
After returning back to America, Kane searched around for quite a while to but some properties. He had bought an island previously but that was halfway around the world so he needed something more local. So far he had been working out of an abandoned factory that he had also brought as well as a small clinic to treat people who had made booked appointments. However that needed to change as he needed a recognized center of operations, a head office as it were. The problem with that were twofold, namely one was that with the highly advanced technologies and research that would be coming out there would be nobody that he could trust to employ, as anyone might be a spy from various governments or other corporations. The other is that none of the buildings match up to what he needs again because of the highly advances technology and secrecy needed.

The simplest answer was also the most time consuming namely to buy some land and build everything from scratch exactly the way he wanted it. As to the staffing problem that could also be readily solved if that was done.

Most people were dirt poor at this time and even the rich were only wealth enough to like a luxurios life but not an extravagant one. Only very few rich elites from wealth families could splurge out the cash so a lot of people were willing to sell up their struggling businesses for a large sum. The one thing that Kane didn't lack was money. He literally had enough wealth to buy nations plural, so he set about using his vast bank balance.

Snapping up huge tracks of land he swallowed up various businesses, warehouses and docks. If people refused to sell? Then just raise the price again and again until they do. Undoubtedly he was extorted numerous times as he had the image of a rich fool easily parted with money. He was happy to pay the price however, so long as it was swiftly and easily solve as money was only a means to an end for him. Of course there was a bottom line and several people were trying to hold on for a long time because of their greed, just to fleece more money from him rather then say a valid reason like one gentleman that refused to sell as it was his great grandfather who built that factory and he didn't want to sell as it belonged to the family for generations. Those people were diplomatically persuaded to relocate politely but very firmly. Those that didn't suddenly had a string of very bad luck where goods where misplaced or destroyed by freak accidents. After paying a few people to start riling up the local workers to go on strike in the nearest pubs when they came for drinks to unwind and chew the fat for the day before heading home to their families for the evenings, people were more then willing to sell. As for the old man who had his great grandfather's factory he was paid triple the price with the building being relocated brick by brick to a location of his choosing and he was more then happy. After all Kane only needed the land deeds and not the actually building themselves.

Once that was done Kane had a huge wall erected to block out prying eyes from every direction as the buildings in the surroundings where not very tall just a few floors at most and unleashed his nanites. After having tons and tons of raw materials arriving he started rapidly digging up all of the foundations and set about building a huge multiplex with factories, accommodations for families to live in as well as a private airstrip and dock and also his headquarters a massive skyscraper. One thing he did not get rid of or change other then updating to a more modern state was an old, long abandoned private boarding school, he simply built around it. Turns out there was an incident a few decades ago where a load of influential people's children died and the school was forced to close and it has stood derelict ever since. The school would be of great use in the future.

Of course that is only what was on the surface. Underground there were several more facilities and the most important thing of all and the thing that would make all of his future accomplishments possible and that was the Stellar Furnace. Named so because the original concept was to draw power from the sun and after countless refinements and evolution it became what it was in Kane's original dimension, a generator that it contained the same amount of energy as a star. Perhaps it should have been renamed as something new as it differed wildly from the original design, but it kept the name was in honor of the first design concept that have allowed this creation to be born. It was the pinnacle of technology that they used to power everything from power plants on planets to mighty space stations and space ships.

They had the means to make antimatter reactors but the risks were considered too great as it could easily blow a planet to smithereens or obliterate a solar system if something happened and no amount of fail safes and protective measures were enough to reassure the higher ups. The Stellar Furnace had Zero waste energy and it didn't give off any radiation like an actual sun would. With the constant monitoring of an advance AI if anything went wrong or if it fluctuated outside of the norm it would automatically shut off. The whole thing was very redundant and the safeguards had safeguards so that even if one wanted to cause an explosion in the form of sabotage or something like that it was impossible. Lessons were almost always learn the hard way and even up to the point of when Kane was being taught thousands of years later what happened at Chernobyl still serves as a reminder of just what can go wrong. That was why everything was always built with safety first and a way to always stop things in an emergency, an override or cutoff switch.

All the buildings where made from quintanium alloy and then built over again with the common materials to make the building look like any other. Quintanium is another marvel of technology that took a century of research an development to get right after sampling and merging different metals from around the galaxy. It allowed the metal to absorb, store and repurpose all vibrations and kinetic energy. Although there are limits to this but it made excellent armour for battleships, space stations and ground fortifications as it was very resilient to orbital bombardment and earthquakes, but the supply could never reach the demand or it would have been made into armour for soldiers. when coupled with the force fields technology of the Terran Space Empire it made their ships extremely sturdy and durable and they would outlast most other races ships in a two or three to one engagement. It was also incredibly lightweight, robust, very heat resistant and almost completely resistant to most forms of radiation. It made for excellent concealed weapons if one was using the standard x-ray machines as it didn't show up on them. As time went on technology improved and sensors were used instead and they were able to pick them up. It was called Quintanium after the Latin work quinctus meaning five and quintuple meaning five fold as there are five major metals that make up the alloy. Not only are the metals important but also the process used to merge them as well, as if it was not used then it would have vastly different results. This means that if there were satellites in orbits unless they have very sophisticated sensors rivaling or surpassing the Terran Space Empire's then they wouldn't be able to penetrate the outer walls of the buildings. By a stoke of luck when Kane had his little excursion to Mars he found some of the required metals in an asteroid impact crater. The amount of quintanium he was able to manufacture was all used up in his construction works and that is also one of the reasons that he didn't buy any more land.

Most of Kane's technology was heavily dependent on exotic materials that he simply didn't have access to or required astronomical amounts of power. With one problem now solved this opened up many, many more possibilities to be exploited. Once such possibility that Kane did exploit was the workforce for his new mega complex.

The limitless power allowed Kane to construct highly advanced holograms which were each individually controlled by a basic AI. Basic from Kane's time that is. The process was extremely complex but using hardened photons and force fields, they were solid and fully interactive and unless one knew in advance then they could easily be mistaken as human which is exactly what Kane wanted. Because they were energy they could also raise their temperature to even feel warm like a normal human which further solidified the illusion that they were real people. The workforce problem was solved as they could go anywhere within the emitters range which was limited to the whole complex only by design. They would not need to eat or rest and if there was ever an attack they could respond in force, because they were just data and programs then they could be deployed anywhere instantly. Other then the usual maintenance to check things are running smoothly there were no other costs like food or wages so it was very cheap and efficient. This was also why a whole complex including housing and the school needed to be built as to the outside world they would be real people and thus needed to play the part convincingly.

Over time they would gradually be integrated with people Kane could trust and therefore a real community could be built. That was why Kane was keeping an eye out and waiting to see if the second world war will happen or not as he can always use orphans or immigrants who have lost everything and condition them or in case they are very young outright brainwash them to be utterly loyal. Although with the right technology it is possible to overwrite the neural pathways and program people however one wanted but that would leave traces if someone knew what to look for.

That wouldn't or shouldn't at least pose too much of a risk in the next few decades or centuries based on the current technology, but if a highly advanced race where to examine one of the subjects that had gone under the reconditioning process then it was possible that they could find the traces and from there possibly undo the procedure. Although it is meant to be a permanent procedure and even the Terran Space Empire's best minds hadn't thought of a way to lift the procedure once completed, they didn't rule out the possibility of someone else being able to do so if they had superior technology to them. It was a punishment only used on criminals to correct them and make them into a productive member of society.

It was devised after lack of alternative when admitting that incarcerating criminals didn't correct them as they would only come back out once their punishment time was up and commit more crimes. Criminals tended to mingle in jail and they learned more ways to break the law and so came out even worse. Thus with this being a potential time bomb waiting to explode, the best way was to either start teaching them when they were as young as possible so you can guide them in what and how you want them to think or to take someone with immense gratitude or feeling indebted to you.

If the second world war didn't happen then Kane could get people through various means. People traffickers and slave traders did exist in the darkest, lowest depths of society despite public belief to the contrary so that could be a limited way of procuring people though with risks. Another way was to form a religious group or cult and brainwash people and it wouldn't be illegal as you weren't doing anything physical or taking anything illegal just feeding them crap that they want to hear generally to slowly influence them.

Like when Kane bought his island some dictators and third world governments will happily do anything for the right price to it is possible to buy them in bulk nut for various reasons it would be too risky to bring them all to this county as it only needed one person to escape and blab to bring everything down. The last and most time consuming way would be to wait for or engineer a conflict as humans will eventually find some reasons to kill each other as they have done so since the dawn of time and take advantage of the situation. Greed, race and religion the three main things driving humans to war.

To be honest all of the ideas go against Kane's moral compass and other then the potential of forming a cult or something along those lines where directly rejected. Forming a cult with fake or heavily doctored holy texts was easily enough as he had several of those forced into his brain when his father was transmitting most of the human race's knowledge directly into his brain and with his eidetic memory he wouldn't forget any of it. Just that with everything going on he didn't have the time to invest in it, nor frankly, the desire to do so either. Although Kane was instilled with all the knowledge humanity possessed, which included military strategies and tactics. He knew that he would have to get his hands dirty eventually to achieve his goal of making Earth, or at least the human race a superpower in the galaxy. If not a superpower then at least strong enough that they could put up a decent fight rather then just be annihilated as they currently would be he still had moral integrity and was a decent person. Relatively. As such there were some lines he wasn't quite ready to cross just yet.