Dating a Married Man (3)

Since they were heading for the ocean, Alex put on some polo and shorts. April was already on a dress, so there wasn't any reason to change. He didn't bother to bring some clothes, he had some left on the yacht. Whatever he owns, they were kept clean and maintained by his subordinates.

Alex changed his car from Mercedes-Benz to a BMW i8. How he loves the ocean, is the same way with cars. He usually keep one car or two in each of his houses. Just in case one broke down, he could have a spare.

On their way, they were both famished. Alex had let the top of his car down, so April could enjoy the wind. He already called Marco earlier, to prepare some food for them.

April's hair was being blown by the wind. She was currently excited and happy. She has been too pampered that she never experienced any thrill in life. They were too worried for her safety and well-being.

Right now, she's doing all the things that her parents would kill her for. She raised her hands and laughed. She liked the feeling of the wind in her hands.

"Having fun that much baby?" Alex chuckled. He had never seen April with this much life. He was happy to see that she was enjoying the small things in life. He couldn't help but look forward to to learning more about her.

"Yes. Thank you Alex." April giggled. She had always been carefree and adventurous when she was young. The opportunity was just been taken away from her. Now, she couldn't let this pass. She would enjoy and cherish each little things that would come her way.

Alex loved hearing her laughter and her giggles. It was too pleasant to his ears. He couldn't help but compare her to his wife. Francesca was too stern, prim and proper. She was born to be on top of the food chain. She was picky on food, hates a lot of things and disdained anything that involves her to exert any kind of physical effort. She had servants to do them, sh says or that she couldn't care to bother.

Alex sighed, he looked at April for a brief second. She was still smiling while observing the buildings and people they pass by. April grew up in a wealthy family too, but she was never a snob nor a brat. He could tell that it wasn't because of her mental unstableness, it was her personality. April was just being herself.

Being a businessman, he had to learn how to gauge a person's inner thoughts, their desires and their personalities. From this, He knew how to differentiate from the truth and the lies. Well, love is different. He was blinded by his own heart. That's why his parents thinks he is stupid, at least in that perspective.

In business, they knew that he was the right man to handle the job. They were confident that Alex would do the right decisions. That's why they left the business to him since he was 25. In front of everyone's eyes, Alex was ruthless and fearless. There wasn't a task that he had stop him yet. With him at the top, the Hawthorne's Group had earned 10 Billion in assets already. This only happened in two years. If him and Colm finally started their Partnership, it would generate another 2 Billion. Right now, they are still on the planning stage.

Alex was already considered a genius. One of a kind. A Man who was worshipped and envied by others. He was also the Man that was admired by a lot of woman, too bad that he was married and loyal. Good thing they haven't seen him today or else they will faint from shock.

Alex slid his right hand to April's left hand, he lifted it to his lips. April blushed with Alex's gesture. Even though they didn't properly talked about their status, She could feel that Alex's actions were genuine.

"Can't wait to spend my weekend with you, baby." Alex whispered and smiled. There were almost at the dock. The place was owned by one of his friend, He rents on it to let his boats park close to his villa.

"Me too, Alex. I want to spend my weekend with you." April gave Alex one of her beautiful smiles. Her heart was on cloud nine right now. Even if she dies tomorrow, she will never regret a single thing. Alex was her salvation. She wanted to test this theory, That's why she agreed to be with him.

Alex's heart skipped a beat. Good thing that he was driving or else he would've eaten April right then and there. He couldn't get enough of her. Every words, sounds and actions that she makes; makes him filled with an immense joy and happiness. Alex had never felt this kind of emotions before, it was beyond what he had felt for his wife. He was almost scared to lose April. What is this!? He asked himself.

Before he could even thought more of it, they have finally arrived. It took 20 minutes to get here, it was mostly because of the traffic.

A guard opened the gates for them, it was a private dock after all. He knew a lot of wealthy people who pays rent to his friend as well. It was practical and convenient, rather than buying your own dock. This place was well guarded and chances to meet wealthy people was high. It was sort of a club, where the wealthy sailing enthusiast people like Alex go. It wasn't formal though.

The guard gave a salute when they passed by, They knew Alex well or at least all the renters. They were given information about who owned whose boat and who was allowed to go inside. Like the captains and its crews.

April's mouth was wide open, as they passed rows of rows of different kinds of boats and all small to medium sizes.

"Where's yours?" April looked at Alex.

"Almost at the very end." Alex smiled at April, she looked exactly like a kid. Seeing new kinds of fun stuff to play with.

Not long after, Alex parked in front of ROW #14. Alex rented the whole row for himself. All the boats parked in this row was his. He owned at least 5. 2 Different kinds of sail boats, two yacht and a speed boat.

Carolynn was the biggest one, She was a super yacht. Marco waved Alex when he saw them parking. Alex waved back and removed his seatbelt.

"Who's that?" April looked at Alex.

"That's Marco, he's the captain. He takes care of my boats." Alex looked at April, he unhook her seatbelt.

"Now, don't move. I want to open the door for you." Alex got down and walked to her side of the car. He opened the door and gave his hand to her for assistance.

"Madame." Alex slightly bow to April. He had always been wanting to open the door for her, He finally done it. He felt a sense of accomplishment on this small task.

April accepted his hand and got down from the car. "Why, thank you sir." She shyly blink and giggled. April loved the playful Alex.

Alex smiled and pulled her closer to him. "Don't tease me baby." He warned and kissed her hand.

April pursed her lips. "Oh my. Why couldn't I?" She decided to counterattack.

"Try me or you won't be able to walk till Monday." Alex winked at her as he pulled her waist.

"Feisty, aren't we Mr. Hawthorne?" April smiled so wide.

"Only for you baby." Alex whispered and gave her a quick smooch on the lips.