Declaration of War

Within the next two days of observation, April was allowed to check out from the hospital. Alex wanted to make sure that April was in a good condition before getting her out.

Also during this time, James was extremely busy. Alex had ordered him to move out all of his stuff from the main mansion and transferred it to his penthouse. He also personally owned the hotel and built a penthouse on the roof for him to use. It was one of his ideas, when he and his wife had an argument. He'd rather leave the place, than make her do it. Just so he knows that she is safe in their place. Rather than to make her uncomfortable on an unfamiliar place. Unfortunately, aside from the Mansion here in England, Francesca didn't had any other properties. She reasoned that she hardly comes in England anyways and why though? When her husband have his own properties, which she could stay in.

Luckily in England and Wales, it is possible for you to be divorced without knowing it. This is because a divorce petition does not always require a response from the other person in order for the divorce to be granted by the Court. Just that, if he pushed this through. He is afraid of making April and his son get hurt. Especially since she is going to be labelled us the home wrecker, third party and his mistress.

What also worries him as well is Francesca's threat, He knew that Francesca would certainly not be silent about it. He wasn't scared for himself, but its different with April and his son. Alex had already ordered everyone, not to let April see Francesca or any other stranger. Not unless, they get the permission from Alex. He didn't told April about this, but he knew that she would be able to tell. If she asked, he would answer her honestly. Since the additional security around Burghley Mansion wasn't really a secret. Alex had also informed the compound of banning Francesca. Making her unable to pass the main gate to the compound and the gates to the mansion.

Not only this, April had an additional 4 armed security guards wherever she goes. Not including the driver, who also specializes in physical and weapon combat. You may think that he is getting paranoid, he ain't. Francesca's threat did a blow on him. He knew how screwed that woman is. After all, It was one of the things that he fall in love with her before.

It was definitely going to be hard for both Alex and April to get pass this. So while James is handling all of those things, he focused himself in taking care of April and Sky.


During this two days as well, April called her parents. Letting them know that she and Sky were alright. That Alex was keeping his promise and that they were all getting along just fine. Ted and Annie didn't try to pry April about the real situation, since they kinda had a guess that the official wife wouldn't be thrilled about their presence. It was just a normal reaction of a wife.

Even though Alex didn't say anything, April felt a different change. The next couple of days, Alex had been staying almost everyday. Ever since she was sent to the hospital, Alex had not tried to make love with her. Just cuddling her to sleep. Which was also fine with April. As long as Alex and Sky was staying beside her, she could care less with the world.

Whenever Alex is at work, April had put her plans to work as well. Josie was really efficient, she undeniably proclaimed. She was happy with James' decision to hire Josie.

Using her own money that she got from her Parents, she invested in several places. She had also asked Alex's opinion before doing so. Since he knew much more about it, than she did. With his guidance and James, she felt more secure with her and her son's future. Although she knew that Alex would certainly not abandoned his Son, it would not hurt to just have an extra money on the side. Since she used her parent's money for investment, she made use of Alex's allowance for her as well.

She loves books, as well as the process of making a good coffee. So she decided to go forward with that book and coffee shop, planted in the heart of London. It was a two story shop and it had an old antique vibe. It was about a 45 minutes or an hour away from their mansion, depends on traffic. She also hired a couple of barista, pastry chef and other staffs. So not only does it serve coffee, it also had pastries which was bake on site. Along with books and other cute stationary accessories.

All of these, so she don't have to man it herself all the time. She still plans to go there everyday or whenever she could. Having been able to train herself, just to pleasure Alex's taste buds. Alex had supported her well on her decisions. Anything she wants , she gets. It would let her experience how to handle her own money and a career for herself. Although it might still sound like she's trying to be independent, she still ask and consult him for anything. Making Alex feel that he is part of her plans, unlike his future ex-wife. He even help her find this location, which was only 2 minutes away from his office. So he could be close to her, in case anything happens. As well as, he could have lunch with her if time permits it.