crazy wrong


I knew something was wrong with Raven she's usually the nice one.

So when she said I will tell you at home that's when I knew something was wrong, like crazy wrong.

Just as we finished eating breakfast there was a knock on the door, "come in" I said and suga came in with clothes in his hand. "Thanks," I said And got off the bed to grab them for him. As I was grabbing them my hand touched his, he was still ice cold like yesterday.

I look up at his face and I swear that I saw his eyes turn red, I didn't show fear tho, I knew I couldn't. I just turned around and walk to the bed with the clothes in hand.

I didn't show emotions, I didn't want to scare raven more then I knew she was already. And now I somewhat knew why she was acting the way she was.

I set the clothes on the bed suga had already left, "alright get dress we need to go" I said handing her, her clothes " I will change in the bathroom" I said and rushed to the bathroom with my clothes

As soon as I entered the bathroom I stripped out of my clothes I knew all too well that we had to get out of there and fast. I still had my gun on me from last night and I will use it without a problem after I was done changing I walked out of the bathroom to see Raven sitting on the bed with alpha.

"Come on let's go," I said in the stern voice she stood up right away, I knew she knew that I saw something that I knew something.

We walked out of the bedroom, Raven holding alpha. I walk down the hallway with Raven close behind me.

As soon as we got down the stairs we were in a rush down the stairs; as soon as we were down the stairs we went for the door before someone had said something.

"Woah looks like someone's in a rush" Jackson had said from the kitchen. "yeah we have some places to be and soon" I made up a lie that wasn't really much of a lie. I had to be at a boxing match and I knew Raven had to be at her dance class.

" Why don't we give you guys a ride" Jackson had offers I would say no but then we would look more suspicious than we already do "sure," I said

I was good at not showing my emotions, Raven , on the other hand, not so much, I looked at her and I could see some of the fear in her eyes. Finally, she looks back at me and I gave her a stern look that said try harder. I knew she would know what I meant by the look.

Suga appears with the keys in his hand. I wasn't going to question it I just want to get out of there and I new Raven did too. "Let's go then" Jackson said walking towards me and Raven towards the door that which we were by.

He opens the door for us and we walked out. Suga right behind him. Do you want the car that we were in last night? But this time Jackson drove. "address" Jackson asked I didn't know whether I should give him one of our extra houses or the one that we actually live in.

A few seconds have passed and I finally decided I was just going to give him one of our extra addresses we kept cars at all the houses less-expensive ones of course.

I gave him the address and we were off, Raven gave me a weird look, I gave her the look as saying trust me. She just nods her head and Cuddles with alpha.

I'm a little surprised the guys haven't asked us about alpha yet since he is a baby wolf, after all, I knew that was the least of my worries right now I should be more focused on getting home.

But still, the thought passed my mind.

I didn't do anything about it though I just Shrugged it off and focus as much as I could.

About 20 minutes way too long we finally got to one of our extra houses.

They pulled up to the gate and since Raven was on the driver side she had to put in the PIN to open the gate.

After she put the pen in the gates open he pulled up the long driveway up to the hours. As soon as we pulled up to the house I said thanks and bye and got out of the car hoping that they would leave faster.

Before they left Jackson had said something along the lines of " see you soon" I knew he wasn't talking to me because he's looking right at Raven.

Suga looked at me and gave me a look that said something like I'll be back or I'll see you again. I just gave him a blank face. After that, they drove away.

After I knew they were out of the gates and down the road. I turned the Raven and said " let's get home we need to talk" looking her right in the eyes. "Ok let's go" before she walked off with Alpha I asked, " can Alpha ride with me?" And gave her my best puppy dog eyes, I wanted to lighten the mood a little bit, "sure" she said.

After she gave me alpha she walked in the house to open the garage. So we can get the cars out, we would have taken the same car but she knows I drive really fast and she doesn't like that. I'm surprised she even let me have alpha. But I wasn't going to say anything of course.

As soon as she opens the garage door I went to the garage to grab my car.

I got into my Mercedes and Raven got into her BMW. as soon as I got in and started the car I zoom off. To get home faster.