Intermission - 6: Royal Audience

(?, ?, ?)

(3rd Person PoV)

A gentle breeze made its way through a balcony as soft sunlight shimmered through an open door providing minimal illumination into the room inside. The source of light stuck the ground inside and provided just enough light to show the inner throne room in all its splendor. Six pillars dotted the room, standing high and mighty, holding the roof from collapsing.

A small stream wormed its way through the left side of the room, ultimately ending in a pond hidden to the side, resting behind two pairs of see through curtains hung up on their own. Small patches of greener could be seen following the stream as it snakes its way through the ground, while in the middle of the room a large throne sat quietly, waiting for its intended purpose.

Sat at the top of a small set of stairs, the oak throne had gold and another material woven throughout as intricate details littered the chairs body. A large rug ran from the top of the steps all the way to the large doors that stood as the entrance to the room. Made of the finest material on the planet, the rug was a deep purple, with a dark orange trim weaving it's way on both sides of the predominate color.

Next to the throne sat 2 smaller chairs that while magnificent in their own ways, paled in comparison to their main contemporary. Though both areas were Spartan in nature, it was the other side of the throne room that held the most color.

Flashes of purple, blue and orange made up the small alcove of cushions and lounges that sat in front of another window into the room. A lone figure floated quietly in place, pieces of cloth and other items floated around them as they kept their eyes closed.

No sound entered the room, no noise made by the small spectacle that was happening, the area was enveloped in an almost sacred feeling as the sun continued its journey around the planet, but all things had to come to an end. *Tap* The small noise was the only indication of the persons arrival before the floating figure.

With their head down, the figure was draped in battle full battle armor. Wearing a skin tight dark material that covered them from their soles to their neck, it was easy to tell the new entrant was female by the contours of her body.

Over the protective material the secondary and main pieces of armor clasped to her body, all made from the same type of light but dense wood their ancestors had been using for generations, interwoven with other materials to strength it, dense enough to stop a lightsaber if only temporary.

Ancestral patterns littered the woven armor, which started at her feet in booted greaves, ones that reached up to her kneecap, another two pieces of armor crafted specifically to protect over the knee cap and lower thigh. Her upper thigh armor was non-existent as to provided better mobility, instead a belt rounded her waist and dropped 4 armored pieces to cover her lower body, a replacement for an armored skirt.

Over her chest a form fitting 4 piece armor set covered her upper body, one piece to wrap over the shoulders, behind her back and around her body specifically made to order for each wearer. Another piece creating a short collar around the neck for any high blows that might come.

Finally the last two pieces sat over the top of the first, one placed over the abdominal region to block body blows and the other on top of that to provide protection to the sternum and upper body. All pieces coming together to provide and sturdy defense against body blows. The lower waist just below the abdominals was left bare once again to provide mobility in a fight.

On both shoulders rested thin protective pauldrons leaving a small gap at the elbow before reaching the vambraces on her forearms. She wore no gauntlets to keep dexterity in her fingers even though gauntlets were provided if asked.

Finally to finish off the armor a connecting hood made from a yellow cloth material rested over her head, hiding her hair and neck, an expressionless detailed mask resting on her face. Made from the same material as her armor, if one were to look at her they would only see bright green eyes looking back.

"My Queen." The voice was soft, but held a hard tone to it as the person floating, the Queen, finally woke up. Slowly the objects floating around her started to descend towards the ground as her body shortly followed suit.

The armored figure didn't say a word and waited quietly as trained in the royal guards. It wasn't long before the Queen finally reached one of the soft cushions positioned beneath her. A long flowing robe adorned her body.

Consisting of the prominent colors in the room, purple and orange, it wrapped her body loosely. The hood was down showing off her silver white hair and flawless face as she finally turned to the new entrant. A small smile on her lips as she recognized the guard before her.

"Have they made a decision?" The royal guard finally lifted their head at being addressed, confirming the reason she had entered the throne room. "Yes, they think your proposal to branch out is too aggressive and advise against such action."

The small twitch of her eye was the only indication that said Queen was annoyed with the verdict. She had enough self-control not to let herself slip, 'though', she thought to herself, 'it is only me and her in the room'.

Thinking it over for less than a second, the Queen finally relaxed. The tension in her body loosened as her back slumped a little, the frown on her face clear to see. "Well 'thankfully' I'm the Queen and what I say goes. I'll push through the changes if I have to!" The sarcasm, annoyance and slight petulance was clear in her voice as she reached for the bowl of fruit next to her. Her own armor and mask sitting next to the bowl.

Her eyes lingered on the armor, the one custom made when she had become queen. 'I'll have to get some practice in soon, I can't let my blade dull.' Her eyes flickered to her new weapon as it sat quietly next to the armor set, waiting to be used.

Lost in thought for just a few seconds, it was the slight roll of the eye from the royal guard that finally got her attention back. "Don't think I didn't just see that!" Her pointing finger and expression would have made anyone laugh had they seen it, but it was only the two in the room.

The Royal Guard tilted their head at the accusation, an unreadable expression in their eyes. It was the Queens turn to roll her eyes at the innocent look. "Don't you try that with me, I've know you for too long sister."

A little mirth finally entered the Royal guard's eyes as she looked at the Queen… at her sister. An unreadable message was passed between the two as they looked at each other, the smile on the Queens lips just a tad bigger after the previous news from the council.

Sure she had the overall say in what happened, she was Queen, she had the right, she had earned it, but the acceptance of the council at the same time would have been nice in her opinion. The Queen couldn't understand why those on the council wouldn't want to expand their territory.

They had stuck to an isolationist policy for so long, she thought it was about time they finally reintroduced themselves to the galaxy. They were strong enough to carve a place in the galaxy for themselves.

If they could get some revenge on those traitors at the same time she was all for it, or rather that was her plan all along. The Queen had heard the stories of the past, of the betrayal. It stung… and now in a position of power, she wanted to prove a point.

Once again her sister didn't interrupt her as she retreated to her thoughts. It was something she used to do all the time and still did to this day. Quickly rearranging her thoughts she once more looked to her rigid sister, still kneeling before her.

If she were being honest the thought of her sister being so subservient was a little off putting, she had heard the whispers around the palace after she had become Queen, the 'Golden Twins' they had been called.

A no-named outsider beating all the clan heirs to become Queen and her non-gifted sister making it into the royal guards, both situations that happened rarely… if ever, the pressure was immense, and the tutelage she had received after finally becoming Queen had been extensive.

When she had heard her sister had actually managed to make it into the Royal Guards, a unit that almost never accepted the non-gifted she was over the moon. The strict professional relationship that followed not so much, she couldn't help but want to connect more with her sister, like they had been in their younger years.

"Soooo, how's the Royal Guards?" The words came out as awkward as she thought they would, but this would be the first time in a while since they could talk without another in ear shot. Her sister didn't reply after the question though, she too was in her own mind, it racing between what she should do in the situation.

She knew what her sister was trying to do, frankly she also wanted to catch up with her. But the training in the Royal guards had been intense, more so for her, it at sometimes made her wish she was gifted like her sister.

Though she knew none were around, she was the only one assigned to the Queen at that moment, a trained part of her still fought back against talking to her so casually. The tension slowly filled the room as seconds almost turned to minutes as the Queen waited for her reply.

Just as a sigh was about to leave the Queens lips the royal guard replied. "It has been tough…but fulfilling…" A smile once more came to the Queens lips, happy for her sister. "…I'll tell you more after my shift ends, maybe during dinner. Of course if you'll allow that my liege"

The smile on the Queens face only got bigger with each word; she rolled her eyes at the seriousness that she delivered the last line and in a mock serious voice she answered. "I shall allow it." Though she couldn't see her sisters face under the mask, she knew she was smiling as she finished her words.

With the small bonding out of the way, a short quiet settled over the room as the Queen gathered her thoughts. A sharp look finally entered her eyes as she addressed her Royal Guard proper. "Have any major complaints from the clans been risen from my expansion proposal?"

Her Sister didn't even have to think before she replied in a business-like manner. "Clans Reltor, Yarn and Wenx have spoken up to reject the proposal, but they will follow any orders you set. They are more worried about the ramifications of possibly re-joining the galactic community."

The Queens eyes narrowed once more as she filtered those names away and prepared herself to talk to them later, not to mention all the other clan heads that might want to object to her decision. They might not like it, but they would follow her lead. Either way it was still expected of her to come up with the proper arguments and incentives to tide them over or show them the benefits such an action would bring.

Giving a small nod to acknowledge the news she moved onto the next point a more inquisitive tone in her voice. "Has there been any progress from the Seer's in regards to the disturbance." The disturbance she was talking about had sent a ripple throughout their world.

No one knew the location of the disturbance specifically, but all had seen the results. All the gifted littered over the planet, those in the royal guard, the military, in all the clans, the Queen herself. Even a few that weren't known to be gifted until the event, had blacked out for a few seconds, some longer than others.

It was as if a physical blow had knocked them all down at the same time. Some that were unlucky had been preforming dangerous tasks, such as flying at the time, or handling dangerous equipment. They hadn't been lucky; many injured, some dying from the happenings.

The reason it had affected their world so much was the fact that it had affected so many in major positions of power. If it had been permanent or possibly killed all of them at the same time, the planet might not have recovered.

Even now there were talks about changing some of the governmental and political structures that had lasted them millennia in the wake of the disturbance. The Seers were the first to bring any news to the Queen about what happened. The seers were the most Intune with the gift when it came to visions of the future or bad omens, trusted for millennia in their reading of the gift and their interpretations.

Though they had no concrete details to tell at the time, they had felt through the 'gift' that it was a sign of either great providence or a sign of great disaster. This was another reason the Queen had decided to expand out once again into the wider galaxy.

It was possible that whatever had caused the disturbance was known to them, and that their isolationist policy was making them ignorant of the dangers. All these thoughts raced through the Queen mind as she waited for a response.

After that day the Seers had all retreated into silent meditation to unravel what was happening with their gift. She had only received word recently that they might have come to a deduction. Her sister paused for a second, mind thinking back to what was said to her before she was to report to the Queen. The seers thinking it better for her to deliver the news.

Finally her mouth opened. "The seers have come to a conclusion. They say it is a great providence that will come. They say…" The words seemed to leave her before she could finish the sentence, a joy bubbling to the surface at the prospect at her next words.

The Queen instantly noticed her sisters excitement, leaning forward just a little to hear better. Her sister composed herself before finally finishing. "They say the Disturbance could be a sign of 'The Saviours' Return."

The Queen leaned back floored, 'A sign of the Saviour!', the thought ran through her mind at light speed, the implications not lost at all. 'Was it possible that the prophecy will finally come to pass'

Like her sister beforehand she couldn't help the excitement that welled forth, but she had to calm herself, a not so easy task. "Are they sure?" The words came out in barely disguised hope. Her sister nodded back having checked 3 times herself.

"Yes, they are sure. The gift whispers her return to them." The Queen couldn't control herself anymore, her eyes blazing in joy. She would be the Queen when the Saviour returned! She had no time to waste.

Any that were opposed to her expansion policy would be pushed aside, they must find them! Or it was possible that they would come to them! It mattered not, any that stood in her way would be silenced at this news. It was time for them to make a mark in the galaxy once more. They were ready.

The robes dropped from her body in quick order as she began to don her armor, ready to face the world, no the galaxy. Her back had turned to her sister as she started to get dressed, her imperial regal, taught since she had taken her position, finally showing through as her voice hardened.

"Form the council at once, we are going through with my proposals as soon as possible. I want everyone there, I won't accept any absences." Head still lowered her sister intone in her soft voice once more before swiftly disappearing from the room.

"As you wish my Queen."