The court was silent.
Only the defense lawyer was speaking.
Yue was sitting and listening the defense lawyer like others.
There was no haste expressions on his face and it was quiet surprising for the three jury member, being a newbie in this field, should not he show some agitation over the words of this senior lawyer especially when he was talking about his mother's death.
Guan was carefully looking at both parties.
"Since the evidences are severely lacking, I wanted to submit an appeal for mediation through PMC committee," the defense lawyer handed the application to the middleman clerical staff and he submitted to the jury member.
Guan went through the application and slipped toward the other member to take a look, in fact, he was looking at the young man who stood up with a few papers in his hand.
It seemed that he was agreed to follow up the application.
"Honored jury, I have something to say," he passed an application toward the clerical staff.
He has already prepared an application to decline the first application submitted by the defense.
And for this purpose, he took a risk to collect this piece of evidence so that this case won't get a stay for the sake of defense application, after all, if he could not provide enough reason then he can't excuse to the jury to nullify the mediation appointment and application all the way.
Guan looked at the young lawyer who handed some stack of papers at once.
He first went through the redirect application, he placed it aside and saw that there was an envelope beside.
He opened the envelope, there were few pictures, a girl was standing with other girls of her age, they all were having transparent liquor glasses in their hands ready to touch their lips.
These pictures were clear and the time was also printed on them.
"Honored jury, I seek permission to follow up according to this present evidence," Yue bowed toward jury members.
"Proceed," Guan spoke in grim tone, he handed those pictures to the other jury members.
"The accusations stated in the case are not entirely based on theory, this case is about the death of a woman who was buying her stuff from a busy market, and a car suddenly lost it's route and hit that woman, here is the death certificate that clearly indicates how ruthlessly she was hit by the car, breaking her legs, central spinal column, there is complete details of the city hospital analysis," he handed the reports to the clerical staff.
The defense lawyers were wreaking brains to know what evidence this young lawyer presented to the court.
They could tell from the expressions of the jury members that the evidence was not some ordinary one.
Guan took the report and placed down.
First, he needed to talk about the application of Mediation and the second application which was to disagree with the mediation choice.
It was grave issue, three needed to talk about it especially after looking at the evidence provided to counterarguments the application.
They have to accept that it was strong evidence if compared to the defense side only blabbering not giving any valid reason for their argument.
After some time, Guan spoke, "In presence of strong argument, given by the prosecution and due to the fact that this case is not as simple, we the jury have decided to order the further proceedings of this case without a delay of mediation," Guan hammered down and the order was released, the clerical staff started to record this order by the three members of the jury.
Guan started reading the medical report.
He read through it and looked at the young man, he was amazed at the fact that this report was about his mother, how much courage he must have collected to stand in the court and hand over this report to the court.
He has no sympathy toward the young man, he was only counting the previous words of defense when they said that this case was based on false accusations.
He noted down few details too.
The defense lawyers heard the judge and many buckets of cold water fell on their heads, now they really wanted to know what was the evidence for judges to decide immediately whether to act on the application or not.
Usually, judges would ask opinions of both sides but why it seemed one sided case and one sided decision.
"According to the Prosecution lawyer recent evidence, the court has decided to follow up the case until the final verdict, also this court recommend defense lawyers to not waste the previous time of the court if they have no strong argument to protect their client," another hammering hit the desk.
Yue heaved a sigh of relief.
This reference picture was taken at the last resort, he knew if the proceeding halted with defense application then he won't be able to push it further.
After recording down the present evidences and reports, the clerical staff handed them to the defense side to take a look at their appeal.
Though the copy of the argument was saved with the jury.
The defense lawyer saw the pictures, his apparent expressions didn't change but he wanted to clutch his hair.
How ignorantly he was acting in front of court, and how this young man has access to these pictures?
It was not that miss Ling was having drinks publicly, right?
It was looking like he was making fun of himself coming here without preparing all these aspects.
He wanted to stand up and immediately deny the authenticity of these pictures, but he has nothing in his hands to throw for argument.
"Honored Jury, Jinhai Ling is an elite class girl and to attend such parties is normal in her circle," he spoke.
Yue Jing immediately stood up, "I am sorry to interrupt my fellow defense, but you should take a look at the DSLR date that cannot be manipulated simply,"
The senior lawyer was displeased to hear and moreover how this young man interrupted his words.
"I object my Lord," he spoke while looking at Yue Jing, to dare to interrupt his words.
This young man was constantly hitting on him, he was sure the court will listen to his objection and he would be able to slap hard on the face of this young man.