The Villainess and the Diamond Bracelet

By "a place where no one could bother us", Henry meant the classroom.

We were alone in the classroom.

"So, what do you want?" I asked.

Why do I feel like something bad happened between him and Melia?

"Remember what I told you about last time?" said Henry

No I don't remember, I don't want to remember such useless information. Simply interacting with you could get me arrested in the future!

"So after catching the thief, I made him apologize to Melia. I think that was the right thing to do. After that, I invited Melia out to a cafe to talk with her. In the cafe, I gave her a bracelet...A diamond bracelet" explained Henry.

D-Diamond?! You spoiled brat! How could you simply give a diamond bracelet to a young girl who's having financial issues? But still, good thing he didn't give a diamond ring... It's waaay too early for that.

I sighed and stared at Henry's face.

"Then what happened?" I replied.

"She didn't take it" said Henry.

I mean, if she took it, she would've sold it.

"D-Don't tell me that's why you've been so upset these past few days?" I asked.

"Yeah, so what?" Henry glared.

A-Ah...That scared me. I should remember to not cross the line, I might get arrested before I even go to middle school.

"Anyways Henry...She might've not taken the gift because she doesn't like jewelry..." I responded.

"But you said girls your age like jewelry" said Henry.

"T-That only applies to the girls I talk to..." I said.

"Sorry, I should've asked someone else. After all, you only have 3 friends. What were their names again? But then again, all the girls run away from me when I ask them a question...I wonder why?" replied Henry.

"It's because they would never imagine someone like you talking with them" I responded.

There's no way they would be able to withstand talking to the handsome Henry who only talks to boys. Blake would be another story as he gets along with pretty much everyone (except for me or else I will not be in a good situation in the future).

"I see...I've always thought of myself as a normal human being though" said Henry.

Y-YOU AND NORMAL DON'T GO TOGETHER! If you consider someone as rich as you "normal" then what is Melia?

Ahh... I really have to help this guy out or else...! If I remember correctly, the female lead enjoyed cakes. She really liked the vanilla flavour.

"Instead of that diamond bracelet, how about giving her a slice of cake from a bakery? Perhaps maybe...The vanilla flavour?" I suggested.

"Hmm...I guess I'll give that a try. Oh and thanks for helping out as no other girl is willing to talk to me. Here's a gift from me" said Henry as he rubs his neck.

Henry handed over a red box.

I got a gift from Henry...

A-A villainess like me got a gift...? Is he okay today...?

Should I be concerned?

I said bye to Henry and left the classroom. What a weird day.

I was leaving the school and stopped in front of the gates.

I was just curious about what Henry gave me... I couldn't wait until I get home.

I opened the red box and saw a bracelet. The bracelet was embedded with many diamonds.


He just passed on what the female lead didn't want to me! BUT THIS IS SO EXPENSIVE! HOW COULD A 4TH GRADER HOLD ON TO SUCH A PRECIOUS BRACELET?

I-It's so pretty though...I can't believe Melia rejected this from him!

"Is that real diamond?" A familiar voice asked.

It's Allen, how come he's still at school?

"Allen? O-Oh, i-it's not..." I stuttered.

"Hey Natalie, you're lying... That's definitely real diamond" replied Allen.

How did you know....?

"S-Sorry, it's strange for fourth graders to carry diamonds around right?" I said.

"No not really?" said Allen.

I wonder where common sense went in Henry's family. It seems like his cousins are affected by it as well.

"You don't seem to be the type that would buy diamond bracelets for yourself. Who gave it to you?" asked Allen.

"Um..." I looked away from his eyes.

"I-It was Henry" I sighed.

"Henry? Why would he give you that? Are the two of you close?" Allen continued asking.

I can't expose Henry... Or I might get into some deep trouble!

"I helped him out with something and he gave me this. We aren't close" I answered.

"So you helped him out...Seems like what you helped out with was very important? Giving a diamond bracelet to a girl he's not even close to. I need to talk to him tomorrow" said Allen.

"A-Anyways! Goodbye Allen, see you tomorrow!" I said as I ran to the car picking me up!

When I get home, I'm burning this bracelet! This item only gives bad luck to its owner!