Living but not alive

Cefei did the most heartbreaking thing he could ever do in his life. He had returned her to her rightful place.

After saving April from Jackson's clutches, Cefei had never been so heartbroken. The team that took over in Australia could only do so much. They were able to keep April's life and yet, she had become dazed and unresponsive. She was alive and yet, dead inside. She was awake and yet, he could not get any response. Even the doctors were left dumbfounded.

When it comes to matters about the brain, no one could ever tell what could happen. But they did find one thing. This wasn't April's first rodeo. She was in this state when she was found 11 years ago.

Because of this, the doctors had advised Cefei to return her to her family. It might be able to awaken her again from her dazed state.