You Have a Girlfriend?

Sheloah giggled a little when her mother fed her. She felt like a little kid who's very dependent on her mother. Sheloah's mother smiled at her daughter as they had their little moment to themselves.

She suddenly spoke to Sheloah, breaking their giggly moment. "Veon really felt bad a while ago," she said and Sheloah was slightly taken aback to have this kind of conversation.

"Why so," she asked, a little curious as she ate the next spoonful of rice her mother gave her.

"He felt bad about his rash decision of pushing you away just to save you. He said he wished he knew there was a cliff near you so he wouldn't do that," her mother answered and Sheloah shook her head slightly.

"Veon shouldn't be too guilty, though… he saved me, after all. It was kind of my fault, anyway. If only I hadn't opened my window," Sheloah said and her mother sighed.

"No one is at fault here. The situation is different and such things are unavoidable. If one should be guilty, it should have been me for not being with my daughter all the time to protect her," she said and Sheloah shook her head, disagreeing.

"You shouldn't blame yourself, ma. You said so yourself. The situation is different and such things were unavoidable," she said and her mother smiled at her.

Sheloah finished the food in the lunchbox and rested for a bit as she talked with her mom. After a while, she felt her body slightly recover so she stood up to stretch her leg muscles. She couldn't walk easily just yet so she clung on to her mother as they both walked towards 7-Eleven.

They went to where her uncle, Sir Erick, Isobel, Josh, Tyler, and Veon are. Her mother left her with them as she went outside to help the other parents fix up their resources. The group then started to talk about the next plan after they asked how Sheloah was.

"So the question now is our next destination, correct?" Sheloah started to initiate the discussion of the plan and everyone nodded to answer her question.

"I borrowed Jule's laptop and his pocket wi-fi while it still has some load in it," Isobel said as she handed the laptop to them. It was already on google maps when they looked at the screen. "Let's look for our next destination, then," she added and Sir Erick got the laptop and started typing.

"Let's stay here for a few days before we leave. Two days," Sheloah's uncle suggested and they nodded in agreement.

"What will we do in those two days, then," Josh asked and Sheloah's uncle leaned on the wall behind him.

"Rest and preparation. It will possibly be a long travel for us depending on our next destination," he answered and Veon suddenly spoke.

"Any will do as long as we're all safe." Tyler interrupted Veon.

"But what if Philippines is not really safe for everyone anymore? Where would we go," he then asked and everyone went to thinking.

He's right. If it was no longer safe for them to stay in the Philippines, where would they go? Do they still have hope? Would they still have any place to go to? Is there another possibility to go to another country?

Sheloah then thought of an idea. "What if we went to another country… is that possible?" Everyone then looked at her.

"How can we even go to another country? I know that's possible but what if they have the same situation as us? We don't even have any contact to people in other countries," Isobel said and they sighed when they heard her say her mind.

This was now really difficult. They don't have any contact to people in other countries. They don't even know if it's safe in other places!

Veon looked at Isobel. "During this time, people in Australia are still awake. My sister's there. I'll try contacting them," Veon said and everyone's eyes started to show hope.

"That's a good idea," Tyler said as he gave Veon a thumbs up.

"I'll use this iPad first while Sir Erick's surfing the net," Veon said as he started logging in his Skype in Jule's iPad. He then contacted his sister and everyone went quiet.

After a few rings, Veon's sister suddenly picked up the call.

"VJ! Why did you only call just now!? Your [1]Ate Lisa and I are worried sick!"

Sheloah tilted her head as she heard Veon's sister call him VJ. It was obvious that it was his nickname since Veon's given name was Veon John.

Sheloah knew that Veon was talking with his second older sister. She's a head nurse in one hospital in Australia. She graduated college as Summa Cum Laude. She looked very pretty as well compared to their eldest sister, Lisa.

"Sorry, Ate Lyn-Lyn. Something had happened here—" his sister suddenly interrupted.

"I know. I heard the news here in Australia. The zombie apocalypse is already happening in different places. Your sister and I were so worried! We tried contacting you since day one but there was no answer," Veon's second sister said and her little brother sighed.

"Of course, I can't answer. I don't have any means of contact 'til now," he said and his sister sighed a little.

"It's fine. At least you're safe," she said and Veon nodded.

Veon's sister suddenly saw the girl beside him and she smiled a little teasingly at her little brother.

"VJ, who's the girl beside you? You have a girlfriend," she asked and the two teenagers' face suddenly turned red.

"No! I don't have plans on having one," Veon said and his sister laughed. The others who heard the conversation laughed as well.

"Well, we may never know," Isobel teased as she bumped Sheloah's shoulder. Sheloah glared at her best friend.

"Anyways, ate… how's Australia," Veon asked, diverting the conversation and his sister suddenly frowned. She started walking towards a window and showed what happened.

There was also a zombie apocalypse on their end.