A Dream is a Dream

Sheloah sighed then she went inside of the grocery. They were stopped once again by Erick to tell them more details of the plan.

"Tyler and Geof, you will get the list of food. Kreiss, you get the three carts of water. Isobel, Shannara, and Veon, you get the cart full of medicine. Also, get things you think that we need that is not listed on the list. Sheloah and her mother will get a cart of cereals and milk since we won't be cooking much anymore. Sir Erick and I will get the pick up car as quick as we can so that you can load the things in the car," Jun explained in detail and everyone nodded.

"Aren't you going to be suspicious if you brought the car here while looking and smelling dead," Sheloah asked and Erick answered her question.