The Pencil and Eraser

Kreiss was sitting beside Sheloah, who was still taking her afternoon nap. He was sketching a pencil and eraser as he watched her sleep.

As Kreiss was sketching, he was having a deep thought about the symbolism of a pencil and eraser.

"Are they just simply a pencil and eraser," he mumbled as he continued with his sketch and thoughts.

Once the pencil made a mistake, there would always be an eraser to remove that mistake. But once the eraser was used, it would get smaller and smaller… until there would be no more left.

Kreiss suddenly reflected on his life.

Who is the pencil in his life, and who is the eraser?

In real life, would there be a lot of people who would act like pencils? Do they commit mistakes and rely on the eraser to erase those mistakes as if nothing happened? Are pencils considered stupid people for constantly making mistakes? Or are the erasers the stupid ones for constantly "erasing" their mistakes and there would be nothing left for themselves.