The Unexpected Turn of Events (4)

"Alex?" April put her hand on his arm again. She wanted to grab his attention and She didn't want to accept his sorry.

Alex turned his head to April and to her hand again. He was puzzled. Didn't she not want for him to touch her? "Yes?"

"You don't have to say sorry. I'm actually happy and thankful to you" April gave him a genuine smile and took her hand back.

"Happy? Thankful of me? How?" Alex sipped his wine and tilted his head.

"Im happy because I get to experience new things here in England." April looked at the ocean, she was indeed happy. She would never be able to experience this without coming here. Even if she could, it wouldn't feel the same.

"And I'm thankful to you, for bringing me to England. You made me experience what's it like to be a normal girl. Since I came here, my nightmares became less and so far I haven't had any episodes." April looked at Alex again, this time her smile was different from the other ones she gave. She felt at peace, Like she had just unloaded a big burden off her shoulders.

Alex's mouth was slightly open, since when did he thought that April had a beautiful smile. Hearing her words, he felt like he'd actually done something right with his life. Ever since he got married, he always felt like everything he does for his wife was wrong.

"No, thank you April." Alex smiled back to her and brushed her hair away from her face.

"For?" April gulped. Alex was too close to her. She could almost feel his warmth.

"For giving me a son." He knew he wasn't drunk, but he was drunk with April's presence. Alex couldn't help but feel happy as well, it had been a while since he had a good time.

"Aren't you mad because I ruined your marriage?" April had always wanted to ask this question, she felt guilty for barging in to Alex's life.

Alex looked at the ocean again, his thoughts were going far beyond. He shake his head. "No. It was already ruined, way before I knew that we had a son together. It seems that Francesca and I, weren't meant for each other." He finally realized why he wasn't happy anymore. But realizing is different from accepting it. How could he? He had love his wife for more than 10 years.

April looked down, she could feel the sadness in Alex's voice. She felt the pain for him. She now realize that Alex's happiness was her happiness too. April was unselfish, If someone could grant her wish. It would be the happiness of all the people that she loves, it included Alex's. Even if it meant that she can never be with him.

She didn't noticed that she shed a tear, only when Alex wiped it away for her.

"Why are you sad?" Alex cupped her face to make her look at him.

"I had always been feeling guilty about hiding Sky from you, But I didn't want you to think that I wanted to ruin your marriage or that I wanted your money." April closed her eyes, she was scared to look at him.

"Silly girl, it wasn't your fault. I was drugged and forced you that night." Alex hugged April, he didn't know how to comfort a woman. His wife was always head strong, confident and independent. Even when they fought, she would never cry in front of him. His mind already forgotten about how April rejected his touch earlier.

April hugged Alex back, she cried her heart out. She couldn't bring up to tell Alex that she wanted it to happen too. It was the only time that she became selfish. If truth be told, she liked the fact that she had a son with Alex.

She let out all of her frustration, her anger and sadness away. She promised to let this cry be her stepping stone, to become a stronger person for herself and her son.

April didn't know how long she cried, she only knew that Alex was patting her back and playing with her hair. Alex was soaked, good thing that he had clothes inside. When April was done crying, Alex let her go but kept their proximity.

"Are you alright now?" April's eyes, nose and cheeks were red. She looked like an Apple, he thought. Alex smiled at April, A very beautiful Apple.

April only nodded, afraid that she will cry again. Only then she noticed how soaked Alex was. Since he was a tall man, it was partly his chest and stomach was wet. April could almost see his abs. She turned more redder.

"I'm sorry, I got you wet." April was sniffing while trying to take off his coat from her. She wanted to cover his abs, so she wouldn't think of the night that they shared together.

Alex stopped her and leaned his head to her forehead. "Stop saying sorry or I will kiss you." His head was spinning already. He was drunk by April's warmth and smell. While hugging her earlier, he could feel something growing down there. His mind might not able to remember clearly the night that they shared, but someone else does.

Did he say kiss? Am I dreaming right now? April stared at Alex. She didn't dare believe what she just heard. Why would he kiss her in the first place?

Alex and April was looking at each other. Alex knew he shouldn't, he knew how terrible and bad the idea was. Once he let his desires ran wild, He can never stop himself. April was staring at him, her big brown eyes was drowning and intoxicating him. Alex gulped, he could smell April's shampoo and it smells very lovely.

Alex's heart was beating so fast, he knew that April wasn't doing anything on purpose. She wouldn't gain anything out of it. She was just acting like herself.

April was about to go crazy. What.. what is going on!? Why do I feel like Alex is about to kiss me? Didn't he loved his wife? If he does, he wouldn't do this right now. He ain't drugged nor drunk! Her palms were sweating, she didn't dare blink.

Alex's lips was slowly getting closer to April's.

"Did I ever tell you, just how wonderful you look tonight?" Alex whispered as his lips touched hers. He decided to finally let go of his conscience, he'll deal with them tomorrow.