Chapter 3.5: Harsh Reality

(Coruscant, Queen residence)

(Padme PoV)

I wasn't sure if I should find it funny that after talking to Jar Jar, not the most stimulating conversation, for the past 30 minutes, once Ayillh appeared he would quickly retreat to another room. I mean she did give off the intimidating presence when you first meet her, but after getting to know her, after she helped me. I see how kind she is.

She stood to my left now as I watched Palpatine leave the suite. He had been strange since the Senate meeting, I couldn't quite place my finger on it, but I thought he would be happier now that Naboo would be protected.

Sure it wasn't the outcome that he wanted, but Valorum was a great supporter. I also noticed that his eyes would involuntarily shift to Ayillh throughout our conversation. Though he was very good at controlling his emotions, I had a lot of training in reading people when I became queen, I could see the displeasure that came with his look her way.

Was he distrustful of Ayillh?

I frowned for a second before I shook my head and turned to sit down. Now that Palpatine was gone I could relax. My handmaidens were resting in the other room ready should I require help later this evening. It was starting to get late when we got back from the senate hearing and we only just finished our talks about our plans moving forwards.

Though it should be a closed deal with the evidence I provided. The only reason we were still up, was because we were waiting for the senate ruling. I thought it might come out faster, but I had only just received word that the verdict would come out in the next hour.

*Sigh* I let out a breath of air as I relaxed my body, Ayillh didn't say anything as she sat opposite me, though she also seeming to relax a little. But she still kept her mask on. I really wished she was a bit more relaxed in my presence.

"Soooo, what's it like being a bounty hunter? Especially being a woman." I had nothing better to do, so I just relaxed more in my chair as I started a conversation. I was interested in the life of a bounty hunter, we didn't employ many, or really any on Naboo in my time as Queen. We had our own security force and army.

She turned in my direction and seemed to think about the question for a second before reaching up and pressing something on the side of her mask. For a second I thought she was going to take off her mask, causing a small smile to appear on my lips, but instead… "Well…" It was instantly noticeable that she had deactivated her voice modifier.

Though she wasn't comfortable enough to take her mask off in my presence, the fact she was using her real voice, showed the trust she started placing in me. Though my smile dimmed, it returned as she started to tell me about her job and one or two bounties she had been on before.

I was enthralled in her stories, hearing about a few planets I had never heard or been to before. She had just finished another one of her stories when she stopped and paused. The smile that had been going strong throughout the whole time slowly started to even out as I knew she was about to say something important.

*Sigh* She let out a sigh and I tilted my head to the side in confusion. "You know your Majesty…" I held up my hand to stop her right then and there. "You can call me Padme." I put a bit of force in my voice to transmit my feeling over. Because of her mask though I couldn't read her expression, damn I was starting to hate that thing.

"Whatever. We may have presented the evidence to the Senate, and we may have given them everything to truly step in and stop the Trade Federation, but Lott Dod is no idiot. We may have him where we want him, but the republic won't be able to mount an immediate relief effort. The likely hood of him causing interference in the procedures to form a navy to help liberate your planet high." *Sigh*

She let out a sigh again and I started to grip my arm rests. Her words were not what I wanted to hear. I had put my all into that senate meeting. I had produced irrevocable evidence of what was happening to my people. The Republics response should be swift; there should be no debate on the subject. They were the ruling body that Naboo faithfully joined; they should provide immediate aid to us!

Ayillh seemed to notice my tense state as she started talking again. "I'm sorry Padme, but it's the truth." I wasn't sure if she was trying to help me or not when she said that. I was about to refute her, tell her that she was wrong in just this case. Though my belief was wavering I still truly believed that I would secure that aid I had sort.

If not…what had I left my people for?

I had just opened my mouth when the door to the room buzzed. We both stopped what we were doing as one of the handmaidens came from the side room and opened the door. I stood up as I looked at Chancellor Valorum standing there, a downcast expression on his face.

I felt my heart drop as he moved into the room and came before me. His guards stayed outside the room as he looked indecisive of his next words. I didn't make it tough on him. "What is the senate's ruling Supreme chancellor?" He looked me in the eye for the first time since entering the room and saw the intensity of my gaze.

I tried not to let the desperation show, but I was sure it was there. Seeing my look I watched as his indecision left and he regained his bearing. His back straightened and he stood at his full height before bowing.

He held the bow for a few seconds, letting me know that I would not receive help. I closed my eyes in pain as I took a shuddering breath, waiting for his next words. I held my hands behind my back, so that he couldn't see me gripping my fists till they turned white.

Ayillh might have seen them, but she said nothing. Straightening once more, he spoke in a somber voice. "The Republic has found the Trade Federation representatives Lott Dod, Nute Gunray and Rune Haako guilty of trying to forcefully occupy the sovereign planet of Naboo. An in-depth investigation will take place to ascertain whether this plot was taken just by select individuals in the Trade federation higher management, or the federation as a whole. The Trade Federation as a whole will have certain trade routes blocked; Trade restricted to certain planets and will be monitored closely for the next 2 years as the investigation takes place."

I gripped my hand harder hearing the ruling. Was that it? Trade disruption, a slap on the wrist? Monitoring? It would take 2 years? Was there no other penalty for trying to enslave my people! My fury must have been slipping through as Valorum's eyes became downcast.

"The Trade Federation will be required to supply funding, support, food and any other necessities for the next 5 years caused by their invasion and more…" It wasn't enough, it wasn't enough! "…Because of the rogue elements in the Trade Federation, the Republic will assemble a relief force to help liberate the currently occupied Naboo…"

Before he could continue I spoke up. "How long?" He stopped for a second at the cold response, but knew that I was in no mood for anymore bullshit, I wanted an exact answer. "To create and maintain a fleet to help liberate your planet, it will take at the earliest 3 weeks to assemble the force, and 2 months for a reliable answer to the invasion.


Even I was shocked by how cold and quiet the word came off my lips. No one said a word after that as I retreated into my thoughts. 3 weeks…3 weeks! My people couldn't last that long! I had left them to seek help from the republic and at their fastest it would take 3 weeks?

Why had I left them? What was I expecting from the republic? A 1 day response where they would come in and save the day like it was nothing. Was I being too naïve? Ayillh said this would happen, Palpatine said this would happen, but I held onto my hope.

"I'm sorry Your Majesty, though many have put forwards their support of forming a relief force, gathering and organizing their forces will take quite a while …sigh…I will try to speed the process up with all means possible." Valorum's words snapped me back to reality as I found it hard to stand up at the minute.

I gave a small nod to the man, who looked a bit defeated by the turn out of events. He was beaten down… but I was almost broken. "Thank you Chancellor, while you gather the relief force, I will go back and help my people."

Valorum stopped for a second as he made to exit the room. He turned back with wide eyes as he starred right at me. I keep a cool demeanor up, though I felt my body was terribly weak. It looked like he was going to say something to my declaration, but after starring into my eyes, I had no clue what he saw, but he looked at me and without another word turned and left the suit.

Seeing him exit the room I slowly unclenched my hands and sat back on the couch behind me. It had been a snap second decision, but one I did not regret, I had to go back to help my people.

They didn't have 3 weeks!

I couldn't count on the republic!

I had to do this myself. I had to somehow do this!


(3rd Person PoV)

"This is the area of the senate, it is not my arena." The words left Padme's lips after she sat quietly for a few minutes. Ayillh walked up behind her as she said the words, letting her speak. "I must return to mine. I have decided to go back to Naboo. My fate will be no different than that of my people. It is clear to me that the republic no longer functions."

Ayillh let out a small smirk as Padme turned to look at her, her eyes raged with fire and determination. 'There was a drive that would have put her right in place with those from imperial intelligence' Ayillh thought. It was an added bonus that her faith in the republic, was shaken, possible even crumbled.

Something sparked inside Ayillh as she looked at those eyes of hers, a glint of hope, expectation for something that could be. While she was in her own thoughts Padme turned to look at Panaka who was standing by the door, ever vigilant.

"We shall ready my ship and set off tomorrow morning."

Panaka bowed once as he moved to leave the room, even he had grown used to Ayillh sticking close to his charge by now, and he had every confidence that while she was here, nothing bad would befall Padme.

Ayillh brushed the small comm. Device she had in her pocket as she moved to accompany Padme to her bedroom, things were going better than expected and she had to keep 'him' up to date.


(Coruscant, Jedi Temple council)

(3rd Person PoV)

Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan, Aayla and Quinlan stood before the council once again at the start of a new day. After getting some rest for the night, Aayla was looking better than she had been, something Vos noted in seconds of their arrival. They had all been called first thing in the morning, but none of them knew what was going on.

Seeing that everyone had arrived Mace Windu sat forwards and addressed them. "The Queen has decided to return home, which will put pressure on and widen the confrontation with the Trade Federation." Mundi spoke from the side to elaborate the point as they frowned. "And lure out the Queen's attacker, possible even the one who attacked Master Vos and Padawan Secura."

Hearing mention of Darth Zavros Aayla clenched her hand, but kept it discreet so they didn't notice, but her master did. Determination flashed in her eyes as the notion that she might face her again appeared in her mind, almost unconsciously her hand grazed past the new hilt on her belt, confidence surging in her eyes.

Windu continued before anyone could notice her sudden change. "You four will all go with the queen to Naboo to discover the identity of, hopefully, both of these dark lords. This is the clue we need to unravel the mystery of the Sith."

Qui-Gon and Quinlan looked at each other for a second at the news, before giving small smiles. They had been friends for many years, it had been a long time since they had to work together, they were confident that they could take down the Sith by combining forces.

Oppo Rancisis spoke from his seat as he leaned back. "The force has a hand in all things; it has guided you to this point. With your prior experience facing the Sith we have faith that you shall prevail." The new team of 4 Jedi gave a small bow at the words as Yoda spoke with a small smile.

"May the force be with you."

The council was preparing to disband as the mattered had been dealt with, but before anyone could leave a new presence appeared outside the council chamber. A few of the council started as they hadn't felt the presence before it arrived.

Windu and Yoda both frowned as they felt the new presence outside the door. It wasn't too strong in the force, enough to be a Padawan, but not to a Jedi Knights level. But even if it was to just a Padawan's level, it was shocking, because no one knew who's presence it was!

Not just that there was a slight ting of darkness that followed the presence. Qui-Gon who had been preparing to leave had the biggest frown, while Obi-Wan matched him. They both had felt the presence before, they knew who it was but…

'I had felt her connection to the force to be strong, but I didn't think she was an adapt, too bad she is too old and already tainted by the universe at large. Working as a bounty hunter has created a darkness within her that can't be cleansed.'

Qui-Gon brushed the darkness connected to her off as her work as a bounty hunter over the years, but the others in the council did not know who it was yet. A tension entered the room and a few of the council seemed prepared to stand up and face the intruder.

Noticing the escalating situation Qui-Gon quickly stepped forwards just before 'she' reached the doors. "Wait, do not fret. The person outside is the Bounty Hunter in my reports." The frowns on the council got even worse as this information passed.

They had all read the reports on what this Bounty Hunter did. 'Was that the cause of the darkness that clung to her.' The thought propagated through the council, a few of them relaxing in their chairs once more, but Windu and Yoda kept their frowns. They weren't so sure that the darkness was caused just from her upbringing and life choice, it felt deeper.

Ki-Adi spoke up just before the door opened. "A force adept? Did we miss her when she was young? A pity." It truly was for the council, they could feel the force coming from her, it was easily enough for one to become a knight if trained properly, but she was too old.

Too jaded by life, too affected by her emotions, a few in the council let out sighs of regret as the door finally opened and the council, plus Vos and Secura got their first look at the Bounty Hunter, Ayillh.

Waltzing in, in her regular gear, the vibroknifes' shone from the light coming into the room, while all eyes turned to the ordinance and weapons strapped to her body. One or two of the council had to wonder how she got past temple security with such weapons, especially up to the high council. Though they were not afraid of her, she was but one bounty hunter with conventional weapons; they were all masters of the force.

Ayillh surveyed the room as she stepped into it. She had come about 2 hours before Padme was set to depart. She wanted to leave early so that they could save Naboo faster, it was a somewhat naive sentiment to Ayillh, as she was more practical, but she was fine with the time table.

She had been informed yesterday that the high council of the Jedi wanted to question her, of course she wouldn't give them much, but she was interested in seeing what the high council of the new era was made of.

She scanned the room and took in their appearance, trying to gauge the threat level of everyone in the room, she couldn't help herself. She had been the best of imperial intelligence, to get a shot at the Jedi high council was a dream come true, just getting this close set a few thoughts swirling through her mind.

'How easy it could be to take them out now.' Though she knew it was just a dream, there were in total 16 Jedi in a small enclosed space, something that she could use to her advantage, 14 masters and 2 padawan. Even she would be hard pressed to take them all down.

'But a smoke grenade there, blaster shot there, knife through there, thermal near the window.' Ayillh had to shake her head to get it back on track as it started to wander. She had just stepped up next to Qui-Gon when Yoda spoke up with a frown.

"Harm us, you will, given the chance?" Ayillh's body tensed at the word, and so did all the other Jedi as Yoda's words registered. All of them sat straighter and seemed prepared for battle, as Ayillh focused her attention on the Green Grand Master.

She frowned under her mask as she chided herself. She had excellent metal shielding, so as to stop Jedi from reading her mind and thoughts. It had been trained for years so that no one could break into her mind. But it seems she had been sloppy.

Yoda had somehow sensed through her defenses and caught a small whisper of her thoughts. Ayillh focused her mind so as to reinforce those defenses and block everyone out as the other Jedi masters tried to see through her.

They frowned as they seemed to meet a brick wall trying to read her emotions and thoughts, something they hadn't encountered to such a degree before. Mace Windu looked like he was about to jump out of his chair and ignite his blade as Ayillh finally responded.

"In my line of work I don't trust easily and always have to be prepared no matter what…even if it is you Jedi." All in the room got the message behind her words. She didn't trust them and until she did, she would treat them as targets should something happen.

Ayillh and Yoda had a starring contest for a few seconds, before Yoda was finally convinced by her words. Though he tried to feel out if she was lying, he couldn't tell in the end. His interest in the Bounty Hunter increased, 'where had she learnt such a technique? Was it an inborn ability?' Yoda's mind started to wonder as he searched for answer.

He gave a small nod before retreating into his thoughts which put the rest of the council at ease. Though Windu and a few others in the council were still alert, with the sign off from the Grand master of the council, someone they all looked up to, it was enough for them to relax.

It took a few minutes for the room to settle down and reorganize itself from the sudden intrusion of the bounty hunter. Windu sat forward as he started to ask question. "Why were you on Naboo and why were you protecting the Queen?"

Ayillh who had started looking around again turned to the Master and shrugged her shoulders, letting off a carefree attitude. "I was there because I was hired for a job. All I have to do is make sure the queen is safe and I get a pretty pay day. Don't ask me who it was that hired me, because that is between me, him and a butt load of credits."

Windu wasn't happy with the answer or the attitude, but he couldn't force her to reveal her employers details. He quickly searched his information on her for the next unanswered question, but Yoda spoke first from the side, interested in the next topic.

"Told us Master Jinn has, met a Jedi on Quesh, you have, describe him, could you. Did not know, Jedi was on planet, at this time." Ayillh turned to look at Qui-Gon for a second at the question. 'So he did remember that small piece of information. Time to improvise.'

Ayillh dug into her memories of a certain Jedi Knight, the one who would become the orders Battle master and hero, the one who died to the emperor. She conjured an image of him as she started to do what she did for a living, lie through her teeth.

"I'm not going to tell you exactly when I was on Quesh, could affect my business. But I did meet a Jedi there. He had black hair cropped at the top, with a bulkier build than most. Standing at about 2 meters he wore the usual Jedi robes, along with some armour underneath." The council couldn't match any Jedi to that description just yet.

"He was left handed, I saw him use his lightsaber once and he was good. His eyes were a piercing blue and there was a scar that ran across his cheek, not too big but noticeable." Some on the council now frowned as they couldn't think of any Jedi that matched that description.

He had such a unique look, but they couldn't place him, not to mention that he had armour under his robes. Something the Jedi did not do. 'Could he be an imposter?' Ki-Adi spoke up his suspicions. "Did he say he was a Jedi?"

Ayillh turned over to look at the Cerean master and shrugged her shoulders. "He had a lightsaber and said he was a Jedi what am I to think? Plus I was together with him long enough to see him do all your Jedi tricks, jumping to impossible heights, making objects float, using that ability that sped up your bodies. I bet that would be great in bed…ohhh wait."

Almost everyone in the room completely disregarded that final comment, but Qui-Gon couldn't help but crack a small smile at the jab at the Jedi. "Did you see the color of his lightsaber? Was it red?" Windu spoke up again for a final verification.

They had determined that the person Ayillh had met was a force user, and that he carried a lightsaber, but none of them could think of a Jedi Knight that fit such a look. The only other option was that he was a Sith.

Windu asked the question as he knew that it was a lesser known fact that Sith used red lightsabers. Most would not blink an eye if they saw someone use one, but a Jedi would know the truth, that they were a Sith when they saw it.

Ayillh stopped for a second, before turning back to look at Windu, she shook her head. "No, he used a purple blade." That got everyone's attention especially Windu's. He retreated into his thoughts and said no more as he thought of the implications, slightly touching his own hilt.

The questioning continued for a few more minutes before finally, Eeth Koth motioned towards the door, they had asked all the questions they wanted. "You can leave now?" He said it in just the right amount of disinterest that irked Ayillh the wrong way.

As she turned to leave she left some words for the council. "Well aren't you lot pretty arrogant? The Jedi I met was a bit more down to earth. Whatever see you pricks around." No one said anything after that, a few considering her words. Eeth Koth himself was a bit apprehensive about how he had just dismissed Ayillh; she had come into answer their questions, using her time to help them and they treated her like air.

It was a notion to think about.

Some of the masters dwelled on the words before Yoda spoke up. "Sad it is, missed a youngling we did. Potential lost to the vicissitudes of the galaxy." Yaddle who hadn't spoken a word the whole time, slowly closed her eyes in regret. "Yes, truly a great loss to the order."

The council stayed in silence for a little while longer before finally Windu turned to the 4 people still standing in the middle of the council.

"You have your mission, May the force be with you."


(Naboo Royal cruiser, Leaving Coruscant)

(Ayillh PoV)

"Where is Palpatine?" Padme turned to me to address my question, I could see the slight confusion in her eyes so I elaborated. "I mean he is the representative from Naboo, did he not wish to come help his people?" Padme frowned for a second as my words sunk in.

I knew for a fact Palpatine was a Sith, laying the seeds of doubt in Padme's mind was an easy task. Just this one question would throw her trust and respect for him in a downwards arc. I smiled under my mask as she final responded.

"He was indisposed with senate meetings and proceedings. He could not accompany us." I just shook my head silently and added the finishing touches. "Senate meetings are more important than his people? Whatever." I left the subject there and didn't say anything else, but in the corner of my eye I could see the frown that stayed plastered to Padme's lips.

My smile only got wider as I thought of how pissed off he must be. I don't think he would be able to keep a straight face if he saw me now. I restrained my laughter as I slowly got up from my seat. Padme sent me another look as I went to leave.

"I'm got something to do." She looked my way for another second before getting back to her planning; she did have to figure out how to liberate her people. I had to inform Mace of what was happening.


(Queens cruiser, Hyper Space)

(3rd Person PoV)

Ayillh stood to the side and said nothing as she listened to the conversation going on between the Queen's party. Something Ayillh had dubbed the group that was going along to liberate Naboo. It consisted of, Padme and her Handmaidens, Panaka and his security crew, Jar Jar and Anakin, and finally the 4 Jedi that accompanied them; Qui-Gon Jin, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Aayla Secura and Quinlan Vos.

Of course Ayillh also joined the group to round them out. But for this conversation she had nothing to say, or rather she wanted to see what they could come up with on their own. Panaka and Qui-Gon were weary of the current situation and were making it know to Padme as she brain stormed ideas to reach the planets surface.

"Once the ship lands, the federation will arrest you and force you to sign the treaty." Panaka shook his head at Padme's stubbornness, but deep down he knew he would follow her to the end. "I agree, I'm not sure what you wish to accomplish." Qui-Gon on the other hand seemed to become the voice of the Jedi as he spoke for the rest of them. They all thought her idea to return was fool hardy.

A point considerable funny to Ayillh, watching from the side, Jedi that didn't want to help liberate a civilization. 'Well that was always the problem with the Jedi, schutta hypocrites.' But Padme kept a face of determination and grit as she heard their doubts and stances. "I will take back what's ours."

Ayillh retreated into her thoughts as she herself tried to conjure a way to retake the planet. She was good, you didn't become a cipher in imperial intelligence for nothing, but even then she did not know where Padme would find the man power to destroy the army of droids that litter the planet and she knew that Padme wouldn't want to fight with guerilla tactics that could destroy her nations cities.

Panaka shook his head once more. "There are too few of us your highness. We have no army" Living up to his name as her chief of security, he knew what they had, and how impossible the situation was, he was a practical man.

Qui-Gon spoke from the side also shaking his head. "And we can only protect you; we can't fight a war for you." Vos and he both knew what they could and couldn't do, they were Jedi helping the supreme chancellor, they couldn't actively go to war with the Trade Federation.

This was a little piece of information that Ayillh filed away for later.

The room turned quiet as Padme continued to think, looking around the room as if to find answer, before long she finally stopped when her eyes rested on Jar Jar. "Jar Jar Binks." Jar Jar wasn't expecting the addressee and clumsily pointed to himself in shock. "Mesa?" Ayillh couldn't see what Padme saw in him, but she smiled for some reason at his foolishness.

"Yes, I need your help." Ayillh registered her words slowly as a light of understanding began to dawn behind her mask. She cross referenced the information she had on the Gungan and realized what Padme might be planning. 'Ohh, that is a smart idea.'

Ayillh smiled under her mask as the conversation continued.