What Dream

"First, let's do count off. I want to know how many we are as of the moment before we separate into groups," Erick said then Dannie's father, John, stepped forward.

"The members in the sniper team, however, won't join in the count off. Dannie and Ashley, step out," he said and the two he called stepped out from the crowd.

"Kreiss, Sheloah, and Geof, move out as well. The three of you will create another group with an important role," Jun, Sheloah's uncle, said. The three of them stepped out as well, leaving Tyler, Veon, Shannara, and Isobel behind with the other members.

"Let's look into the supports first. To those who trained with the other supporters including the parents and those members who were with Geof, please do a count off," Erick instructed and they did so. All in all, there were a total of 14 supports, including the parents.