The Risen Dead


Geof couldn't hold his reaction any longer. He shot at the zombie and a loud bang was heard. He forgot that he had removed his silencer!

One of his comrades ran back to them and they noticed that they had already attracted a number of zombies. Most of them were even coming out from their graves!

The risen dead!

They put their silencers back on their guns and had started shooting zombies but they realized that even though they were doing headshots, it wasn't that effective.

Does the location have anything to do with their strength?

Geof kept shooting until he had successfully blasted off one zombie's head. The three smiled when they realized that the zombies here aren't that invincible at all!

But their smiles disappeared when something came out from the zombie's neck.

A centipede-like form appeared from his neck, making it as the zombie's new head. The speed of the zombie doubled up as well! The newly formed zombie was like the ones found in video games! They did not expect this at all!


Geof shouted at the top of his lungs and the three of them ran but was taken aback the moment they did.

They were surrounded by zombies! Clearly, this place is their territory and they have invaded it! Of course, the zombies would automatically attack those invaders! Much well eat them!

They were all running, their lives on the line. As they took a sharp turn, one of their comrades got pulled by a zombie and was bitten. The two stopped on their tracks when they heard him scream but realized that they had no other choice but to leave him behind.

"Let's go!"

The other pulled Geof away. Geof's eyes started to water.

'Damn it! I'm sorry!'

"I wish we never entered this place!"

Geof's comrade was complaining at this point as they continued running away.

They saw the gate and was relieved to have seen an escape. But alas, his comrade slipped and Geof turned back, running back to help him.

"I'm coming!"

But he was suddenly stopped in his tracks when one hand from a grave below his comrade held him captive. This made him shout in terror.

"Geof, Geof, help me!" He sounded desperate.

Geof didn't know whether to help him… or leave him behind.

Geof looked at his comrade, assessing the place. He saw that there were now zombies coming from both left and right sides and some were even coming out from the graves in front of him. This made rescuing his comrade impossible that is why the only thing that came out of Geof's mind was…

His escape.

Geof closed his eyes as tears started escaping from his eyes.

'I'm sorry… I can't!'

Geof ran away, prioritizing his escape. Both of his feet felt heavier each step he took, as he thought of how he left his comrades behind. He heard the screams of his comrades and he didn't dare look back.

He had no choice but to leave both of his comrades behind. He couldn't save them. If he did, he would also die with them. He had to tell this to their leader; to warn them that they can't ever go near this place.

Geof still continued running away, as tears escaped from his eyes violently.

He felt guilty for deciding to enter the cemetery and had dragged two people with him, making them sacrifices.