Calm Days Before The Storm (3)

The next couple of days, April felt like she was a different person. She felt like a normal girl when she was with Hugh. She didn't think that being with him was a bad thing. They didn't do anything except talk and hang out. No flirting or anything that could make the atmosphere weird or awkward.

Since her son was mostly with her parents, she didn't have anything else to be worried about. She had treated Hugh as a friend who was also a stranger. Someone who you could share your thoughts, who will listen and guide you with a third parties perspective.

Although Hugh was brutally honest, she somewhat felt that she needed to hear those words. It made her see the bigger picture and also made her mind clearer. She was still set on being with Alex since the divorce was already on progress. Only, Alex had to prove that he really meant his words and that he would take care of them.