The Villainess's Rest Day

AH-CHOO! I sneezed. That was the first thing I did this morning.

"It's so cold..." I whispered.


"Can you believe that it's already winter? There's already so much snow outside" smiled Anna.

Anna, Olivia, and I were sitting in the cafeteria eating lunch.

"I miss the days without the snow" I sighed.

"Speaking of winter, what are you girls doing for the winter break? Traveling? Or-" asked Olivia.

"Have you heard about how Henry's family's hosting a Christmas party this year? Someone told me that Blake's going to be there!" Anna squealed.

"Anna... What are the chances that we're going to be invited? Henry's too high class for us" replied Olivia.

"Do not worry, after all we already have our ticket..." grinned Anna as she looked towards my direction.

"W-What?" I stuttered.


"Yo Natalie. My mom asked me to give this to you. It's an invitation to the Christmas party my family is hosting. Oh and, go ahead and invite your friends" said Henry as he passed me an envelope.

So this is what Anna means by "ticket"...

"Y-Yeah thanks Henry" I took the envelope from him and opened it.

Eeek! What is this gold shine on this paper? Don't tell me the envelope has actual gold on it?!

"No worries, Henry's family isn't that dumb to do that" smiled Blake.

"...Are you actually able to read minds?" I asked.

"Natalie, your emotions are all over your face. It's not mind reading if you're showing it all with your expressions" he laughed.

I don't trust him at all. Seeing him cook last time was already a shocker. I don't want to be surprised in such a way again.

"Henry, sorry. I don't want to go to the party" said Allen.


"How come?" asked Henry.

"Personal reasons..." Allen sighed.

"What's this 𝙥𝙚𝙧𝙨𝙤𝙣𝙖𝙡 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙨𝙤𝙣 huh?" Blake smiled.

I can see a face of a devil...

"...You know this... It's your older sister" Allen mumbled.

"People are going to gossip if her 𝙛𝙞𝙖𝙣𝙘𝙚́ doesn't come and escort her..." Blake frowned.

"I know that but-" Allen said.

"Allen, you got engaged to Blake's sister?!" I yelled.

W-What! How come I was never informed of this? I didn't think that this engagement would actually happen...!

"Natalie, quiet down. We're in the student council room" Henry said.

I covered my lips and apologized. I don't even know if this engagement affects the actual plot. Blake's older sister was rarely mentioned and Allen wasn't even a supporting character!

With the plot changing so much, am I going to end up in jail after all?!



My vision seems to be blurring a bit...

The last thing I heard was the sound of something dropping and someone shouting my name...


I opened my eyes to a white ceiling.

To the right of me, I could hear mother speaking with someone.

"How is she doctor? How could my healthy daughter suddenly collapse like that?! What do I do if it's something serious?!" Mother cried.

"Madam, please calm down. Your daughter is fine. She overworked herself and has a slight fever but it's not serious" the doctor replied.

"Overworked? She's only in 5th grade!" Mother yelled.

"M-Madam, y-you're going to have to ask your daughter about that yourself. For now, I recommend more sleep for her and she should drink lots of water" the doctor suggested.

Ah... It seems like I fainted? What time is it right now?

"M-Mother?" I called.

Mother turned around and I could see the tears in her eyes.

"Natalie! Are you okay? How did you suddenly collapse?" mother asked as she cried.

"I'm fine, you don't have to worry" I smiled.

"The doctor said you overworked yourself, how's that possible?" she continued asking.

"Hm... Maybe because of stress from the event... Sorry" I answered.

"Natalie, next time you feel stressed, you have to tell me. I'll definitely help you out. Please don't scare mother like this again, okay?" Mother said as she held my hand.

"Yes... Sorry for worrying you. I'm a bit tired so good night. I smiled.

"Good night and sweet dreams my daughter" mother responded.

It's been a while since I last had a proper rest. I think it's time for me to plan my schedule better so that I don't scare mother ever again.


I was sent home the next day and I also took a day off from school. I was feeling better but mother wouldn't let me go to school unless I was fully recovered.

I woke up and checked my phone. It's currently 3pm, school's already over. Just how long did I sleep for...?


Oh? Do we have guests today? I heard footsteps approaching my room then suddenly-

"Natalieeee!" Anna shouted as she hugged me.

"A-Anna?" I said.

"Are you okay? I was so shocked to hear that you were absent today!" Anna said.

"I was worried about you as you were so busy around the time of the event. You sometimes looked like you were about to fall asleep during art class... I should've noticed that you were- Sorry!" Olivia frowned.

"N-No Olivia it's not your fault! It's my fault for thinking that I could do so much work at once! Also, the doctor said that it's nothing serious. I'll be back at school tomorrow full of energy!" I smiled.

"Okay, if you say so... Here's the notes from today's classes. Rest well Natalie" Olivia smiled back.

"Thank you. Have a nice day" I waved.

The two of them left as I took a deep breath.

I really need to start taking better care of my health.