Change of Plans

That afternoon was the best moment in April's life. Well, aside from giving birth to Sky that is.

Alex had been very gentle and patient with her. He was always behind her, guiding her through all their activities. He had thought her many things and let her experience a lot of new stuff.

They went Jet Skiing, Snorkeling and Jumping into the Ocean. At one point, Alex eve let her drive the Jet Ski. Alex had learn that she had the ability to do it, just didn't have the opportunity to.

During snorkeling, April was able to see the coral reefs in person. Different kinds of sea fishes and sea turtles. She looked like a kid who kept pointing at them. Alex was happy enough to name it all for her.

Alex had also gave her courage to jump into the water, even though she had her life vest. April had never been jump into any sort of water before. Alex had taught her how to do a cannon ball and how to hold her breath during impact.

April had a wonderful time. Alex and her were exhausted with laughing and talking the whole afternoon. That they forgotten everything else, They didn't care about anything at the moment. It was already sunset when they finally decided to call it a day.

The two had never enjoyed this much before. They finally realized by themselves that, it's different when you spend your time with someone who actually enjoys it with you.

Time actually went too fast, that they didn't want to end it yet.


It was currently 8 o'clock in the evening. Alex and April had just finished their candle light dinner and were now sitting at the sundeck.

Alex had wrapped April with a blanket, so she doesn't get cold. At the same time, his arms were around her.

They were both looking at the night sky, while completely in the middle of the sea. It was quiet and all they could hear were their breathings and the waves.

The crew was inside, giving the two their own privacy. Marco and the crew had never seen their boss this happy. Alex was smiling the whole time and his laughter was so loud. Everytime April said something funny, he laughed and wasn't trying to hold himself back.

One of the things that Alex had realized, is that April likes to crack up jokes. She was playful and adventurous. She didn't hesitated when she was asked to drive the Jet Ski or when she wanted to do the snorkeling. She was all up to all his suggestions. She even asked if they could scuba diving. He didn't have a gear for her size, so he told her that they could do it tomorrow. So James could buy her one.

Remembering about James, he took his phone out. It had been on silent, he didn't want to deal with any kind of business earlier. Since, he was having a good time.

Aside from a constant reminder and business information from James, there were also text from other friends. What shocked him the most was he received a lot of missed calls from the Burghley Mansion. He dialed it back, and waited for someone to pick up. His left arm was still wrapped around April.

"Hello? This is The Burghley Mansion". It was one of the maids, who picked up the phone. They didn't have a call number screen, so they wouldn't be able to know who was calling.

"This is Alex, is there some emergency?" He said. April looked up to Alex. He shake his head, letting her know that it was alright. He didn't want her to panic, if something happened to their son.

"Master! Hold a second. It's Sky. He was dialing both of you and the Madame. Since you guys didn't showed up for dinner. Let me get him."

Alex closed his eyes. How could he forgot. He called early this morning, saying their were going to have dinner with Sky.

After a while of silence, Sky picked up the phone.

"Hello? Mommy?" Sky's voice were shaky. Alex could tell that he was crying.

"No baby, this is Daddy. Are you alright? Did something happened?" Alex was worried. He had never seen or heard his little man crying. He always look tough, when he is visiting him.

April's brows furrowed. Hearing that Alex was speaking with their son. Did something happened? she thought. She couldn't help but worry.

*Sniff* .. *Sniff*

"Want to speak to Mommy. Please?" Sky answered. He didn't want to talk to his daddy right now.

Alex sighed, he didn't know what to do with his son. He was still so aloof to him.

"Alright, Stop crying okay? Daddy loves you. I'll hand the phone to mommy." Alex said. Sky didn't reply, so he sighed again. He handed the phone to April's waiting hand.

"Hello baby? Did something happened?" April took a deep breath, waiting for any sort of bad news.

"Mommy! Are you alright? You didn't come home." Sky was still sniffing in between his speech.

"I'm so sorry baby. Mommy and Daddy was having fun by the ocean. I'm sorry for not calling. We'll see you tomorrow, okay? Is everything fine there?" How could she forget her own son? How silly of her. She was so embarrassed to herself. She had too much fun with Alex.

Alex felt the same thing, so he pulled April to his arms. While his left ear was on the phone as well, he wanted to hear their conversation.

"I missed you Mommy. I want you home." Sky felt like it was unfair. She was having fun while he was stuck studying with Lauri. She even forgotten about him! All because of his father's fault. His father had taken his mommy's attention away from him.

"Okay. Tomorrow. It's late now, Drink some warm milk before sleeping. Mommy loves you." April felt relieved that nothing happened when she was away. She didn't care if something happened to her, just not her son.

*Sniffs* "Promise?" Sky asked.

"Promise. We can go have fun tomorrow with your daddy." April looked at Alex. She knew how hard Alex was trying to get close to their son.

"I don't want him. Only mommy!" Sky was still mad at him.

"But baby, Mommy loves daddy. Baby should also love daddy. I want us three to be a happy family." April blushed. She knew how to get her son's weakness. It was her.

Alex smirked. He loved hearing her say that she loves him. He hugged her tighter.

"Mommy loves daddy?". Since when did this happen? Sky thought.

"Yes. Mommy and Daddy will see you tomorrow okay? Sleep now. It's late. We love you baby." April said and hang up. If she let Sky reply, it would take longer to convince him.

Alex was grinning from ear to ear, when she hanged up.

"What?" April pursed her lips. She pretended that she didn't know why he was smiling.

"So.." Alex leaned his head closer to hers.

"Mommy loves Daddy?" He quoted her words.

April blushed. He is such a tease, she thought. "Yes. Mommy loves Daddy." She repeated.

"I'm so happy." Alex claimed her lips.

Though he didn't exactly replied to her confession, he knew that he was starting to love April. He wouldn't have done all of this, if he didn't have this growing feelings for her.

Alex had never experienced this kind joy with another woman before. Like he wanted to be with her constantly. With his wife, they go on months without seeing each other.

One thing he knew for sure. He didn't want to hurt April. He would protect and provide for her from now on. He didn't want to lose this kind of feeling. The feeling of being truly love by someone.

He knew Francesca loves him, she just wasn't the showy type. She shows it on her own unique way. But April was different. Although she does get embarrassed, when he teases her. She was still being honest about her emotions. She wasn't afraid to show it to him.

Since they were going to visit their little son tomorrow, their time together would be cut short. He knew he wouldn't be able to play hooky with April, if Sky is around.

With this thought in mind, he changed his plans and decided to devour her tonight.