The Villainess and the Medieval Times

Allen asked me if I wanted to go to the book store with him today. Apparently, there was a new novel by KXXXXX coming out soon. I really love KXXXXX's books as his novels are very emotional. I immediately accepted Allen's invitation and went inside his car.

We arrived at the book store near the Klireville Shopping District. I went inside the store first and asked the cashier if there was still any of KXXXXX's new book. Unfortunately, the cashier shook his head and apologized. Geh! Already sold out?

"Natalie, by any chance, are you looking for 'The Raindrop'?" asked Allen.

"Y-Yeah...I'm a big fan of KXXXXX and I was looking forward to that book" I sighed.

"I pre-ordered the book and it's currently at home, do you want to come to my house and borrow it? I've already read through it" said Allen.

Technically he can just give it to me tomorrow at school but...Allen's h-house? I really want to see how it looks like...

"If that's fine with you..." I replied.

"Of course" he smiled.

I usually don't see Allen smile. It made my heart beat slightly when I saw it. I mean, it's not my f-fault, he's too handsome okay??


Allen's house was about as big as Henry's. I wonder how their maids manage to clean these mansions.

I walked inside Allen's home and the interior looked very medieval-like.

"M-My mom likes it like this..." said Allen.

"I-I see" I replied.

I didn't think his mother likes furniture like this. The back of that chair over there is very tall... Allen's house kind of has this creepy feeling to it due to the walls. The walls had this Victorian pattern and it scares me. The mothers in this world are weird...Or is it just the ones I'm meeting?

"The book is in my room, I'll get it for you" said Allen.

"O-Oh thanks..." I responded.

"Actually, do you want to come into my room? I have a collection of books in there..." asked Allen.

I didn't think I would get the chance to go inside Allen's room too. I want to go see how it looks like.....

"Sure" I agreed.


Allen's room was very normal compared to his living room. It's nice to see that he wasn't affected by his mother's tastes.

"Natalie, come over here" said Allen.

I followed Allen to a private room that was connected to his bedroom. Inside, there were many books. It was a bit dusty inside but that just made the room feel like a library.

"Here" said Allen as he handed me 'The Raindrop'.

"Thank you!" I smiled.

Yessss! I can finally read this book! I waited so long for the author to release a new novel and now it's in my hands!

"I also have other books by KXXXXX, feel free to check them out" said Allen.

This place was like heaven to someone like me. There were so many limited books here...Allen, I'm so glad that I'm your friend.

I decided to read a bit of 'The Raindrop' then go home and read the rest but I ended up reading more than expected. Soon, it was sunset and I had to leave. Time passes by quick when you're having fun...

"Thank you Allen for inviting me over, it was fun today" I said.

"You're welcome. You're free to come over any time. My mom wasn't home today due to some issues. Next time you come, she should be at home" Allen responded.

"Okay, thank you once again. See you tomorrow at school" I said as I waved at Allen.

I went into my car and my chauffeur drove me home.


During dinner, we were talking about where to go for summer vacation until mother changed the topic.

"How was Allen's house?" asked mother.

"It was very enjoyable" I answered.

"I see, next time you go to his house, remember to bring some gifts with you" said mother.

"Yes..." I replied.

Hmm, when is next time though?

"So, where are we going for summer vacation?" I asked mother.

"I was thinking about visiting Mont Saint-Michel" said mother.

Abbeys? More medieval stuff? Why.....????

"R-Richard, what do you think?" I asked.

Please say no, I don't want to go! Mother only listens to you Richard! I remember when I was around four years old, I told my mother I didn't want to go to the Grand Canyon, she pretended she didn't hear me. I didn't realize that she ignored my opinion until the day of the trip.

"Hmm, I think it's fine~" smiled Richard.

"What a good boy" laughed mother.

Tch, more medieval stuff for me I guess. I enjoy looking at pictures about it but I'm too lazy to go that far to visit a medieval abbey...

Looks like my summer vacation this year won't be fun...