Intermission - 4: Lesson

(Coruscant, Jedi Temple)

(3rd Person PoV)

Master Cin Dralig gave a warm smile as he watched the younglings slowly file into the main training area, a smile only his best students had ever truly seen. Standing on the mat before him, he had to repress the laugh welling within as he saw their eyes instantly glue to the small item on his hip, his lightsaber.

The wonder in their eyes was so innocent he couldn't help but feel sad that their innocence would in the future diminish. But hope welled in his chest when he thought of the duty that they would perform, the sacred duty they all carried to keep peace in the galaxy.

Though the innocence would fade, their serenity, wisdom, compassion; all would grow as they progressed forwards. As the Battle Master of the temple it was his duty to make sure that they all could protect that which was precious to the whole galaxy, life.

Though some Jedi may find other ways to accomplish their goals, it was inevitable that they would have to draw their lightsabers at some point throughout their journeys.

The group before him was younger than he was used to, but that was the whole point of why they had come here today. He kept the warm smile on his face as the last girl sat on the floor behind him. Looking to the Master who led them in, he gave them a small bow before exiting from the room.

Dralig gave a small bow in response to the retreating back before turning back to the younglings. Though they had only started recently on their path in the order, they were rather well behaved, even if they were balls of energy. He could tell some of them wanted to jump up and use a few of the practice sabers that littered the walls.

*Cough* Gaining the attention of the kids before him, he paced slightly as he walked over the practice mat. "Hello young ones, my name is Master Dralig and I am the Battle Master of the Order." He flashed another smile as he saw the rapt attention he was getting from the young ones.

"Normally it would be in a few years when you would first be introduced to the arts of lightsaber combat..." He could see a few of their eye instantly drop to sadness and could feel one or two of them about to burst into protest at such a long wait.

It was almost novel to Dralig to see such emotion from the younglings, almost refreshing as in a few years they would have better control over themselves. "But..." The hope reignited once more. "Master Jinn thinks, it would be beneficial if we changed some of our practices and the council agreed." Their eyes opened wide in surprise and awe, it was no surprise.

They may have been younglings, but by now everyone in the temple had heard of the four Jedi that faced down and defeated the Sith that threatened Naboo. Though the general Public were more ignorant on the details, all the Jedi, even those out on missions had heard the news.

The sith, monsters that truly could put the Jedi on edge, all thought to be extinct, had come back, and four brave Jedi had faced the threat and defeated it. Of course Dralig was the Battle Master of the order, he knew things that others didn't, knew that it was not them that had truly done the deed but another of those accursed sith.

Though he hadn't seen how it had affected Jinn or Voss, he easily saw how it affected Secura and Kenobi. Both could be found more and more in the training hall, practicing and perfecting techniques and form sets, though because Kenobi had a new Padawan to train, he wasn't in nearly as much as Secura.

The threat of the sith had been an ever present teaching material and fairy tale that has and continues to be drilled into every Jedi that trained in the halls of the Jedi temple for the past millennia, it was no wonder that the four had become somewhat considered celebrities in the temple; especially for younglings and padawans, all looking up to them now more than ever.

"From now on you all will be coming here every few weeks to observe different lightsaber forms and fighting styles to help you choose one for yourself in the future. Sadly you will still have to wait till the proper age before you yourself can practice and you must all practices the first form of Shi-Cho.

There was a small smirk on his face as he watched their faces drop once more. "Now for the first Jedi that will be helping me today..." He paused as the kids held their breath, eyes searching the room for who they would first get to watch.

"The newly promoted knight, Aayla Secura." Once more the younglings' eyes sparked in wonder and mouths gaped in disbelief. Having waited for this moment, the blue twi'lek slowly entered the room and smiled at the children watching on.


(Aayla PoV)

I smiled brightly as I caught sight of the younglings all looking up at me with wonder in their eyes as I walked into the room. Sure it had been getting a little tiring seeing all those looks over the last few weeks, but It was nice when I saw the young ones.

It was a nice feeling to know that I brought them comfort and that I was keeping them safe. Though it did add another pressure to what I would have to deal with in the future. Though many didn't know, the sith would be back and I had a long way to go if I wanted to protect the Jedi order.

I had jumped at the chance to showcase and help guide the younglings when I was asked by Master Jinn, over the last few days my dreams had been plagued with nightmares of that fateful day. They came and went, but had steadily developed into a recurring pattern.

Standing on the pylons, fighting for me and my masters life as my opponent switched from one lightsaber form to the next blocking all my attacks, no matter what I did. It had begun to affect my meditation and my training had also started to take a strain on me when I went.

I didn't want to concern Quinlan, but I knew he sensed something was wrong. Maybe I should ask for an audience with master Yoda, he might know how I could calm my mind…

I shook my head for a second to center myself, my mind had been wandering more and more, something I thought I had learned to control ages ago…some knight I was. I focused back on Master Dralig as he sent me a look.

He had been talking to the younglings as I regained my mind and I knew he had sensed my sudden shift in emotions. Giving a deep bow to cover for my small mental blunder I playfully gave a wink towards the younglins as I went down.

"Master Dralig." He quickly gave a bow back, no doubt to keep with the ingrained etiquette that was taught at the temple towards other Jedi. We didn't always have to stick to it, especially with people we knew quite well, but it was a learning experience for the younglings.

"Knight Secura, I'm glad you have enough time to give a demonstration today. Your help is most appreciated." Straightening myself from the bowing position, this time I only gave a nod as I replied in kind. "No thanks are necessary, the younglings are our future and I'm glad to help guide them."

He gave a small smile in response as he turned back to the younglings to give them another small lecture. It mainly concerned the different types of lightsaber forms, and what they would have to learn in the future. He kept it simply because they were young from what I could hear and the kids were wrapped around his finger from the get go.

They hung on his every word, their excitement about wielding a lightsaber clear to see. Some threw a few looks my way and I tried to nod back towards them each time. A few minutes past like this before Master Dralig finally turned back to me.

I hadn't been told much about what I would have to show the younglings, but I did hope it was one of the forms I was good at. I hadn't trained in everything, something that I was thinking to change in the future, especially after 'that' fight, but for now I was only proficient in forms 4 and 5 respectively.

I had known Dralig for a long time and we were both relatively close, him having trained me quite extensively in my younger years as I had shown promise in lightsaber combat, before I finally became a Padawan of Voss.

So it was with this intimate knowledge that when he threw a smile my way I could see the small teasing light behind it. For a small moment I thought he meant for me to face him in a mock spare, something that filled me with no little amount of dread.

"Knight Secura, as the Younglings are still inexperienced with lightsaber combat I wouldn't want to overwhelm them with an actual spar for your demonstration today…" I could hear the small groans of disappointment that came from my side, while just keeping the sigh of relief that was threatening to leave my lips at the words.

The amused glint in his eyes showed he knew exactly what I was thinking as her continued. "…So I think it would be prudent if you were to go through a set of lightsaber motions or something similar. I don't mind what form you go through, just showing them the grace and strength required to move their bodies would be good, maybe some realistic kicks and rolls."

I thought about his words for a few seconds as he moved closer, placing a hand on my shoulder. "If you want to, you can fight an imaginary opponent and compare your blade against theirs. It's a good mental trick to sharpen your mind and body, something I'm sure you've done many a time in the practice halls."

He said the last part out loud no doubt meant to inform the younglings that were keenly listening in. I couldn't help but roll my eyes at the raise of his voice before nodding my head. No more words needed to be said as he moved off to the side to stand next to the younglings.

I watched him walk back to them and gave a small bow for curtesy sake before moving to the other side of the room. A mat was already placed down and would usually be used by two Jedi wanting to spare. I set that as my area to work within as I calmed myself.

I found I fought better when I calmed my mind. My eyes closed out of reflex as my hands brushed against the handles of the two lightsabers handing on my waist, I was still getting used to the feeling of both of them, but it was becoming a part of who I was…I could feel it.

The room faded away into nothing, no sound getting to me as I entered my own little world thinking of the opponent I was about to face. Having upped my training over the last few weeks, I had done this many times already and no matter what I did or tried, I would always face the same opponent.

My eyes fluttered open and turned into slits right away as my mind focused, before me stood my greatest obstacle, my greatest opponent… my greatest fear. Wearing the same armour he donned on Naboo, the expressionless mask staring right back at me was the 'sith'.

He was already in his fighting stance, but his silver blade was held to his side in a loose manner, as if taunting me to attack him while his guard was down, I knew that wouldn't work. I couldn't let him goad me.

I took a shuddering breath as I looked at the menacing figure before me, hands swiping down past my belt, clasping my two hilts in a practiced motion before igniting them, "Snap Hiss", signalling the start of my battle.

He was on me in a second before I could respond, his lightsaber already pushing my right back, throwing me off balance. I quickly tried to recover as I shifted my feet for purchase blocking the next swipe with my left.

Following through with the motion I used my momentum to make some distance before moving forward to attack. But 'he' was waiting for that. He hadn't pursued me after throwing me off balance he had waited. He intercepted my first overhead strike and used the force of it to dodge my left handed slash.

Feeling no hindrance in my slash I turned my body lashing out with my leg hoping to trip him up, but he just did a small jump over it, already slashing down to meet my two upward cuts. I gritted my teeth slightly as I felt the phantom pain of the weight behind his blow.

I knew he wasn't there, but at the same time he was, in my own world, when I was training like this, there was no difference. Still gritting my teeth I pushed his blow away before a swing came for my face.

My eyes flickered fast at the attack and I just moved my head before the blow struck. Augmenting my body with the force I sped up my reaction so I could get another two swipes as he retracted his arm, but as I came up he had already backed off.

I frowned and felt my grip tighten on the blade once more, his blade had moved back to lazily swinging at his side, he was taunting me…playing with me!... I was nothing before him!... No!... I had to defeat him!

I grit my teeth as memories of that day came rushing back, the humiliation, the casual disregard, it was happening again! I wouldn't allow it. I redoubled my effort lunging forwards for my next attack, moving faster and bolder than before, overhead chops, sweeps, left and right slashes, all moves easily blocked.

I would win!

I must win!


(3rd Person PoV)

All the younglings starred unblinkingly at the spectacle before them as they watched Knight Secura move and fight down the training mat. One little Togruta looked on with stars in her eyes, as she continue to watch the lightsabers flow freely before her. Her eye couldn't escape the grace which unfolded before her as they flowed like a river, seamlessly connecting each blow to the other.

She wasn't the only one, the other younglings knew what they were looking at now was something they would remember into the future. As the fight went on the figure before them only seemed to move faster and faster, using more of their body as they went. Legs jutted out in kicks, leg sweeps she even used the force to jump back away from some unseen blow.

To the younglings this was the highest level of lightsaber skill a person could reach, but to Cin Dralig he could see what was really happening before him. A small frown appeared on his face as Aayla lost herself in her own mind, her setting completely forgotten.

No longer was the mat in front of her empty, no, he could see her eyes turned into slits as a phantom menace appeared before her, taunting her with its skill. Though he couldn't see what she was facing he had his suspicions.

'Is it the sith?'

He kept the thought to himself but prepared to stop Secura if this continued for much longer. He could feel it, the younglings couldn't yet but he could. There was a small smattering of darkness that was coiling beneath the surface, something not found unless actively watching.

He could tell it was fueled by anger, as most dark things were, or rather emotions in general. The frown on his lips only got worse as she continued to retreat and trade blows with her opponent. This did not bode well.


(Aayla PoV)





I wanted to scream my frustrations to the world as I unloaded every trick in the book I had to defeat him, to then have it all blocked, dodged, parried and then mocked at the same time! My breath came in light ragged gasps as I slowly backed away from my opponent trying to figure out how to defeat him.

I had been pushing myself, not even caring if I tapped into the anger that welled up inside so I could move faster, hit harder, be stronger. I didn't care all I wanted to do was beat him!

"She was right, you are weak."

Again his voice came to mock me as he waited for me to attack. He had stopped attacking half way through my assault, mocking me even more by not fighting back and only blocking. What the hell do I do?! I had tried to incorporate form 7 to enhance my movements even more while keeping a strong offensive but it wasn't working.

"What a waste of a Jedi."

"Why would I take you serious if this is the best you've got."

"After I kill you, I'll kill your master."

I shut me as his words continued to ring in my ear, my head dropped in despair as I felt helpless. My grip tightened even harder on my hilts as my mind cut everything out, trying to rack my brain for an answer, any answer I could use, even his taunts slowly disappearing in my single minded determination.

Finally I heard it. "You have potential, but you have not practiced Jar kai before. When facing an overwhelming threat. When fighting a life or death battle, always stick to your strongest skills." My body froze at the words…at the voice.

It was like I had an epiphany in that one second, my shocked eyes looking down at the two glowing blades in my hands. It wasn't the voice I was expecting to make sense in that moment, not the voice I was expecting to help….but I got it…what it…he was trying to tell me.

My thought drifted over the battle I had had so far, I had based all his responses, all his battle techniques and taunts off what I had fought before on Naboo, combine that with my worst nightmare and I got what was before me. Sure it wasn't completely accurate to his true strength but it was close enough. I played the fight in my head, I played the fight I had on Naboo…

I finally understood.

I understood why he only used one lightsaber, it finally made sense!

Determination welled up inside me as I slowly turned off one of my lightsabers and clipped it back onto my belt. It was almost like slipping back into a shoe, gripping one lightsaber with both hands. The slight unbalance in my form that had been caused by wielding two lightsabers was fixed right away.

The figure ahead tilted his head for a second at the sudden change, his lightsaber finally entering a proper form as he stepped forwards, finally again bringing the fight to me. A lung was the first attack sent my way which I side stepped.

Raising my own lightsaber for a slash, he flicked to the side to block the blow. We held a lock on each other pushing back and forth before finally disengaging, once again then trading blows. I felt in my element as the blows we traded felt steadier. Without the other lightsaber, I could put more power into my blows and I was steadier, not to mention I wouldn't get in my own way with the other lightsaber.

It was the little things that you had to worry about when using two lightsabers that took a while to get used to. I hadn't thought about it much, already being able to fluidly chain my attacks with them, even after the change, but I could feel the difference now.

When he used a single blade against my two, he positioned himself and parried my blows so it was me myself that was throwing off my rhythm, getting in my own way from continuing a blow. He would deflect my sabers so I was off balance and not prepared to go for another swing.

It was a high level of saber play I had never encountered before, never thought of. To use that type of saber play when facing one blade wouldn't work, I would be able to move my body differently with only one saber, or have more strength to resist a deflect.

I finally understood.

It was with this understanding that after 2 minutes of trading fast blows, only using one blade, that I saw my opening. He used a heavy downwards slash to put me on my back foot. With two blades I wouldn't have been able to keep my blade as steady, but with one…

I pushed back with all my strength giving me enough room to jut my elbow into him, hitting his lower chin, it was all the distraction I needed to throw him off balance. I used my right foot to sweep his leg, which he only just dodged after my concussive hit sending him off balance once again, I used the momentum of my leg swing to pivot my body around a full 360 for another slash.

He saw that coming as well, just getting his lightsaber up in his bad position to block my blow. What he didn't see was my second hand swiping my second blade as I turned and positioning it behind his guard, aimed directly at his body as he stopped me.

I couldn't help but let out a relaxed smile as I pressed the button, "Snapp Hiss", Letting the blade skewer right through his armor and out the back. If I could see the face behind the mask…if this was a real battle I was sure there would be a shocked face behind the mask of the sith.

I turned off the blade and let my other drop to my side as I watched the body slowly drop to the ground.

I had won.

I had won!

It felt like a weight was lifted off my shoulder as I finally defeated him…or rather my nightmare of him. The question was though…is he stronger in real life?

I had no doubt that he was.

It was a sobering thought, but I looked to the silver lining. I finally understood the principle, the tactical reason for the 'humiliation' I received. How stupid had I been, he wasn't humiliating me, he was…he was…teaching me?

No that wasn't right…or was it. Why else would he give me advice at the end…why else would he bother?

I felt a shiver run down my spine as my downed opponent appeared in front of me again, but this time I hadn't called him forth. I could feel the smile that hid under the unblinking mask as it slowly started to disappear after standing up, all the while looking directly at me.

"You have promise, don't disappoint me now."

The words from that day played once more in my mind filling me with an unknown dread before a hand clasped my shoulders. I snapped out of my daze and turned to look into the eyes of master Dralig. He gave me a probing look, something in his eyes telling me he was looking for something in particular as he stared at me.

We stayed like that for a short time, before he smiled and turned to the younglings. "What a spectacular showing by knight Secura…" The rest of his words were drowned out as I felt that dread slowly settle inside, my eyes couldn't help but look to the closest window, looking out into the city of Courscant.

I finally refocused when he came to the end of his lecture, turning to me. "Is there any knowledge you would like to pass onto the younglings before we finish for the day." I looked at the master, then looked at the younglings. They all had stars in their eyes as they waited for my finishing words.

I plastered a smile onto my lips; a smile that I was glad was genuine after seeing their hopeful looks. I pushed down on that growing dread inside as I knew what I had to say, what lesson I had learned just now, even if it was from a Sith. It was a lesson for any warrior.

"When facing an overwhelming threat, when fighting a life or death battle, always stick to your strengths and always… always, trust in the force."


(3rd Person PoV)

Hushed whispers of excitement were traded back and forth as the younglings were finally allowed to leave the class room. After the 'awesome' lightsaber display by Knight Secura, the young ones couldn't contain themselves, all wishing they could grow older faster so they could become knights of the republic!

Some fainted swings and jabs as

they were corralled out by a new Jedi Master, taking them to their next lesson. Master Dralig gave the new entrant a small smile and they both gave eye rolls as they looked at the excitable kids. They just knew their next teacher would have a lot of trouble calming them down. What they both didn't know was that their next class was meditation practice, complicating the matter tenfold.

As the kids finally left the room and made their way through the temple, a certain Togruta trailed behind her mind completely focused on the words left by the blue Twi'lek, a light shinned from the depth of her eyes as she repeated the words to herself over and over, fantasizing about becoming a Jedi knight.