right over his nose.

His huge arms bulged from under the cloak intimidating anyone that might have nefarious thoughts. A frown was on the tanned man's face as he looked right at Qui-Gon Jinn.

Quinlan Vos looked at his fellow Jedi master and began to contemplate what he was doing on Tatooine. He and his Padawan had been on a mission for the last month to track down a slave trafficking gang that had set up shop in the Hutt territory.

They had taken a few people from republic worlds and the Jedi had been tasked with stopping them. They had found the warehouse where they were storing them and were just days away from disbanding the operation.

Looking at the group that was traveling with the Jedi master and noting that his Padawan Obi-Wan was not with him, he came to the conclusion that he was on his own mission from the temple. He got a funny feeling from the Woman decked out in gear and facing away from him, a feeling that he didn't like.

He looked at her for a few seconds before returning to the Jedi Master. He wondered if he should go over and talk to his old friend but in the end decided that he shouldn't disturb them. They had their own mission that they were about to finish and Jinn had his too.

They could handle some slavers and it was possible that Jinn himself was undercover or incognito. It was better to leave him alone. Sensing the dark presence that was slowly making its way to Tatooine Vos decided that it was better for him and his padawan to complete what was assigned to them.

Lost in his head, he was drawn out as he heard the soft voice of his padawan besides him. "Master?" The two were close enough that she didn't have to say anything else for him to understand. She actually treated him more like a father after spending so many years under his care, something she knew did not fit with the Jedi code, but she didn't care.

Blue skin peeked out from the person next to him. Two Lekku peeked out the back of her head marking her as a Twi'lek. A leather head piece wrapped her head and crisscrossed its way down her lekku. Aayla Secura's Hazel eyes starred up at her master as he turned to look back at her.

The two were getting a few looks from those around just because of the fact that Aayla was a Twi'lek, as the most prolific and sort after slave race in the galaxy many of the denizens of Tatooine eye balled the young padawan.

Shifting the cloak around her to hide her identity better she waited for Vos's decision. Vos gave one last look at the group that was moving off, led by the young boy, before moving in a different direction. "We have a mission to accomplish."

Aayla gave a single nod as she sent one last look at the group as well. Done with that she brushed her hand against the lightsaber strapped to her waist, it gave her a sense of comfort as the force whisper that something dark was coming for herself and her master.