The Villainess Goes to a BBQ

The smell of BBQ...Truly bliss.

I looked around to see who was here. Looks like Henry and Blake aren't here. What kind of host comes his own party late? It's in the backyard of his house too!

I saw Angelina with Anna sitting down in chairs near a big tree. I went over to where they were sitting and sat down in an empty chair.

"Natalie, your dress is very pretty" said Angelina.

Of course you called my dress pretty, it's the type you would wear in the future. We're both villainesses after all.

"Thank you Angelina, I really like your white dress too" I replied.

She's really trying to go for the "angel theme." Give it up and join the dark side Angelina...

"Since Natalie's here, let's go get some food! I'm a bit hungry hehe" laughed Anna.

We walked to a table with food placed on it. Wow~ Everything looks so delicious!

I decide to take some squid and chicken.

Mm~ It's so good!

While I was enjoying my food, I saw an eyesore, no two eyesores from the corner of my eye.

Tch, it's Henry's along with Blake.

"Oh hey, the girl that got a 93 on her test. Looks like you're enjoying the food here" said Henry.

Why does he keep bringing that up?! This guy has no manners!

"Of course the me who got a 93 isn't as great as you who got a 100 but it seems like the me with a 93 has a better sense of time..." I said.

"Well Natalie, let's not blame Henry, he was helping out a girl after all" said Blake.

W-Wait...Helping out a girl?

"By any chance, did the girl have dark red hair?" I asked.

"How did you know?" replied Henry.

"A-Ah...I-I saw her hair too" I lied.

"From where? She was wearing a hood that covered her hair..." questioned Henry.

This brat's really trying to pry into the tiny details!

"Henry, everyone has their own secrets" said Blake as he put his hand on Henry's shoulders.

Phew...I was saved...

"Speaking of red hair, I wonder if she dyed it red? The girl looked like she's around the same age as us. Many parents don't allow their children to dye it red at such a young age" said Henry.

Yeah you're right except her hair colour is natural.

"Who knows, its her business. You might never meet her again" I replied.

I lied again, you will definitely meet her again unless something happens to you or her.

"I will be going back to my friends now. Thank you for the invitation Henry." I said as I bowed.

"You're welcome" He replied.

I left the two and went back to Angelina and the others.

AH...THAT SCARED ME!...Was I that suspicious asking that question about red hair? Is red hair *that* uncommon in this world??

Since the two leads met, that means that the female lead must've just come into the country. In her last year of middle school, she'll be adopted by the rich couple. Right now, she should still be with her mother who's very sick.


The day after the BBQ, I was given my allowance. In my previous life, I would only get money from my parents if I helped out with something. In this life...I was given money without doing anything. The amount I got...Well, I guess "a lot" can be good words to describe the amount of money I got.

Now I'm curious how much Henry gets as allowance...

I wanted to spend my money on something and I wanted it to be spent on something entertaining.

Games? No, mother would never allow that.

Food? I don't need to use my own money for that.

Comics? Mother won't let.


Time to buy some romance novels...

I took my maid Jenny outside with me. We went to a popular bookstore with a huge collection.

I looked at the books around me.

Some titles were:

"The CEO wants me!"

"The CEO is a prince"

"Transmigrating into an abandoned princess"

"Becoming the personal maid of the duke"

So much to choose from...I especially enjoy fantasy stories but anything with romance will do~

I ended up buying many novels.


When I got home, mother asked me what books I bought. I told her that they were study books and it seemed like she believed me.

I wasn't lying though, I'm technically studying romance off the books. My maid Jenny looked at me and sighed. Sorry~

It's a lot of work to keep up my image as a "lady". I miss the times where I roll on my bed and scream about romance. If I do that now and mother walks in, she'll definitely hire many tutors to teach me proper manners. I really don't want any more tutors.

Also do I have homework today? Oh no! Whatever, I'll do it after I finish reading this novel hehe....