Chapter 3.3: Ideals, Reality and a Little Recording

(Coruscant, Queens residence)

(Ayillh PoV)

I stood on the opposite side of the Queens quarters. Palpatine had left quite a while ago and I had stayed back to look over Padme. She was confiding with her handmaidens when Anakin, the young boy, made his entrance.

He sent one small glance my way before talking to Padme in her queen disguise. It was quite funny how the small boy couldn't recognize that he was talking to Padme. She was deepening her voice though, so that probably threw him off.

Just as he was about to leave, he quickly made his way over to me. He looked nervous as I looked down at him, which honestly just made me want to laugh, his expression was too funny. From the side I could also see Padme covering her laugh.

"It was nice meeting you." I had been listening to his conversation from the side, he believed that he was about to become a Jedi. I could have honestly crushed his dreams then and there, knowing that the Jedi didn't like to take in kids over a certain age, but in the end didn't mention it.

I had a feeling that he would become a Jedi, it was better to leave a good impression to exploit later. Seeing that I hadn't said anything Anakin didn't try and push for my answer, instead he moved towards the door.

"Wait, before you go." I saw him flinch from my synthesized voice but paid it no head. Walking up to him and then crouching down, I looked him right in the eye. "You'll do good in the future kid, going around with your laser sword, I know you'll be known throughout the galaxy."

He gave me the biggest smile since I had met him, my words must have really propped him up. "But remember, Jedi aren't invincible. I'll make it easy on you. If I ever get a bounty to take you out, I'll give you a heads up." Hearing my words, the boy had gone pale, getting increasingly whiter as I mentioned a possible bounty on his head.

"Haha" I finally laughed, I couldn't keep it in at the end. After I finished he bolted out the room as if his life depended on it, giving only a small goodbye to Padme who was also smiling.

After seeing Anakin off, she also asked for her handmaidens to leave the room along with Panaka. He frowned for a second as he looked my way, but didn't question his queen. I had enough good will to accommodate any suspicion and he would be right outside the door, he was a man confident that he could protect his charge.

If I had been assigned to assassinate Padme, it would have been all too easy to take her out now, I had done such tactics in the past, getting close to the target and getting us alone, usually of their own volition, the tactic generally worked the best with male targets. Thankfully for her that wasn't my mission, it was the exact opposite.

As Panaka closed the doors and it was just us, she finally let the mask that was holding her face together slip. She kept it up in the presence of others, but she let it down now that she was alone, it was a good development that she let me see the amount of fear and desperation brewing inside her. It meant that she on either a subconscious or conscious level trusted me.

I could feel the smirk that graced my face as she turned to me, just behind her eyes I could feel the plea for help, the one that she was screaming on the inside. I had come to her aid in her time of need, I had broadened her understanding of the galaxy just enough when we were on Tatooine. She believed…no…she needed me to tell her of another option that could help her people.

Well I had already formulated a plan; I just needed her to take the first step. Looking at me for a few seconds, I said nothing and waited as she gripped her hands into fists. The cogs turning in her mind, thoughts of all her possible words, all the ways that she could appeal to me, convince me. In the end I knew that she would go with the honest approach. She hadn't been jaded yet by politics to try and convince me any other way.

"Ayillh…" Ohh, using my name and not a title, a good development, though I haven't given her any other title, other than 'Bounty Hunter', I'll have to work on that later. "You heard what Palpatine has outlines…I cannot accept the options that have been laid before me." Her eyes that had been downcast and looking at the ground finally came to meet my mask; there was a slight tremble in her voice.

"You told me this would happen on Tatooine. The unreliability of the senate…I hope to convince them, but I am no longer assured that they will help my people." Her fists turned white in anger as she continued. "You seem..seemed so knowledgeable in politics…P-please" Her voice broke as her eyes started to water.

She wanted to put up a front for others, one of a strong ruler of her people, one who would not back down, but in the end she was only a 14 year old girl. A piece of knowledge I might or might not have taken from the queen's personal files aboard their royal cruiser.

As I had noted before, she may have been trained most of her life, and wanted to rule her people gallantly, but she was still new to the harsh reality of the world of politics. "…Please tell me there is another option, another way to save my people…" She reached forwards to grab my left hand, I let her as she held it with both hands, looking up at me. "…Please help me."

I said nothing for a few seconds, letting the words hang in the air, it was time for me to set forth my scheme. "Ok." I said it softly, just enough that she had to strain to hear me. I wanted to say that I was just manipulating her, but I had felt a close connection between us, something I saw in her that reminder myself of me. I wanted to help her.

Using my other hand I reached up slowly for my mask, adding effect. Slowly releasing the pressure and letting her see my face I gave her a reassuring smile. I could see the sense of relief wash over her.

She stayed like that for a second before she recomposed herself. Letting go of my hand she backed off a step and made sure that no tears had actually fallen. Giving her a smirk I walked around the room, speaking with confidence.

"Politics is a dangerous game Padme; I have had to deal with it a fair deal as a bounty hunter. Sometimes subtle is required in my line of work." I could feel her eyes on me as I paced the room, my back now turned slightly.

Making it look like I was thinking, but knowing exactly what I was going to say, I stalled for another 20 seconds, but she hung on each word as I spoke. "In order to get the senate in your favor, you must give them a reason to use their resources to aid you." I turned back to her as she started to think on my words.

She may have been an idealist, but she was catching on fast, I pushed forwards. "What is in it for them to mobilize an entire fleet of ships or an army capable and strong enough to repel the Trade Federation?" It only took her a few seconds to realize the inevitability, but I drove it home anyway. "The answer is nothing. You have nothing to offer them that will make them stand by your side."

She once again gripped her hands tightly and a look of hate appeared on her face. Making her have a questionable outlook on the Republic was honestly just a bonus of what I was trying to accomplish. "But there is one option."

She looked me right in the eye, I loved what I saw. "That is?" Her voice was soft but demanding, almost the opposite of the girl that had asked me for help. "You have to play on their fears. Play on the fear that if left alone the Trade Federation will take your planet and that they will be next. Put the Trade Federation under scrutiny, scare them, hurt them, while also solidifying your support."

The conflict once again returned to her eyes but I knew the appeal of my plan, I was pushing it a bit with my words. But it was what she wanted, she questioned it, but I could see her desire to use such a tactic, it would be revenge, comeuppance, beautiful poetic justice.

"How would this tactic make the senate act?" I turned my back once again as I walked the room. "If the senate did nothing, it would set a very bad precedent. One where the Republic does not care about its own worlds it is charged to protect. It also tells the rest of the galaxy that any planet with a strong enough army, can invade another planet within the republic without fear of any kind of reprisal, either from the senate itself or the overall governing body of the republic."

I stopped for a second. "In short, any planet with strong financial and military manpower can do what it wants without being punished for their crimes. Sparking a sudden desire to make up new 'territory' as one planet is conquered after another while being influence under the senator who has the world invaded. It would only cause further chaos within the Republic and brings about its own self destruction."

Padme's eyes widened as she took a step back in shock at the implications. It took her a full minute before she could digest my words and reply. "And you want me to use this argument, or possibility to make the other senators act? In case such a precedent does occur?" I gave another nod looking almost bored, it wasn't too hard to figure out once a person really thought about it, you just needed a certain something to make such a precedent appear imminent and threatening, and I had that certain something.

I walked closer to the queen and placed my hand on her shoulder in a gesture of solidarity, to get my point to hit home. "Think about it Padme. This has already happened with your own world. The trade federation is leveraging the fact that they have enough political protection and backing that even if you speak before the senate they could brush off the consequences, even turn it back onto you."

This reignited the flames of anger within her once again. She retreated into herself after my words, the anger simmered under the surface and her mind working in overtime to think about all that I had brought up.

I still had my hand on her shoulder as she looked down. "Will it be enough?" I smiled at that, she had finally accepted my idea, the extra edge in her voice was also nice to hear. "Don't worry…" She looked up as I flashed an even bigger smile slowly raising my mask up. "…This will be enough"


(Coruscant, Spaceport)

(3rd Person PoV)

"We are now arriving at Coruscant space port number…" Aayla Secura's mind forced the rest of the droids words out of her mind as she prepared to stand. Throughout the journey to Coruscant her mind had been preoccupied with what had happened only a few hours earlier.

Fixated on a certain woman, a certain sith, who had taken down both her master and herself. Her mind wandered again and when she came back to herself she slowly released the tension in her grip. She had clenched her hands in anger, something she had been doing all through the trip. She could feel her masters eyes on her, but didn't say anything as they made their way off the transport.

Her mind could only continue to flash with the image of that 'item' still strapped to the belt of the person that bested them. "We must hurry to the Temple Aayla." Finally she snapped out of her thoughts as she looked at her master, Quinlan, walk up to her.

He had a small sack chucked over his shoulder, their possessions that they had quickly grabbed before catching a transport to the planet, were all contained in the small sack. Being on assignment, specifically an undercover one including smugglers and slave traders, they had to travel light.

Generally having no more than the items that could be worn or carried on their body, a few heads turned as they made their way to the closest air speeder. The normal civilian's eyes locked on instantly to the lightsabers at their waists.

Not being on mission they could both now proudly show that they were a part of the Jedi order, more so that they were in the heart of the republic. Another perk the lightsaber gave was the parting of the crowd as they made their way. Most would move in seconds to let them through.

Vos and Secura made fast time and soon made their way to a nearby air speeder, quickly paying for the transport they both rushed to the temple to deliver their report. No more words were spoken on their quiet journey.

And as the speeder took to the air, controlled by Vos, Aayla found herself once again drifting into the thoughts of her fight, emotions raging on the inside, fist clenched once more.


(Coruscant, Senate Building)

(Padme PoV)

The republic senate was the governing body of the galactic republic and had been for several thousand years. I had been told many times of the glory of the senate, or really how it was the pinnacle of galactic governmental society, the embodiment of living in a civilized galaxy.

I looked around quietly, staring at the hundreds of seats that littered the room, races I had only heard of, other I had never seen before. It was slightly overwhelming but I kept my composure. Honestly I was starting to look at them in a different light. I didn't want to believe Ayillh's cynical out view of the senate, but I couldn't help but wonder how many of them were corrupt, how many of them were only here for their own gain.

An emergency session had been called of the congress by the Supreme Chancellor, the same one that my own representative wanted to concede, the same chancellor that promised that he would get justice for my planet.

After everything I've heard I was no longer assured of his word, but I didn't need to rely on him anymore, I would protect Naboo with my own hands. I refocused once again keeping up my regale bearing as I waited. Finally it was time.

"Ladies and Gentlemen. Gentle beings the galaxy over. Today we have come before you with the gravest of travesties. One that started here where we taxed all the major trading routes throughout the Republic's outlying start systems. To present our case, I give you Queen Amidala of Naboo."

Palpatine stepped back as I stood and faced the numerous eyes of the senate. "Honorable representatives of the Galactic Republic, I come to you under the gravest of circumstances. The Naboo system has been invaded by the droid armies of the Trade Federation…" I didn't even get to finish my rehearsed opening before one of 'them' interrupted me.

I schooled my features so as not to let the distaste show when I locked eyes on to the Neimoidian, Lott Dod, representative of the Trade Federation, I should have known he would speak up swiftly. His chair flew out fast to cut me off. "I Object! There is no proof of any invasion! This is unfounded slander. We recommend a commission be sent to Naboo to ascertain the truth."

I locked eyes with the beady eyed senator. He was looking my way, a small sly smirk on his lips. The fake outrage he just showed nothing but smoke and mirrors for the masses. Stealthily I clenched my hands to let loose some of the anger I felt bubble up.

"The senate does not recognize the senator from the Trade Federation at this time." Finally Supreme chancellor Valorum spoke up, he truly did want to help, I could see it in his eyes when he looked my way. But it was as I had been told and as I feared.

"The Senator of Malastare agrees with the honorable member of the Trade Federation. A commission must be Sent!" I turned to look at the new speaker, mentally striking all future trade and relationship deals with Malastare should my people and home pull through.

I didn't know many of the Senators here but I did know this one, Senator Aks Moe. I covered up my glare towards him as I looked back towards the podium; Valorum had been pulled to the side and was speaking with one of his advisors.

Palpatine had mentioned it, Ayillh had also told me what to expect, but it still hurt to see. If I was being honest with myself I would have easily called for a vote of no confidence if I didn't have another option. I was just so angry at the moment, my sense of betrayal and disappointment rose as I finally got to see the inner working of the senate I had been told so much about as I grew up.

I felt Palpatine walk close behind me, he whispered so no one else could hear. On the chair I now floated, sat myself, Panaka my Guard captain, Palpatine and Ayillh. I don't know why she wanted to sit with us, but I chalked it up to her employer's orders. It was nice having her close by, I had grown a lot closer to her ever since we had escaped from Tatooine. I wasn't sure if it was respect or admiration, but seeing her work, the things she did, it drew me to her.

She even helped me in this trying time; I was becoming more indebted to her as time moved on. "Enter the bureaucrats. Twisting the law to benefit those they truly serve. They are the real power in the senate and on the payroll of the Trade Federation. This your Majesty is where Supreme Chancellor Valorum's power fails."

His words rung true as I noticeable watched his shoulders drop and his side long glance my way, I could see the glint of sorrow hidden in them, he could no longer help me. Walking back to address all those around, he spoke with less power in each word.

"The motion is sustained. Will you defer your own motion and allow the commission to proceed?" Everything went as she said, I could not help the sorrow that washed over me for a second as I watched the system I believed in fail and be corrupt so easily.

I steeled my resolve as I knew what I had to do next. "I will not defer. I came for your aid against our sovereignty now! I was not elected just to watch as my people suffer and die, while you discuss this in a committee! The army of the trade Federation is on my planet illegally while imprisoning, torturing, and killing my people to force me into submission!"

I may have wanted to keep my voice regal and solemn but I couldn't help the anger that slipped into it. "We all feel your pain and your plight your majesty, but as stated by the senator from the Trade Federation, there is no proof of you accusations. Unless you can provide any form of evidence regarding these accusations against them, the motion will indeed carry and a commission will have to be made to discuss this further. I will ask you once again Queen Amidala; do you have any such evidence to support your accusations against the Trade Federation at this time?"

My eyes shifted from Valorum for a second to take in the smug look of the Trade Federation's Lott Dod, I was tempted to call for the vote of no confidence either way after being let down so much, a small voice in the back of my head whispered, "Do it", but Valorum truly wanted to help us, it was the Trade Federation that I truly wanted to hurt.

I gained the satisfaction of seeing the widened eyes of Lott Dod as I gave a small smirk his way, signaling to him before anyone else that I had defeated him. "Yes, I do have such proof." I spoke calmly once more and that was when the rest finally spoke up, finally let known their presence, finally acknowledged that I was speaking.

Voicing their selfish opinions, asking to see what I had, calling me a liar, it was gruesome, it was ugly… I didn't want to talk to these people anymore; I wished I hadn't left my people alone to come here. "Order! Order! We will have Order!" I let them get over their surprise as I hear a distinct click come from behind me.

I don't know what it was from, but it sounded like one of those old holo-recorders. I pushed it out of my mind as Valorum spoke once again."If you have evidence to prove these accusations true your Majesty, please show it to us now." I smiled at him, I could hear the strength return to his words.

"Gladly Supreme chancellor." Reaching into my sleeve I raised the data stick me and Ayillh prepared beforehand. "Where did you get that?" Palpatine showed his presence once again behind my ear, the surprise and tension in his voice was palpable. I said nothing to him as I slowly inserted it into the port before me.

"This data stick holds the proof of the invasion of my planet." The lights dimmed in the senate as I looked at the holo-recording that started to play. I had seen it once before when Ayillh explained her plan, sure I was surprised that she had recorded everything that she had come across on Naboo, but she explained it simple. "You never know when physical evidence will come in handy."

And it was a god send right now, though I wish its contents never existed at the same time. My beautiful city appeared before all those present. The design of buildings I had know all my life flashed by as it filtered from one building to the other. Of course the video had been edited a little so that nothing of personal importance to Ayillh was present. She had her secrets and I respected that.

Hell I still wondered exactly how she got so high up on our tallest buildings and moved from one to the other at such a speed. As the recording overlooked the palace plaza, the recording zoomed in on the numerous droids that trailed the streets and tanks that followed them.

The weapons they carried trained on my people, forcing them to go where ever they wanted. One scene in particular caught the entire attention of the senate building that I now sat in. As the video zoomed in from a high ledge, all watched a scene I never wanted to see on my home world.

A small family was forced out of their home at gun point, when the elderly grandfather of the small family accidentally fell to the ground, knocked by one of the droids. Even though it was only a small fall, the damage had been done.

While all this was happening the holo-recorder moved closer in the shadows, no words were spoken as it got close enough to hear what the droids were saying. One was a commander of their forces, with a distinct yellow paint job. As the man fell to the ground and couldn't get back up, the one next to the family spoke in its direction.

"The citizen cannot continue to the rally point. You orders commander." The command droid turned for a second to look at the elderly man and its family before giving out its order. "New orders from Viceroy Gunray have been handed down. All citizens are to be rounded up for a set execution. If the citizen cannot be brought to the rally point then they are to be terminated immediately."

I forced myself to watch the scene again as some of the other senators could not and turned away. "Roger Roger." With those words as a death sentence the screams from the family as they tried to help were drowned out by the short burst of laser fire.

The holo-recording cut after that small scene and returned to above the plaza. Outside one of the palace windows the image of two Neimoidian talking could just be seen, a one Nute Gunray and Rune Haako. Attached to the glass window was a small device that could just be made out, but it was so small I knew no one could tell exactly what it was. But we all knew it was helping us listen in on what was being said.

"I have already passed orders to the droids to round up as many citizens on this planet as they can. I want hundreds of them ready for execution when we force the Queen to sign the treaty. Should she refuse to sign it and make our invasion legal, I will have them executed one by one while she watches. After seeing so many of her people slaughtered, the foolish girl will get on her knees and begin begging us to sign it."

I had to keep control of my anger once again, I had already seen the recording, but the words still cut deep, too deep. Ayillh had told me that she had taken this just before she caught sight of me and my entourage being escorted away. The fact that they had sent me towards one of their camps just before saying this was enough to make my stomach churn and blood boil.

"After she does sign the treaty, we'll have her executed as well." The picture may have been taken from quite the distance but the images were clear and the sound was good. I couldn't thank Ayillh enough that her tech was so high end, to all those present the recording could not be ignored.

Rune Haako finally spoke as the rest of us watched. "But won't that raise suspicion? Legal or not the death of the Queen could make trouble for us in the senate." Gunray waved it off as if it were nothing. "It matters not. We have powerful friends in the senate. A bribe to a senator here, a 'gift' there, even an incentive to visit Naboo after we turn it into one of our pleasure planets should be enough."

Gunray let out a laugh at his own words as I gritted my teeth. "We will even give our friends a considerable discount when they are here in order to make any infraction made go away or be ignored. Besides, after we have the queen executed, we can make up any plausible story we want a little fake evidence to further back our own innocence and we have nothing to worry about."

Finally they both moved away from the window to go somewhere else as the holo-recorder moved back and panned over the area, before finally settling on my own group leaving the palace. It zoomed in on us for a second before finally going black.

I let a small smile light my face as I stared at the nervous and sweating faces of both Lott Dod and Aks Moe. The recording had brought to light their deceit and the anger from the other senators was palpable in the air.

Watching them sweat was the most enjoyable sight I had come across since entering the building. With so much evidence the republic will finally help my people. I felt a sense of content wash over me as I finished up with the words Ayillh had provided. I hadn't been so sure about them when I first read it over, but now, I couldn't help the excitement that rose as I condemned them.

"That ladies and Gentlemen of the senate and esteem Supreme chancellor is my proof. Proof, that the trade federation has illegally invaded my home world without fear of being punished by the senate or the republic itself. If you do nothing after what you have just witnessed, it will declare throughout the galaxy an unsettling precedent. One that says any civilization on any world, even your own world can be targeted by the Trade Federation without fear. Is that what you want? If so please remain silent on the issue and show your heartlessness for all here to see with their own eyes."

Finally done, finally having said my piece, finally having got some form of retribution, I glared right at Lott Dod, daring him to find a way out, some way to spin my words so that he could prevail. But looking at his panicked eyes, he couldn't, I had him dead to rights.

The sight of his dismal state made me beyond happy.