Heated Argument

"Why do you not want to be a hero Zack?"- Nezu

Agitation was seen a little on Nezu's face. He believed that his little test subject was about to escape.

"Pfft Why would I want to be a hero is the better question?"- Zack

"I don't follow."- Nezu

"You have increased intelligence how could you not?"- Zack

Nezu was not enjoying a little brat ridiculing him in front of his subordinates. Zacks emotions were starting to get the better of him he started speaking in the high pitch tone. Midnight was about to crack up laughing but contained herself. Hailey had bug eyes and stayed quiet. He coughed before calming down.

"Sorry, that was rude of me."- Zack

"...."- Nezu

Nezu didn't say anything he was right that was rude. And motioned him to continue.

" I don't get it either, why don't you want to be a hero?"- Midnight

"I ain't the hero type?"- Zack

"You don't sound so sure of yourself."- Nezu

"Fine I hate the complete system of heroes."- Zack

"What do you mean?"- Midnight

"When someone usually gets there hero license they have to have good popular to even stay afloat in society. That's not an issue at your school because of the sports tournament.- Zack

"I don't see your point."- Nezu

" I didn't make one yet. For you see Heroes get paid off by their populari their position on the top hero chart and the government correct?"- Zack


"But there are still heros that can't hardly get by with those checks now why is that?"- Zack

"It's because they're not getting popular."- Nezu

"Correct now let me ask you one more question, why would I choose a job that's based around my popularity?! I AM A SLIIIIME! Not really known for their fighting!!"- Zack

".....B-But you have a strong body."- Nezu

"So you obviously know that if someone stabbed me in my chest where my heart is I won't die?"- Zack

[You won't]

'Shut up'

"I...Umm."- Nezu

"Come on let's test that theory shall we. Ma give me a knife!"- Zack

"Hell no!"- Lucy

"Were not testing that theory!"- Hailey

"Zack please don't put words in my mouth."- Nezu

"But I want to know why you expect my "human" body to be just as strong as my slime body? When you know absolutely nothing about how this body would react."- Zack

"....."- Nezu

Nezu couldn't say anything he was completely right. If this was a fight Zack had landed each and every blow.

"You're right I don't know how your body would react you're literally the first slime to ever to grow a body. That's why I wanted to meet you."- Nezu

"Oh I get you now you want to examine me."- Zack

"Zack enough you're being too rude."- Lucy

" I'm being too rude! I was told this guy was supposed to help me get a new identity not question me and my future!"- Zack

"It's quite alright Miss. Todd he's not technically wrong. I am supposed to help you get your new identity. But I wonder why you so defensive about it?"- Nezu

"I just don't want the wrong people knocking at my door threatening us wanting to experiment on me the less people that know the better."- Zack

'He's like AlMight and his secret'- Nezu/Midnight

"I see alright I heard you already had a name picked out."- Nezu

"Yes sir, Zack Tempest."- Zack

"Same birthday?"- Nezu

"Nah set it 4 months before my real birthday."- Zack

"Any reason why?"- Nezu

"Just harder for people to figure out the truth about me."- Zack

"....One last question do you even want the hero associations help?"- Nezu

"Of course I do I just don't want to be a lab rat to receive help."- Zack

Nezu then started writing on a piece of paper that Zack assumed to be his new birth certificate, his theory was correct when Nezu asked Zack if he could transform into a baby and get feet prints for his new birth certificate. Which he did his feet prints are so much different than his original it isn't funny.

"Fascinating. Ahem if you have a printer I can print you off a copy now if you want."- Nezu

"Yes please there's one in Michaels office."- Lucy

After Nezu printed off a copy for Lucy and Michael he left as quickly as he came.


Name: Zack Tempest

Race: Slime

Title: None

Magic None

Skills- "Great Sage""Predator""Complete Absorption" "Complete Self Regeneration" "Complete Body Control" "Complete Perfect Memory""Magic Sense" "Body Enchantment"

Resistances- "Thermal Fluctuation Resistance EX" "Physical Attack Resistance" "Pain Nullification" "Electricity Resistance" "Paralyze Resistance"