Chapter 5.6: The Force Shall Free me

Subtitle: The Force Shall Free me.

Typhon, Sith Temple, Unknown

Mace PoV

Warmth, the heat of another person pressed upon my skin. Her body resting atop mine as I idly ran my fingers through her hair.

I was not one that ever lacked the warmth of another... well after my rise. It was because of this I could tell how fake this feeling truly was.

The warmth was there, the heartbeat, the small puffs of breath on my bare chest as she breathed in an out.

But I could tell it was fake.

Maybe when she first died, I wouldn't have noticed the difference.... but now after so many years, it was becoming noticeable.

I was forgetting what she felt like, the texture of her skin, the scent she carrier around like none other in the galaxy.

The familiar sting of the dark side clawed at my surroundings as I felt my anger build.

It was my faailure and a consistent reminder.

I always had to get stronger.

Because if the person I acknowledged...

The person that had enough strength to garner my un-divided attention could be killed...

Then so could I.

That had become less of a problem these days, after Valkurion.

As I chipped away at his power, turning it into my own, I felt a sense of apathy to the universe around as I became stronger and stronger.

Though that apathy would not be turned into arrogance, into decadence... into complacency.

When that happened, that would be my true downfall.

My final mistake.

I gripped my ever-rising anger with a tight leash, the bubbling emotions lashing at me for a few moments before I sent it back. The tendrils of the dark slowly moved away.

I was not a prey they could ensnare.

"Love, your mind has wondered." Her sweet voice drew my attention as I came back to myself. Alira, my beautiful wife, gave me a knowing look as I glanced down to her resting form on my chest. The warmth of her body leaving as she raised her bare upper body off mine.

"Sorry, I was just thinking."

There was no need for me to tell her what I was thinking about, she knew me better than anyone else in the galaxy and we were connected like few ever were.

Flexing my arm slightly I cupped her behind and pulled her up my body as I reached forward with my left hand.

I traced her eyes, nose, lips, everything; as I lost myself in her beauty once more.

I was glad that she, as a force ghost, could retain her form. I wasn't sure after so long if I could remember her features in such vivid detail if that weren't the case.

My anger spiked once again at such an omissive thought, but this time I kept it bottled. My hand fell back, and I moved it to rest with my other, on her ass, pulling her a little closer at the same time. I relaxed back onto 'our' bed head as she straddled me.

I felt her own hands, that had been resting on my chest, come up to trace my own face. I let her do as she pleased as a small sad glint passed through her eyes. At that moment I wasn't sure what she was thinking.

If I had pushed a little, I would have known exactly her thoughts, but I let them be.

In here. In our own little space, I just wanted to feel the presence of my wife.

The moment seemed to stretch forever, and I would have let it, had her hand not pulled back. The warmth of the caress on my cheek leaving.

"Is everything prepared?"

I gave a light chuckle as her voice sounded, she moved her body back down and snuggled into my chest, her warmth spreading once more.

We both knew that her words were just a distraction from the failures of my past. But it was an appreciated distraction.

"Yes, the Sith holocrons from the Jedi's vault are already being used, Jaesa, Ashara and Xalek will be teaching the new acolytes until the next mission. They can share the task of teaching the next generation."

Alira's head only moved slightly, her hair tickling my chest as it flowed.

"What of the other plans?"

My mind drifted to every plan in motion at the moment. There was a lot to do, and though we had time, there wasn't an abundance of it. Now that we had acquired the holocrons, we needed the technology and resources that came with building an empire.

Infrastructure, ships, weapons.

"Ayillh is getting ready for her mission as we speak, because we'll need the Phantom, she's looking into any transportation she may need."

Once her mission was complete, we would have some of the best and more importantly hidden hyperspace routes to use going forward.

"As for the Ascendancy. We both know I'll have to go myself. When talking between empires, respect should be shown. Especially to one so old."

That would be an interesting trip.

I do have to wonder how powerful their people have become after so many years. It was surprising learning that they were not a known force in the galaxy anymore, or at least a downplayed one. Their neutrality and low presence points to the fact their focus was concentrated somewhere else.

They did not have the time to deal with the squabbles and idiocy of the republic.

With the vision from the force I had, I believe I know which force that have come up against. If that were the case, they are the only things stopping 'them' at this point from entering the galaxy at large, a commendable goal.

"Do you think the old agreement still holds?"

I tuned back into the present as Alira's voice drifted by once more. I was not sure to the details, but then... that wouldn't stop me from completing my goal.

"I'm not sure, but should it not, we can create a new one."

I felt my lust for battle rise at the thought of what was in front of me. Should they say no, I would have to take drastic measures.

"There's the uncompromising Sith I fell for."

I rolled my eyes as Alira once more raised her head and looked my way, the passion in her eyes searing.

I felt my blood boil and prepared myself for another round, but all good things must come to an end at some point. I noticed there was a presence close by just as Alira sighed.

"It looks like you are needed outside."

I ran my hand one last time across her gentle lips as her body started to fade.

"It, seems so."

As her body disappeared and her warmth left me, I finally roused myself and our room faded.

Until next time.


Typhon, Sith Temple, Council Room

Mace PoV

My eyelids fluttered for a moment before light pierced through and I regained clarity to the waking world. Vaylin stood before me, her presence muted as not to wake me faster. It was a small notion but appreciated.

The rest knew that I did not like to be disturbed when I was talking to Alira. But whatever Vaylin wanted to talk about, it must have been important. There was an edge in her stance, one of apprehension but determination. There was also something else there, but I couldn't quite pick out what it was.

"...Outlander, we need to talk." Her voice was soft, calmer than when we had first met. She had changed a lot from the angry and scared girl that I once battled. Though that did not mean she had lost her battle lust, her fire, her drive.

I could feel it under her skin, deep in the core of her being, ready to boil and burst forth when needed.

Her training was going well.

"Yes Vaylin. What is it?"

Once again there was an indecision behind her eyes as she spoke up. An apprehension I had not seen from her before, why was that?

"It's the connection... the force has been pulling me towards a certain planet."

The connection again. Alira was still diving through the knowledge Valkurion had horded over the centuries and there were a few ideas what this new connection was. Until I could see it for myself, I would not be able to tell exactly what it was.

"I'm certain that I will meet that person there."

Well, that was a new development. The force wanted Vaylin to meet this mysterious woman? I could tell she was strong in the force, rivalling Vaylin even. But the real question was, what did the force want?

Did it want them to fight?

…. Still that didn't explain her hesitance or why she was here.

"Why are you telling me this?"

A certain look crossed her features, one that started to make the picture clear.

"I just came to ask permission to leave."

When it came down to it, Vaylin was in an essence a sheltered child. After what Valkurion did to her, then the rest of her family there was a lot of anger and hate, but more importantly there was indecision and insecurity.

Vaylin knew that she could have told me this directly then taken the Phantom, or another craft out to see about this bond.

But she had come here with trepidation.

I could finally see what she wanted. She wanted me to come with her.

I had become a new rock in her life, a guiding light that was helping her or possibly an imposing force in her life that provided security through my strength and stability. There was no way to find out her true feelings on the matter.


I could indulge her in this instance.

"I will be leaving to negotiate terms soon, Jaesa, Ayillh and Vette were to accompany me. Now to shall you." At my words the force while concealed still rang true with a clear sense of happiness. It was as I thoughts, she wanted me to come along. To be there when she confronted this new experience.

"After we are done, we will both confront this woman." I could just catch the small crack in her façade as she smiled for a moment before she regained herself.

"As you wish. I was..."

She stopped speaking but I didn't pay that any attention, no, my gaze shifted to the centre of the council chambers.

The force was pulsing, building power so quick that in but a moment it had engulfed the room. I narrowed my eyes as I felt out in the force, tracing where this was coming from and what was happening specifically.

I stopped as I felt a familier presence.

One similar to what I felt when we were brought to this time.

My rage wanted to bubble to the surface, my power eager to exploded forth and grapple with the force. My mind began to work a mile a minute as I thought of one possibilitiy.

The force was trying to send me back.... but no.

I could feel it in the force, it was not trying to harm me. We already had an accord.

Even if it tried, I would fight it with everything I had and likely stop it in the process.

No something was coming through. I couldn't tell what, but I could sense that it was powerful. Not to my level, or most of the others, but it was something to take note of.

The force began to build as I felt the others in the temple rush in our direction. They had of course already sensed what was happening here; as they got close, I sent a small message in the force for them to stay outside.

Though I was sure that I could deal with anything that did happen here, I didn't want any distractions as this force built up.

No I wanted, to see what the force was sending me.... who it was sending me.

Like before, when we first came, the force continued to build. But unlike then it took longer to build up.

The force was weaker.

Was it possible it would not be able to do such a task too many times?

Could it not do so again after this time?

Only time would tell, though I was sure that after this time, it would be a long period before it could happen again.

As I focused on the force, its power reaching a crecendo about to burst, I felt something. Something hidden that almost seemed to piggy back off what was before me.

I shifted my attention for but a second as I felt another burst of force, one similar to what was before me... but it was on... Ryloth?


I shifted my attention back to the scene before me as what I could only describe as a crack in dimensions was torn in front of me. It was small only about enough space for something small. Then a burst of light.

One blinding enough that I had to look away.

As I turned back, I laid eyes upon a girl, young, probably 5 years old. She was human from what I could tell, her clothes were ragged and dirty, makeshift at best. At her feet small grains of sand littered the floor, telling me she had been on a desert world.

But all of that was secondary, what really drew my attention were her eyes and the force that radiated off her.




All bubbling to the surface raging to be let out at some unseen foe. A foe that was embedded into the girls' eyes, I could see it already; there was a tinge of yellow that wanted to consume them, the force power of the girl eclipsing most of those her age already.

I couldn't help but smile as I took her in.

Such promise.

I flared my power only slightly to push the dark side away from one so desperately reaching for it. I couldn't let its grubby claws corrupt one so young. It would make it that much harder to mold her into a true weapon of destruction later.

I raised my hadn't slowly, finally gaining her attention; the anger and hate slightly retreating in confusion at her new surroundings. She had no clue where she was or what had happened, but that didn't matter.

"Come closer child. I sense much hate in you."

I layered my voice with a small amount of force persuasion to get her to move forward. Subconsciously she did as I asked, stumbling forward, her knees already bloody from scrapes and her hands bleeding from how tight she gripped them.

Finally, she fell before me, her mind already struggling to stay conscious after what ever happened. She looked up to lock eyes with me as I stared into her hate ridden soul.

"Focus on that hate... channel it towards who you hate the most at this moment."

Once again, my voice made her focus, her rage slightly quelled, roaring back into an inferno that threatened to consume all around. I kept a lock on her eyes as I stared into the hate, the malice; an image appearing in her mind that showed me the desire of her revenge.

But finally, the strain was too much on the girl, her mind already ravaged by emotions giving out, her small frame falling unconscious before me. I didn't move to help her and only looked at her crumpled form, Vaylin now standing behind me and to the side.


At the drop of my voice the others arrived, Jaesa, Xalek, Nadia and Ashara all walked in. They had curious expressions on their faces as they moved closer, catching sight of the downed body.

Each showed different expressions as they felt the force roll off her and... her hatred.

"Who is this? There force presence was... powerful." Jaesa was the first to speak up as she narrowed her eyes at the girl. I could already tell she was using her special gift to assess her loyalties and presence.

"Powerful and Dark, she has gone through much pain." This time it was Ashara who spoke from the side, her expression marred with a frown as she noted how young the girl was.

"Hatred defines her now, Revenge for those fallen." Xalek stood to the left as he spoke, his eyes holding a little respect for the child's will to live.

The only one that hadn't poke was Nadia. I could already tell why.

The similarities, the anger, the hatred, the need for revenge.

It would be like looking in a mirror, one the she had only conquered recently.

She was also the perfect choice to nurture this seed.

"Lord Grell."

She was confused for a moment at the address but quickly fell to a knee before me.

"My Lord."

I had the others attention as I gestured to the girl.

"She will be your new apprentice. Take her to rest. This is the next part of your training."

Nadia stopped for a moment, her shock clearly ringing through the force. Now that she was a lord, it was only right that she found herself an apprentice. Of course, this one was a little special. I would likely have to finish her training in a few years to unlock her true potential, her force presence even now was a rarity.

I could see that she was hesitant to take the girl for a moment, but then her eyes firmed as she looked back at me.

"As you command my Lord."

I watched quietly as the rest filtered out of the room, I would talk to Vaylin later, while Nadia got the Uknown girl to the med bays to check up on. The rest would go back to what they were doing before, though I could see them eyeing our new acolyte.

As the doors to the council chambers finally closed, I couldn't help the smile on my face widening. The image of the person the girl hated appeared in my mind; as I looked at an older version of Sheev Palpatine I resisted my urge to laugh.

He was much, much older than he was now.



Courscant, Jedi Temple, High Council Chambers

3rd person PoV

2 weeks, that is how long it took the Jedi high council to convene after the disastrous events of the 'Temple raid', that's what the Masters had been calling it. They were also the only ones that had been informed of what had happened that night. It would have sent the temple, Knights and padawan's, into a frenzy should they have known that the sacred halls of the order had been desecrated.

It usually wouldn't have taken so long for the high council to convene, especially after the raid, but it couldn't be helped. Not only had the temple been infiltrated, the senate had been bombed. Yoda had first thought the bomb had come from the republica 500 buildings, but it had instead come directly from the senate building.

Many senators and officials had dies in said explosion, including the supreme chancellor Valorum. They were already looking to elect his replacement.

The Jedi were called in to investigate, something which usually they would have reluctantly complied to at such a time, but Yoda had been adamant that a high number of Jedi participate in this investigation. Only the others on the council knew why so much importance had been placed on the bombing and less on the temple raid.

The idea that there was a Sith on coruscant in the higher echelons of the republic was a sobering thought to many on the council, especially as most of them had visited the senate as a part of their duties and they had never felt anything amiss.

They would have doubted the intel had it not been for two facts. One, Yoda himself, the grand master of the Jedi, had felt a dark presence from the area when the bomb went off and two, they had been tipped off by the Sith.

It would be usual for the Jedi not to trust anything that comes from a Sith's mouth, but in this case, they were compelled to believe their words. From what the council could tell and too their great horror; not only had the Sith returned, but there were also two factions.

One faction had ransacked the temple of their Sith artifacts and the other was hidden in their bureaucratic system, with who knows how much power.

The only conciliation was the almost confirmed assertation of Master Windu after the current events, there was infighting. Something that was a known problem when it came to the Sith and why the rule of two had been established.

Now that it was confirmed to be broken, it was more than likely that each Sith faction would fight each other. But that then brought up other problems that the Jedi needed to address. Such as how many factions were there?

How would their fighting affect the galaxy?

What should they do moving forward.

The first section of their current meeting had addressed such issues. Master Mundi and Windu both agreed that the temple was not safe enough from the Sith. They had easily infiltrated once; it could happen again.

Others like Master Piell agreed, bringing up their centralisation of padawans, knights, master's and councils'. He was trying to argue that they needed to create separate enclaves encase Coruscant was ever attacked again, like that had practices many centuries ago. Their only other large concentration of forces being stationed on their farm worlds. Discussion had devolved for a while as those on the council went back and forth on what they should do.

This had led into their investigation of the bombing. None of the jedi involved, which solely included masters had been able to find out who had pulled the bombing off. The holo-logs had been erased from a small explosion in the server rooms of the senate, and the area that had been bombed had been a secretly built room that was suspiciously close to the chancellor's office.

Some of the masters speculated that it was possible that Valorum himself had been the Sith they had felt, but as he had died in the explosion, that theory had been disproven. Though others argued that he could have been the master, or apprentice of whatever this other Sith factions was.

What the masters did find was the high concentration of the dark side emanating from the secret room. They hadn't been able to feel it until that had gotten close to the explosion, which was worrying, but it was clear as day that there had been dark artifacts in the area that was bombed.

The meeting had already been going on for hours, before finally the council turned their attention to the main meeting point, the intrusion in the temple. Holo-logs had been completely wiped when one of the Sith had entered the communications center, which was still being checked by some of the best slicers in the order to check for any virus's or worse.

So, all the information they had was recorded after the fact. What was detailed in the report was the aftereffects of the raid. A whole section of the meditation gardens was destroyed, Training room 289 was ruined and under repair. They had three verbal accounts of the night's events and lastly 3 dead Jedi, including Master T'ra Saa. Something everyone on the council lamented.

It could have been called cold that they did not feel too much at the passing of the temple guards on the steps, but all the masters on the council had known Master T'ra Saa for many years and the blow of her death was felt by many. The high council meeting had also been put off until they could give the Master a proper send off.

"What was the younglings name?"

Qui-Gon's voice was soft as he thought on the events of the temple intrusion.

"Ashoka Tano"

Mace Windu looked down at the report in his hand before he replied. Plo Koon frowned from the side as he heard the familiar name. As this was their first meeting about the events of the night and he had bene busy since then, he hadn't known that it was young Ashoka that had been implicated in the events, he had just known that a youngling had been involved.

"I brought young Ashoka to the temple myself."

Master Piell turned to Plo Koon at his words and spoke up in question.

"Is there anything special about the girl?"

Plo Koon glance in Piell's direction and shook his head.

"No, last time I saw her she was like any youngling... though she is a little excitable. I did not know she was the youngling involved, I will have to go and make sure she is alright after this meeting."

Some on the council wanted to point out that what Plo Koon was suggesting to do showed a connection that was frowned upon by their teachings, but no one spoke up. After an ordeal with the Sith, it was better for one close to the person to talk them through the experience.

Qui-Gon himself was showing a small smile at the concern shown for Ashoka, wishing that more on the council could show such compassion and connection to the younglings.

"Disturbing it is. The Sith's focus on one so young."

Yoda himself, broke the small lull in their conversation moving the meeting along. As the other council members also regained themself.

"Both the youngling Ashoka and Knight Secura should be under temple watch for the foreseeable future for any dark side influence."

The one that spoke up was Ki-Adi-Mundi, his stern visage looking towards Qui-Gon, knowing that he was about to protest his words. He knew that they were provocative in nature, but it was a necessary precaution after what they went through. Who knew what the Sith might have done to them after they both fainted.

"You must rember that young Aayla is the padawan of Voss, he himself is close to the dark side, and I remember a report in the past where she was directly influenced by the dark side from a fallen Jedi."

Even Piell was the first to agree with Mundi's words, he himself seeing the danger the two could possess to the order and those around them should anything be amiss.

"Yet, she broke free of the dark side and has shown an unwavering commitment to the force after that incident."

Finally, Qui-Gon spoke up, his words echo the thoughts of a few others in the council. There were two schools of thought in the council when it came to such matters, one that was more forgiving and one that was hard-line in its approach to the code and how the Jedi should interact with it. These two sides clashed as Ki-Adi-Mundi continued shot back a retort.

"I heard reports that Secura has been training extensively since her encounter on Naboo, her violent and vicious tendencies have also risen." Saesee Tiin frowned at his aggression but tried to calm the situation.

"Because one trains themselves to face the oncoming Sith threat does not make them prone to falling. As we all know, aggression can help one face the anger and malice of the dark. Such as Master Windu's own fighting style. He has not fallen though he practices such a technique."

The argument was about to escalate as a small ping from the council doors drew their attention. Yoda waved his hand to open the door as a Knight entered the room. He bowed in apology for his intrusion before moving over to master Windu with haste.

Whispering something in his ear, he handed him a small data chip before leaving the council to continue their meeting. The argument from before might have continued had Windu's face not been surprised at whatever news he had just received.

That surprise had then turn to a solemn look as he looked down at the data chip in is hand. None of the other members of the council spoke as Mace collected himself, before speaking.

"A transmission has recently been received by my 'missions division'. It was important enough that they rushed it to this meeting."

Adi Gallia tilted her head in question at Windu's words.

"What was it about."

Yoda had a contemplative look in his eyes as he reached out into the force.

"Wrong Question you ask. Question Who is important." Mace lets out a sigh as he felt the weight of his next words and the trepidation in the force that welled up inside.

"We seem to have received a message from Master Fay…" A few eyes widened throughout the room as their thoughts turned to the renowned master. There had been stories told about her for a long time, well over a few centuries of history had her name littered throughout.

She had lived a long time, longer than most other species in the galaxy and no one could exactly tell why. Her species was human, or close enough, but she had already reached the old age of 700 hundred, almost rivalling master Yoda himself, some though that she was even the embodiment of the living force.

This wasn't attributed to her age though, no, it was attributed to her mastery of the force and how young she still looked. Unlike Master Yoda who everyone knew was getting old but still powerful, many of the masters that had run across her told of how she hadn't seemed to have aged a day.

Not only that it was her principles and convictions in her beliefs of the force itself. It was a well-known fact that master Fay did not use a lightsaber. Any conflict, it didn't matter what, she never resorted to using violence, diplomacy was used every time to resolve her matters.

Though some like Master Mundi, Piell and Windu himself found this approach foolish in nature, given any situation could rise in conflict, they had to respect her for what she had done over the years and her clear conviction.

She had become a role model for not just Younglings, Padawans and Knights, but even a few of the Masters. Because it had worked, it had never been recorded, her having to use her lightsaber, some didn't even think she had one, though logic would dictate to finish her Jedi trials she had to have found her own Kyber crystal and made one.

A message from her was so out of the blue and unexpected that none of them could have expected Windu's words but hearing that she had sent a message to the council specifically, everyone in the room naturally sat up to listen.

Having gained all their attention, Windu slowly floated the data chip into a slot off to the side.

With a quick flick of his wrist and use of the force, a small hologram appeared in the middle of the room. The image of a woman with pale but clear skin appeared before the council. Wearing a set of silver and brown robes, her face sported small tribal like patterns that drew one to her grey eyes. On the side of her head sat sharpened ears that gave her a regale disposition, one accented by how she held herself. Her hands were positioned behind her back as she looked forward, a gentle look in her eyes, her voice even more so as she began.

"Hello, it has been a long time since I last sent a message to those of the council. I do not know how the members have changed over the years and who exactly is sitting upon the seats now, but I do hope that this message finds you well."

Many of the masters had not even seen the Jedi master before, some quickly noting the platinum blond hair and delicate features she sported, along with the silver/brown robes she wore, an odd choice compared to their usual garb.

"I have sent this message to the council to inform them of my coming decision." A look of trepidation crossed her features as she spoke, one not missed by the rest of the council.

"Recently I have sensed a darkness. One that I am sure every force user in the galaxy felt a few weeks ago. But along with that darkness the force has been pulling me towards the Uknown regions." A somber atmosphere started to permeate the council chambers at her words.

"At first, I did not know what it was, but now I am certain a connection has been created between me and... someone else. The experience has been.... weird to say the least. I was not certain where to go, but the pull has become stronger recently, I know where I must go and what to do."

Master Fay stopped for a moment as she looked up at something none of them could see, a determination flickering in her eyes as she turned back to look forward.

"I will confront this darkness. See who the force has connected me to, face it and... see what may come."

The mood in the council room only grew worse as ideas on what she was about to face appeared in each of their minds. It was not hard to draw a link between what Master Fay was talking about and the Sith that had appeared, or that was what it seemed.

Concearn was present in many of the eyes on the council as the put two and two together. A few thoughts passed through their minds but as if reading their thoughts Fay continued, a small smile on her lips now.

"I have long since left by the time this recording reaches you. You won't be able to stop me from confronting this darkness.... it is as the force wills. It tells me I must face this darkness, understand it and..."

She trailed off for but a moment as the council held their breath.

"...That I, Jedi Master Fay...will not be coming back."

A collective sadness welled up inside each member of the council at her assertation, the ringing of the force that her words were true only cemented the fact that a legend would be ending.

"This can only mean that; this might be my final moments in the galaxy, and I wanted to inform you all before I leave."

The small smile on Master Fay's lips slowly fell off into a sad look as she locked eyes with Yoda, even though it was a recording.

"This is my final message to my fellow masters. May the Force be with you. Fay Signing off."

With that the message finally finished, the other members of the council stayed silent as the words of the renowned master slowly sank in. All their thoughts drifted to the recent bad events that had been piling up over the last few weeks, this just another to add to the pile.

Though it felt like so much more to the old masters.

Finally Master Windu, a solemn look in his eyes, a foreboding deep in his voice spoke what the rest of them were thinking.

"Another dark day for the Jedi order this is. "



Hey guys, sorry that this took so long to come out, it's not as big as the other chapters, but I have been very busy over the last few weeks.

I won't be doing another Star Wars chapter for a bit as I sort out exactly what has to happen in the chapter and how I will structure it.

Next up, Mace goes to negotiate with one of the biggest forces in the galaxy who could it be?

And Vaylin comes face to face with Jedi Master Fay, who will come out on top?

Until next time.

Zevren out!