Sadhu Prophecy

Sheloah's mother touched her daughter's hand. "Don't be scared. I may not be that good in fighting, but I'm always here," she said and this indeed comforted her daughter.

"I was wondering," Tyler trailed off as they were walking. "Was the dog really the reason why the zombie apocalypse happened," he asked and this made everyone wonder.

Come to think of it, when the zombie apocalypse happened in their school, the guard said something about a dog bite. Then during their time in the rooftop, Jules had some research about how a zombie apocalypse started.

"I doubt that theory," Erick said, everyone's eyes were on him as they walked. "I was looking at the road one time when I arrived at school. I suddenly saw a person biting off someone's neck. At first, I thought it was a crazy person being aggressive since we sometimes have a crazy person near our school so I just ignored it," he added then Jun suddenly spoke.