
"Oh, dude," Isobel exclaimed when Shannara went beside her. "You scare me," she added and everyone knew what Isobel meant. She was scared of how good of a fighter Shannara was.

"Let's go," Dannie said and everyone looked at her. "Before there are any more zombies following us. We have to go," she added and she pointed at the zombies that were walking slowly towards them.

"Let's make a new plan just like what Shannara had said," Veon suggested and everyone nodded.

They opened the gate and they entered the house. They hurriedly opened the main door and once everyone was inside, they closed and locked the door. They even blocked the door by putting heavy furniture behind it.

"Do we have any grenades for later," Shannara asked and Tyler nodded, answering her.

"We do." He showed her his pouch that contained four grenades.