Lovers Island (2)

Jackson leaned down and gave her a quick kiss on her lips. "Am I really that handsome in your eyes?" He teased.

Jessica turned red and pursed her lips. Sometimes she wondered how lucky could she get, to have this kind of man? What did she do in her previous life to have this kind of treatment? Instead of answering, she pulled Jackson's collar and kissed him deeper on the lips. It was the first time that she initiated the contact.

For her actions, Jackson was elated! He leaned down and lifted her up. Making her legs intertwined to his hips. After the deep kiss, he murmured to her ears. "Careful little girl, I might lost control and eat you here and now. Too bad, my men are still here."

Jessica burrowed her face in Jackson's neck, embarrassed. She didn't know what came to her! It was as if, Jackson was so charming and enchanting. It made her want to kiss him, deeper than what they usually share. It was as if, she wanted Jackson to make her as his woman.