Do you believe in Fate? (3)

As Alex drove out the property, he noticed that his phone had several texts, missed calls and voicemails from April. He then connected his phone to the car and called her.

He didn't want to hide it from her. No matter what, she deserves to know what happened. He'd rather mentioned it to her first than letting Francesca say it to her.

Ring ring ring...

"Hello?" April answered.

"Baby, I'm sorry I didn't pick you up. Where are you? I'll head there." Alex gripped the steering wheel as he drove into town.

"I'm home now. Josie picked us up. It's okay, is everything fine?" April sighed in relief. She was somewhat worried when she couldn't get a hold of Alex.

"I'm good, I'll explain everything when I get there. Wait for me." Alex then started heading to the Burghley Mansion.

"Okay. I'll wait for you. Drive safe." April said and then she hangs up.

Alex sighed. "April, I'm so sorry." He whispered even though the connection was already cut.