The Villainess Forgets Quite Easily

The event is happening tomorrow. Everyone in my grade seems very excited. Our restaurant is already designed and our class representative has already ordered the food for tomorrow.

It's going to be so much fun since we won't be doing any school work! I completely forgot everything I learnt in elementary school from my last life so it really has been hard trying to maintain my high grades. I'm still wondering why I can't beat some students in my grade...

Since Richard doesn't have school tomorrow, I invited mother and him. I know father won't be able to come so I did not bother sending an invitation to him. Many of my family members don't live close to us as there's lots of business competition here. For example, Henry's family... Father really does work hard... I should thank him more for providing me with more than I need.

Also, I've heard that recently a girl of Richard's age has been clinging on to him. She apparently is a distant relative of Anna. Anna was somehow pressured into inviting her to the event. I know that Anna isn't good with children, the girl must've done something to Anna. My younger brother is definitely not at the age for an engagement. I will not let this girl take my brother away! He's still tiny and cute, so I must treasure him while I can!



Today is the day. The guests don't come until around lunchtime so we have time to prepare ourselves. Today is a special day so we didn't have to wear our uniforms. I wore my black dress that mother gave. Not to be weird but... WOW! I look so nice in this dress! With a face like mine, I could become a super star easily! My brown hair was curled and I was dressed very beautifully. Mother was saying something along the lines of "As expected of my daughter. She truly inherited my beauty. Ohohoho~" Her laugh at the end reminded me of those evil moms in movies. Of course, mother had one of those fancy fans. Her fan is extremely expensive and there are lots of jewels embedded into it. I think my mother spends money on things that can be a bit questionable.

As for the clothing attire for everyone else... Well... The boys in my class looked like young kids in their dad's suits. It was kind of funny as their faces do not match what they're wearing at all. The girls looked very pretty in their dresses and skirts. There was one girl that stood out from the rest of them. I believe her name is...May? Her gentle looking face really matched the simple black dress she wore. I could see some of the boys catching glances of her.

"Natalie" someone called.

"Oh Allen, good morning" I greeted.

"Good morning to you too" Allen replied.

Allen wore a suit like the other boys in the class. It suited him a bit more compared to the others but it still looked a bit off.

Behind Allen was Henry, with his black suit. I-It actually matched his face a lot. Henry always has this emotionless-looking face when he walks around. He also has an aura of a businessman. I don't know why but it's really funny. I tried really hard to hold in my laugh until he glared my way.

"Hey, what's so funny?" Henry asked in a bad mood.

"N-Nothing pfft!...Your clothes look good on you..." I smiled and avoided eye contact.

"This feels like déjà vu... You always do that weird laugh and look away when you lie" Henry glared.

Eek! This boy is scary. Did his intelligence go up? I still think that he's very dense though.

"W-What is there to lie about righ-?" I bit my tongue.


I put my hand on my lips and looked over. I saw the three boys stare at me. If I had to describe their expressions... Allen was confused. Henry didn't care. Blake just happened to see it while walking by and he started laughing.

What did I do to be forced into the student council with these people?

My tongue stings...!

Also Blake, don't laugh at me when you're wearing something that doesn't suit you!

"Come on Natalie. We have to go talk to the teachers" said Henry.

I ended up running around the school trying to help out with every class. I was forced to deliver papers around and help guide the students.

I'm really not a responsible student! I also have to do this job next year...

Before I knew it, all the guests started entering. I decided to put on my "friendly smile" which is a smile I use towards adults that show my respect and kindness.

The surprising part was that many of the adults knew who I was... They knew that I was my mother's daughter.

Mother, just what have you been going around saying?

"Sis!" someone yelled.

Oh hey! It's Richard.

"Good afternoon Richard, mother, and..." I paused and looked down at the young girl who was holding onto my brother's hand.

"Hi there!" the girl smiled brightly.

S-She must be Anna's relative. Oh my god! She's so cuteee!

"H-Hello" I replied smiling as well.

"My name is Julie, nice to meet you!" said the girl.

H-How could a child be this adorable and have such good manners?

"Nice to meet you too Julie! My name is Natalie" I responded.

"Can I call you sister like Richard?" She asked.

"Of course you can~" I answered.

I mean, how could I refuse this request?

"Yay! Thank you sister!" Julie smiled.

I felt all my fatigue going away with just this girl's smile.

"Anyways Julie, Richard, and mother, I hope you will enjoy this event. We have many interesting performances and booths in our school for you to check out. Have fun!" I said.

After they left, I realized how long I've been talking with Julie for.

Oh no. Henry's going to be really mad! He's going to complain about where I've been for the past 5-10 minutes!

I'm so stressed!

Also, I think I forgot something I had to do today? Something about Richard's marriage or what...? Just what was it again?