April's Decision

The next day, Alex was up and early. He showered and got ready, before heading down. He had bought a mansion 2 years ago, when he and Colm decided to venture together.

He was rarely staying in this house, but he still hired servants to maintain the area. When he got downstairs, his butler Jeff greeted him.

"Master , the gifts that you ordered are ready and is being loaded up now. You breakfast is ready as well." Jeff bowed and gestured Alex towards the Kitchen. Alex only nodded. He was used to having a luxury life. As the only son of the Hawthorne's, he was spoiled. Yet even though he was spoiled, he was taught to be humble as well. His mother had made sure that he has manners.

Being the only son, can sometimes be tiring as well. Ever since he got married to Francesca, his mother always egging them to have a baby. She would always mention that her and his father was not getting any younger. They wanted to see kids, running around the mansion.

Alex did wanted to have kids. Just that, his wife wasn't ready. She was always busy making her own empire grow. Alex was thankful that she was an independent woman. She wasn't blinded by how rich the Hawthorne's was. Francesca wanted gain her own wealth, by making her family's company grow. Aside from being beautiful, she was talented and intelligent as well. This made him fall in love with her. Alex didn't like those typical woman who can't take care of themselves.

Since his wife was busy with her own growth, Alex can only delay his parents. Most of the time, Alex would stay in England and Francesca would be in Italy. Travel wasn't a hassle for Alex, he owned his own plane. He could always go to her in the weekends and go back when its time for work. Francesca would also do so when Alex can't. Somehow, they made it work like this for the duration of their marriage.

When Alex bursted the bubble that he had recently gained a kid, Francesca started to get cold. She hardly texted to him or calls. She would always reasoned out that she was busy. This made Alex frustrated. It's not like he had done it on purpose. It was all Cefei's fault and for some reason, he couldn't locate the bastard! He had been searching for him for almost a year.

After having his breakfast, Alex got up to go to the Lewis' Mansion. It was already almost 9 o'clock in the morning. He assumed that his Son should be awake by now.

Alex's driver was waiting for him outside. He got in and told the driver where to go. He was anxious to meet his Son. He bought different kinds of gifts for him. Alex wanted to get close to him as soon as possible. He can't stay in the US for long or else, his paperwork would pile up in England.

All this time, he had never thought of April. April was just the mother of his son and nothing else. Although he promised to Colm that he would take care of her, that didn't mean that he would entertain her. Taking care of someone is different from entertaining them. Plus, Alex doesn't have time for that. He was always busy about work and his wife. It was lucky enough that he could squeeze time for his son.


April just finished helping Sky eat when their maid came in. The maid whispered to Annie's ear and her brows furrowed. Once the maid was done relaying the message, she bowed and left.

"What's the matter dear?" Ted held Annie's left hand. He noticed a change of Annie's expression.

"Dear, Alex is here." She said softly. She eyes April, her husband already confirmed to her that he really was Sky's father.

April pursed her lips. She looked down at her outfit and her mouth twitched. Although she looked okay, she still felt odd inside. April had never learned how to do makeup nor how to properly pick a dress. Her mother always buys it for her, so she just grabs whatever's inside her closet.

She wanted to do give more effort into it this morning, but she debated with herself. Deep inside she knew that, Alex wasn't here for her. It was only for their son Sky.

April pinched Sky's cheeks and then she whispered something in his ears. Only the two of them could hear. Ted and Annie was puzzled but didn't asked. Sometimes, April would do some weird stuff that they could never comprehend. Sky nodded just as April was finished whispering. Both of them giggled at the same time.

Annie shake her head. She could see her old daughter's personality coming back. April was always a troublemaker when she was young. No matter how she tried to discipline her, Her husband Ted would spoil her. She sighed and gave Ted's hand a squeeze. She nodded to him, giving him a sense of relief.

"Do you want us to go with you?" Ted asked her daughter. They already guess why Alex came, it was to meet his son. They didn't want to pry on them. Ted already decided to let his daughter handle him. He wanted to see if could make her own decisions well, just as she wants.

"No dad, I'm good. Let's go baby. Time to meet someone." April helped Sky go down from his chair and held his hand. They went towards the living room, where Alex was waiting for them.

"She will be alright, right?" Annie asked.

"She will be. She's our my daughter after all." Ted never told his wife about his conversation with April. He didn't want his wife to worry some more.

It was April's decision to stand up for herself. After all, she was now a mother. She need to be able to handle any problems that life throws at her. He and Annie can't always be there for her.