24 June 1879
Now want to say hi to family from far away, and there is no nearby postmail that's fine now we have the newest the best the ground making invetion telephone not what you need to to do is rotate your family number and you can even hear their voice just for 12.99$
03 April 1973
Breaking news : Finaly a breaktrough happen in our telekomunication industry now our phone no longger just stay in home now you can bring it where ever you go
08 august 1992
new breaking trough invention has been made now the world have the fastest working komputer ever with 4000 working processor it have claim it place as the no. 1 fastest computer ever
26 December 2004
Breakingnew's there have been confirmation that there is 70-80% tsunami will struck province aceh
20 September 2008
Breaking news the new platform for phone have been launch and being integrate in new phone developer call this type of phone is smart phone it claim can do basicly any daily need of people of modern age
20 February 2020
Breakingnew's there will be a shooting star but this phenome is very weird because nasa never have any perdiction of this phenome usualy every kind of material that will orbit or just pass away our solar system will have monitor very closly just in case that material will have potential crash into earth but this time nasa just predict this shoting star around 1 week ago
21 February 2020
Breakingnew's people around the world belive yesterday was the most beautiful shoting star phoneme ever in this century
22 February 2020
Breakingnew's there is report from nasa that there is 3 meteor that have crush into earth from shooting star phenome from 2 days ago and 1 locate in north pole, 1 crush in shara desert, and 1 in Atlantic Ocean, curently there is no response from nasa is there will have a salvage attempt on this meteor
1 January 2038
Breakingnew's Finnaly the frist ever Full dive VR game have been launch from 5 years ago the promise of game association that they will put aside profit and will make the best game out there, from joint cooperation of 10 big game industy we will have our full dive VR game
1 January 2045
7 years anniversary of game HERO, there have been huge achievement from other sector because this game healt sector have reduce its patient and it will lead more research on how to develop human healt as result to day WHO launch a serum that it funcition is to prolong life yes earth, life expectancy is now maximum is 100 - 120 years, not with this serum it can prolong maximum 50 years not only healt sector that develope to greater height, on our farming section is also improve not only they developed machine that can do teraforming land so it can ideal for farming it also have developed a way that we can do farm a land corp at sea, and a develoment of technology that can advert or eliminate natural catastrophe is already develope so it can prevent any kind of disaster
1 January 2095
Breakingnew's new food farm is being launch not only it only take about 5x5m of living environment it also have automated funcition of harvesting foodion, planting foodion, and buying seed for foodion, not only that it came with food printing funcition.
1 january 2100
A.I chip have been launch and regulated as president decree, so every one get the most basic function A.I chip
6 June 2100
2.000.000 new species have been found all over the world its included plant, animal and other living being
30 December 2100
A.I chip have been officially change name due to the vote of it user and becoming nanobot system this happen because 78% people in the world doesn't think A.I is suitable for this system
31 December 2100
Breakingnew's A Loud "BANG" sound heard all over the world, some people say there is a big bang happen is univers some say its the end of day, some say it just one of every phenome in our univers, nasa currently look for what is exactly happen
1 January 2101
All over the world have been anxious about what exactly happen, there is no new years festival atmosphere
2 January 2101
Breakingnew's nasa have made it statment that say there is no bigbang currently happen in our milky way, but something indeed happen our astrology on star system have been mess, like there is a new 2 formation star near leo formation star, there should have been none, and there is no more scorpio there is just bunch mess formation star and there is estimated 1000 meteor currently heading to earth estimated time 100-200 years
3 January 2101
World Congress is being held in Indonesia this Congress will discuss about world unified, so there will be 1 nation so it can make a faster development toward space since our space is already change there need precautions about another intelegent being out there, so we also need solve of our energy problem so the frist is chose a leader and go toward creating station space for farm energy of sun in outer space behind moon
1 February 2101
Breakingnew's new president is being appointed is from Indonesia and it's frist project is creating NOAH it's super masive space ship that will being assemble, so if we cannot destory or avert the projection we will just migrate to another planet
6 June 2101
NOAH assemble station have been created in outer space, estimated distance from earth is 430.000 km so basicly we have 2 moon now it just 1 is acting as energy gather and NOAH assemble and 1 is our very own clasic moon
11 September 2101
1 problem making noah is always raw material, so after 2 NOAH been made their frist task is collect every meteor in our solar system, so we can harvest it
31 December 2101
no. 2 optional evacuation plan have been release create a in our solar system, estimated 10 colony will be make
4 april 2129
Breakingnew's after 3rd update of nano bot there is some case that the A.I in nanobot will create a personality after that it will seize control of a body from it user, so a zombie have been made even tough your crush its brain, it will still move because the memory capacity of nanbot is capable become support control of body, the frist generation of unded have been born, because its intelegent untill now there is now way we can track its trail where it go but curently 1 million people is reported missing or found dead
1 May 2129
Undead patch have been release but the problem is 20 million people have confirm got the Z virus, although their thecnicaly dead but nanobot main system still register them as living but even main system cannot track them because it against it's code never cross human right, but on patch 3 for unknow reason the A.I think it self as human so it just follow it's system rule so it use self defense to take control of it host body
1 January 2150
Last colony will finished at most this June
1 January 2170
300 NOAH being deploy its task is to destroy as many as posible meteor because it's already in our solar system, and government already create best shelter if meteor that hit earth no more than 100 they will save if it just 1 more than 100 it's doom