Calm Days Before The Storm

In the next few days, Alex had been keeping a close watch on Francesca. He was still determined to divorce her but his conscience tells him to at least make sure she gets through this.

He didn't want her to feel that life is over without him at her side. Alex knew that by doing this, April would get hurt but he just can't pretend to look away. He had made his bed and he will stick to his decision. He was only feeling guilty, thus he takes care of his wife.

At the moment, he was bringing lunch to her hospital room. She could've already check out of the hospital, but Alex insisted for her to stay a couple more days. He wanted to get her to check by a psychologist, to see if he can prescribe anything for suicidal thoughts.

He already has April to think about, now this happened. Yet, he could only blame himself. As he arrived into her room, Francesca was sitting up and watching something on the tv.