I Don't Want to Die

"What was that," Sir Cesar asked as they heard a lot of screams coming from the main building. They heard a lot of glass shattering as well. They looked at each other as they ran back towards the main building. They were surprised when they saw what was happening.

There were some students biting other students. There were a lot of students running and screaming as well. But what got them curious was why the others were biting other people as well. They were also acting mindless and violent. They were acting like…


Sir Jim and Sir Cesar were still watching what was happening around them. They could not believe that in just a few minutes that they had gone out of the main building, a drastic change had happened.

The both of them suddenly got afraid when one mindless person looked at them. The zombie started walking towards the two teachers slowly as if they were his next targets.

Sir Jim looked at Sir Cesar and held his arm. "We have to go," he said but Sir Cesar's attention was still fixed on the student in front of him.

It was no longer one zombie who wanted to approach them, but there are now more than three. This panicked Sir Jim as he shook Sir Cesar's body violently to get his attention.

"Sir Cesar, we need to leave, now!"

Sir Jim pulled Sir Cesar away as he started running. Sir Cesar now paid attention and started running fast as well. Because of their panic and fear, they took the long cut of escaping.

They stopped when they saw a fire extinguisher near them. They broke the glass and Sir Cesar got it and used it to attack the two zombies. Although it was not effective, it did help them delay the zombies from chasing them.

The two teachers ran down the building until they had reached a very quiet location. They hid behind the wall near the computer lab. Down the computer lab would be the home economics room. This place would be temporarily safe for now before zombies could find them.

Sir Jim looked at Sir Cesar. They were both tired from running away.

"Why did the school suddenly change? What happened," Sir Cesar asked as they both sat on the ground to rest, catching their breaths.

"How are we going to leave," Sir Jim then said as they both fell quiet when they heard a glass break.

The both of them took a peek and they saw four zombies in their location. Did they smell them?

The both of them hid again as Sir Jim sighed in exasperation.

How are they going to escape? Why did the school suddenly change? He thought that zombies were just myths but why did it happen now? How did it happen in their school?

Sir Cesar looked at Sir Jim. "We can both escape. I just know it," he said, encouraging Sir Jim. "We can do this," he added as he got the mop beside them. He broke the handle in half, making a pointy edge. Sir Jim's eyes widened when he saw Sir Cesar stand up to attack the zombies.

'He dared to attack four zombies alone!'

Sir Cesar wanted to protect his co-teacher. He was really a kind person and during this situation, his action proved him of his kindness. He was not really a selfish person.

Sir Jim wanted to help him as well. He looked around and he saw a glass which contained an axe. He broke the glass and obtained the axe and used it as his weapon. He noticed that as they were both attacking, the zombies were increasing in number. It would be best for them to run to the home economics room for shelter.

But how? How will they leave? If they stay here for more than a second, they won't be able to leave. If both of them would suddenly run, the zombies would chase them, too. Sir Jim wanted to live.

'I don't want to die!'

Sir Jim watched Sir Cesar as he was attacking zombies continuously despite his fatigue. He was already drenched in sweat as he swung his weapon repeatedly. It was obvious that he was tired, but he did not think of stopping even for a second.

Sir Jim looked at Sir Cesar sadly. "Sorry, Sir Cesar," he said and Sir Cesar looked at him quickly before he attacked another zombie.

"What are you saying, Sir J? Why are you apologizing? We're leaving this place together!" He smiled at him as he was struggling to defend himself from one zombie.

Sir Jim held the axe in his hand tightly as his eyes started to tear up. "We won't be together, Sir Cesar," he said and Sir Cesar stopped attacking the moment he successfully pushed one zombie away from him.

"What? We're leaving together! Don't be discouraged! We're in this together," he said and Sir Jim's heart started to ache.

He trusted him.

This made Sir Jim think.

Why? Why did he trust him? Why won't he like to leave him behind? Why was Sir Cesar still fighting for them? They were about to die but why did Sir Cesar still hope for their escape? Why can he still decide to be with him and not think of himself?


Tears escaped from Sir Jim's eyes when he thought of this but he did not stray away from the selfish plan he had decided on. He held his axe tightly as he was forcing himself to stop crying.

He approached Sir Cesar. He pushed him with his free hand and when he stumbled on the ground, he raised his axe and prepared to attack his co-teacher. He cut one of his leg and Sir Cesar screamed at the top of his lungs, attracting the zombies towards him.

Sir Jim's body shook violently. He took steps back as he saw Sir Cesar look at him with his sad eyes. He looked hurt, not physically… but emotionally. He had betrayed him.

He had betrayed a friend.

He ran away as the zombies went to Sir Cesar's location and started to tear him apart. He had turned his co-teacher as bait for him to escape.

He suddenly felt guilt. Why couldn't he think of another alternative? His panicked state did not allow him to. He was in a rush to think for an escape… but it did not involve the person who was fighting for the both of them.

He saw him look at him, with pain in his eyes. How could he not remember this face? The face of an innocent man, struggling to fight for their safety and escape yet, he had failed him and used him.

Sir Jim entered the home economics room and the moment he locked the door, he broke down on the floor and cried his eyes out silently. He was left alone with his mind deep in thoughts.

Why? Why did he do it? He knew what he did was wrong, yet he still did it. He used the life of an innocent, kind, person just for a selfish person's survival. He had even volunteered to fight for him. Sir Jim knew very well that his conscience would haunt him from time to time.

Can he even forgive himself for doing such an act?