Relapse (3)

It only took 30 minutes for Alex to arrived in the hospital. Even though the Hospital was strict with their helipad, they had to let Alex land. Due to being a VIP.

Alex saw James near the helipad, waiting for his arrival.

"How is she?". Alex asked while they walked towards the elevator.

"She is still unconscious. It seems like April pushed herself too much, when she confronted Francesca. The Doctors said that she should be alright after a night rest. They also advised not to get April anxious or she might get unstable again." James reported to his boss. He could see the worries in Alex's eyes, as well as the guilt in his heart.

"Hmm. What about Francesca?". Alex stared straight ahead, as they waited for the elevator to come.

"Our people reported that she is at the Mansion, currently drinking her heart out. I told them to just let her be and just call in case something happens." James loosen his cuffs. It had been a long day, dealing with too different women in his Boss's life.

Alex sighed. He never thought that his wife would come back to England. Since they had that huge argument, a couple of weeks ago. He only called her once, warning her not to meddle with April. His father was right, It was time for him to get a divorce. He was tired with Francesca's antics and shenanigans.

"Boss, I also received a video from Carolynn. It seems like it wasn't the first time that April had a relapse." James handed Alex a small tablet. It contained a video that was sent by Marco. Once in a while, Marco had to view the security cameras. Making sure that nothing was wrong.

"What did you say? Carolynn?" Alex grabbed the tablet and played the video.

There, it was the time when Alex had brought April to Carolynn. The video showed the time when she left for the restroom. He saw her walking slow, leaning on the railings. She almost fell down a couple of times, she was trembling real bad.

"What happened? How did she became like this? She was alright when I saw her heading to the restroom?" Alex looked at James, just in time when the elevator arrived.

They both got in, before James replied. "I looked back towards her files and it seems like physical touch still causes her anxieties. I would assume that, it happened when Marco shook her hand."

"How come? She was fine with me? We were even barely like strangers, when we shared our first night." Alex brows furrowed. He was a businessman, he had no clue regarding medical health. It was more on his mother's line.

"Perhaps because she loves you? She only let her guard down towards the people, who she trust and knows. There could be multiple factors to this, I will need to study them first. I have only received this video this afternoon. An hour before you landed." James replied as they arrived in the VIP floor. He guided his boss towards April's room, while talking.

"Okay, do that. Send Josie home for now, I'll take it from here." Alex took a deep breath before he entered April's room.

James called Josie's phone, she was currently out to get some clothes for Alex and April. As well as dinner. She was told to do this by James' instructions.


As Alex entered the VIP room, It had a complete set up of living room, restroom and a Queen size bed.

April was still sleeping. She look pale again, he noticed. Had she been sick when he was gone? How come she looked thinner? he wondered.

He sat down next to April's bed and grabbed her hand into his.

"Baby, I'm here. Can you open your eyes now? I'm sorry for being late. I wasn't able to be there for you, when you needed me to." Alex held her hand and kissed on it. April didn't opened her eyes.

Alex felt extremely bad for April. He knew that he couldn't really blame his wife for this, he cheated on her. This was a fact, that he can't deny. It was his fault in the first place, for letting April come to his life or was it him coming to April's life? Either way, he finally decided to let go of Francesca. Being away from April, made him clear up some of his thoughts.

Even though he still loves his wife, He knew that their marriage was not worth saving for. He already made it beyond saving. Cheating on someone, was one of the greatest pain that you could ever do to your partner. He knew that Francesca deserves someone better. Someone who is content to just stay behind her and watch her grow. For Alex, he wasn't that guy. He was a selfish man, he wanted his partner's attention to himself.

He wanted to be loved and pampered. To be taken care of and to be showered by affections. As well as being able to reciprocate this feelings to that someone. Only then will it be worth it for Alex. Though his feelings for April was still small and just starting to bud out, he wanted to see were would it lead to. He also wanted to raise Sky with a whole family, not a broken one.

For this, he was finally willing to let Francesca go.

Alex kissed April's forehead. "Baby, wake up. I miss you and I love you." he whispered into her ears. Alex's hand slowly brush her hair away from her cheeks. Even though she looked pale, she still looked beautiful in his eyes. He smiled as he remembered when she confess to him. He couldn't wait to tell her the same thing.